


2016-04-25 22:19:43 | Telegraph (UK)
Impatient people may be ageing faster, scientists suspect
By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor
Telegraph: 8:00PM GMT 22 Feb 2016
A new study suggests impatience is a sign that a person is ageing more quickly


It is said that patience is a virtue, but it could also lead to a longer life, a new study suggests.


Intriguing new research has found that impatient people are ageing prematurely and the desire to get things moving could be linked to the fact that their life really is slipping away more quickly.


The findings lead to the possibility that impatient and anxious people could slow down the ageing process through interventions, like meditation.


To measure impatience, scientists from the University of Singapore asked 1,100 undergraduates to take part in a game whereby they could choose an immediate cash reward of wait and receive more money in the future.


The game is based on the well-known Marshmallow Test, in which children are told they can have one marshmallow now, or two later. Those who choose to wait generally do better in life.


After determining which students were impatient, the researchers then took blood tests and measured the length of their telomeres – the protective caps on the end of chromosomes which prevent damage to DNA.


Telomeres grow shorter and eventually wear away completely as we grow older, so they can be used as a marker of how fast a person is ageing.


The scientists found that students who chose the immediate reward had shorter telomeres, suggesting that impatience is somehow written into their biology and linked to decreased life-span.


Dr Xing Zhang, of the University of Singapore said: "Impatience has been negatively associated with a wide spectrum of lifetime activities, such as substance abuse and physical activity which is essential to successful aging.

シンガポール大学のXing Zhang博士は次のように述べています。

"Beyond these, impatience is linked to cognitive and social incompetence, inability to cope with life frustration and risk of mental disorders.


"These untoward effects associated with impatience lead us to contend that impatience can lead to shorter telomere.


"It seems unlikely that a group of healthy individuals in their early 20's are able to 'sense' their telomere length is reduced and then make the more impulsive choice.


"We are unable to fully disentangle two potential underlying mechanisms, whether impatience leads to shortened telomeres or alternatively, shortened telomeres lead to impatience."


Telomeres stop chromosomes from fraying, clumping together and "scrambling" genetic code.


Scientists liken their function to the plastic tips on the ends of shoelaces, and say that lifespan is linked to their length.


The team is now planning a follow up study to see if mindfulness – a form of meditation can help reduce impatience and preserve telomeres for longer.


"We hope to investigate the extent to which the changes in the degree of patience demonstrated by subjects predict any changes in telomere length," added Dr Zhang.


"This will enable us to address the question of causality to some extent. If changes in patience precedes changes in telomere length, the findings would be pointing to the idea that improved patience leads to preserved telomere length."


Exercise and standing up have been shown to lengthen telomeres, and potentially slow down the ageing process. In 2014 the Karolinska Institute in Sweden found that the less time a person spent sitting, the longer their telomeres, and the greater their chance of living longer.


There are currently 200 clinical trials on human beings across the world exploring ways to slow the ageing process by means of molecular changes such as encouraging telomeres to grow longer.


"The best analogy that we have for telomeres is that they're like the little tabs on the end of shoelaces," says Dr Adam Rutherford, a geneticist and author of Creation: The Origin of Life.

「テロメアは、靴ひもの先端についた小さなキャップにたとえるのがベストです」と遺伝子学者で『Creation: The Origin of Life』の執筆者、アダム・ラザフォード博士は言います。

"Chromosomes are made up of a double helix, two strands of DNA, and they need an endpoint," says Rutherford. "Without telomeres they'd unravel, like two bits of string that have been tied together.


"Every time the cells go through a division and the chromosome is reproduced, it loses telomeres,"


The research was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

研究結果は『Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences』に掲載されました。


