

欧州のデフレ拷問は極左への贈り物 1

2010-05-24 15:28:50 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe's deflation torture is a gift to the Far Left
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:23 May 2010
If Europe's ultra-Left has so far reaped little dividend from the great "Crisis of Capitalism", this will surely change as the eurozone's 1930s policies of wage deflation sap the credibility of the governing centre and the EU itself.


The tragedy of the interwar years in Germany was that the Social Democrats - then the world's foremost socialist party - became fatally tainted by acquiescing in Bruning's deflation torture from 1930 to 1932. They did so, of course, because they dared not confront the orthodoxies of the Gold Standard.


By then the fixed-exchange mechanism had gone horribly wrong - in much the same way that EMU has gone horribly wrong - because the surplus countries were not recycling demand to maintain equilibrium. It had become a job-destruction machine. The result in Germany was the Reichstag election of July 1932 when the Communists and Nazis won over the half the seats.


As historian Simon Schama wrote over the weekend in the Finanicial Times - "The world teeters on the brink of a new age of rage: we face a tinderbox moment" - there is typically a lag-time between economic shocks and social fury. Luckily there is no Fascist threat this time. It is the (more benign) Marxist Left that stands to gain.


Perma-slump has already chipped at the left flank of the ruling Socialists in Portugal. The Communist Party (PCP) and the Maoists and Trotskyists of the Left Bloc together won 18pc of the vote in September 2009, leaving premier Jose Socrates with the lonely task of enforcing yet more austerity by minority government.


Communist leader Jerónimo de Sousa said last week that the country was being reduced to a "protectorate of Brussels", cowed into submission by financial blackmail. He invoked the civil war in 1383 when the country rallied heroically to expel the foreign opressor - with English help, the "ultimato inglês" as he calls it - from Portuguese soil.

共産党のJerónimo de Sousa党首は先週、ポルトガルは財政的脅迫に屈して、「EUの保護領」に貶められたと述べた。
デ・ソウサ党首は、彼が「ultimato inglês」と呼ぶ英国の支援を得て、ポルトガルが外国の迫害者を追放すべく英雄的に蜂起した、1383年の内戦を引き合いに出した。

"It is not just the Communists who are worrying about this. There are a great numbers of Portuguese who are concerned that this country built over the centuries, for better or worse, on a foundation of sovereignty and independence is endangered by accepting everything that comes from Brussels without a trace of patriotism. The EU's claim of economic and social cohesion is just propaganda," he told Publico.


"Monetary union is not in the interests of Portugal or the Portugese people. The economy has ended up the way it is for fundamental reasons, not because of some curse, or some Plague of Egypt descending on Portugal. If we don't go to the root of the matter we will face yet harsher measures, in a spiral towards the abyss," he said (my loose translation: http://www.publico.pt/Pol%C3%ADtica/jeronimo-de-sousa-portugal-pode-transformarse-em-protectorado-de-bruxelas_1438221).


What this comes down to is "ownership" of austerity policies. It is hard enough for the elected parliament of an ancient and sovereign nation to impose cuts - as Britain discovered in September 1931 when Royal Navy ratings at Invergordon refused to set sail after the Admirality docked pay by a shilling - but what is the charisma and ordaining legitimacy of an EU council of ministers meeting behind closed doors in Brussels?


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