


2013-03-20 09:31:12 | Telegraph (UK)

Cyprus turns to Russia after parliament rejects levy on bank savings
By Bruno Waterfield, Brussels, Richard Spencer in Nicosia and Robert Tait in Limassol
Telegraph: 8:16PM GMT 19 Mar 2013
Cyprus turned to Russia for help on Tuesday night after the country's parliament overwhelmingly rejected a tax on the deposits of bank savers.


With protesters celebrating in the streets, the rejection of a draconian levy left a planned £8.5 billion eurozone bail-out to save the Mediterranean island in chaos.


The country's finance minister defied explicit warnings from Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and left Cyprus for urgent talks in Russia.


Michael Sarris flew to Moscow to plead for aid, despite Mrs Merkel warning Cyprus not to enter into negotiations with Russia, raising the spectre of eurozone disintegration.


"The chancellor once again emphasised that the negotiations are to be conducted only with the troika (the European Union, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund)," said her spokesman.


Not a single Cypriot MP voted in favour of a eurozone rescue package that had been made conditional by Germany on the Cypriot government finding £5 billion to pay off its debts by raiding bank deposits, including the savings of up to 60,000 Britons.


Under the original eurozone deal at the weekend, Cyprus agreed to impose a levy of 6.75 per cent on bank accounts up to €100,000 (£85,000) and 9.9 per cent for larger deposits.


Despite a compromise proposal not to tax any bank deposit less than €20,000 (£17,000), the country's 36 MPs rejected a deposit tax that has rattled financial markets and threatened the island's future as an offshore banking haven for Russian investors, with 19 MPs abstaining from the vote.


"There can only be one answer: no to blackmail," Yiannakis Omirou, the speaker of the Cypriot parliament said.

「答えは一つしかあり得ない。脅しにはNOだ」とキプロス議会議長を務めるYiannakis Omirou議員は言いました。

"This decision is no more than a raid on bank funds. Our demand must be that this deal must be renegotiated. If we pass this tax there will be no foreign investor who will keep their money here."


Marios Karoyian the leader of Diko, a social democrat party, in the country's ruling coalition, earlier implored MPs to reject the measure: "Our country is under unjust and premeditated attack," he said. "We want a European rescue, not European destruction."

連立与党を組む社会民主党DIKOのMarios Karoyian党首は先に、本案を却下するよう議員等に要請していました。

Demetris Syllouris, a MP for the Cypriot European Party, accused Germany of designing bail-out terms to target Russian investors and destroy the banking sector in Cyprus.

キプリオット・ヨーロピアン党のDemetris Syllouris議員は、ロシア人投資家を狙い撃ちしキプロスの銀行業を破壊するために支援策の条件を作った、とドイツを批判しました。

"Our lenders came not to support us, they wanted to annihilate the pillar of our economy which is the service sector. They (Germany) must find another way to resolve their differences with Russia," he said.


Russian investors have £13 billion in deposits held in Cypriot banks and Russia's financial sector has loaned up to £30bn to companies of Russian origin that operate in Cyprus.


The collapse of the Cypriot banks or capital controls to stop Russians withdrawing their deposits could hit Russia's own economy hard, putting over two per cent of its GDP at risk.


"If it was not for Russians here in the last 10 years, there would not be any development in Cyprus," said Cecilia Shine, 38, a Russian home designer shopping in the Russ Market supermarket in Limassol's affluent Georgiou A Boulevard that stretches along the Mediterranean waterfront.

「この10年間、ロシア人がいなければ、キプロスは全く発展しなかったでしょうね」と地中海のウォーターフロントにそって伸びるリマソルの高級繁華街、Georgiou A Boulevardにあるスーパーで買い物をしていたロシア人住宅デザイナー、Cecilia Shineさん(38歳)は言いました。

Ms Shine, originally from Moscow, warned that many Russians would leave Cyprus – taking their wealth with them – if the tax on savings was implemented.


"Russians are leaving and I believe the [eurozone] planned for this," she said. "When the Russians leave, who is going to take their place? Germany is going to come.


Cyprus has shut its banks until at least Thursday, with the country's stock exchange also closed amid fears of a catastrophic run on the country's banks as savers rushed to withdraw savings.


As the eurozone deal was rejected, Mr Sarris, the Cypriot finance minister flew to Moscow to seek a four year delay to an existing Russian loan worth over £2 billion and to plead for new funding totalling at least £1.7bn.


"We have a large loan maturing in 2016 and if we manage to come to an understanding this will help facilitate our debt repayments and debt sustainability," said Andreas Charalambous, a senior Cypriot official in the finance ministry.

「2016年に巨額のローンが期限を迎える。なんとか合意に至ることが出来れば、これは債務返済と債務の持続可能性に大きな助けとなるだろう」と財務省高官のAndreas Charalambous氏は言いました。

"There are other options the minister is going to discuss with the Russian government and investors as our ambitions are going beyond the extension of the loan. We will see if there is potential interest for further investment."


Thousands of protesters had gathered all day outside the parliament building in central Nicosia as the bail-out plan was debated, and most went away happy.


"Cyprus belongs to its people," they chanted as the result of the vote – widely forecast – was announced.


"We told the Germans where to go," said Costas Georgiou, 35, a food and drinks manager. "This was for everybody – not just us. We support the Russians, but we also did it for Spain, for Italy, for the Portuguese, for whoever they come after next for money. We have saved them.

「ドイツ人に帰り道を教えてやった」と飲食マネジャーのCostas Georgiouさん(35歳)は言いました。

"We are only a small island, we are 0.2 per cent of Europe. We needed 10 billion euros. Imagine what they would do to Italy who need hundreds of billions."


With banners proclaiming "No to the Troika" and "No to Europe", the crowds marched away from parliament, cheering as they passed down Homer Avenue and the strategically located Aeroflot offices 100 yards away.

「トロイカにNOを」、「ヨーロッパにNOを」と書かれたバナーを掲げ、群衆は議会から行進し、Homer Avenueと100ヤードおきに戦略的に配置されたアエロフロート事務所の前を通る際には雄叫びを上げました。

Most of the crowd were young, and said their stand was made as a matter of principle. Several said they had no idea what would happen next – other than talk of asking the Russians, now saved from the bank levy, to help with their own bail-out.


"This wasn't right," said Kiki Christoforou, 18, a student. "But I don't know what will happen – something bad, I expect."

「これはおかしかった」とKiki Christoforouさん(学生、18歳)は言いました。


