


2013-09-14 09:30:46 | Telegraph (UK)
Eurozone industrial slump dashes hopes of strong recovery
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 6:16PM BST 12 Sep 2013
Eurozone industrial output fell sharply in July, eroding all the gains made so far this year and casting serious doubts on the strength of economic recovery.


Production slid by 1.5pc from a month earlier, with a shock fall of 2.3pc in Germany and 8.7pc in Ireland where pharmaceutical output appears to have buckled.


"This is a hugely disappointing start to the third quarter. There is clearly a risk that GDP could contract again," said Chris Williamson from Markit.


The biggest drops were in large capital goods and consumer durables, a clear sign that "imported" monetary tightening from the US is squeezing credit. Borrowing costs have jumped by some 70 basis points across the world since the US Federal Reserve began to talk of winding down stimulus, with knock-on effects though the eurozone.


The latest data from the European Central Bank show that the growth of "broad" M3 money slowed to 2.2pc in July, while private loans contracted at an accelerating rate of 1.6pc, deepening the credit crunch for small business in Italy and Spain.


ECB president Mario Draghi has been at pains to curb exuberance after the return to growth in the second quarter, warning last week that formidable headwinds remain and describing the shoots of recovery as "still very, very, green". The ECB is struggling to stop Europe's bond yields marching up in lockstep with US rates, even Italy's industrial output fell 1.1pc, damping hopes that the country will finally escape recession this quarter. It is at risk of sliding back into turmoil as the budget deficit soars and supporters of ex-leader Silvio Berlusconi threaten to topple the government.


Premier Enrico Letta cautioned this week that political turbulence may cost the state up to €1.5bn (£1.3bn) in extra interest, but it could be far worse if the crisis drags on for months.


Mr Berlusconi's Liberty Party (PDL) has vowed to leave the coalition if the Senate strips him of his immunity for a tax fraud conviction, a move that would lead to fresh elections and a fresh field day for anti-euro anarchist Beppe Grillo.


Borrowing costs rose to an 11-month high of 2.73pc for an issue of three-year bonds, now higher than equivalent Spanish costs. The ECB warned of "increasing risks" that Italy will fail to meet it deficit target of 2.9pc this year as Rome cancels a hated tax on primary homes and postpones a rise in VAT.


Borrowing up to July has ballooned to €51bn, compared with €28bn over the same period last year. Part of the slippage comes from fast-track payment of arrears to contractors, a form of covert stimulus. But much of the damage comes from the effects of drastic austerity in the past, which pushed Italy into deeper recession and eroded tax revenues. The public debt has risen by seven percentage points of GDP over the past year to 130pc, suggesting that fiscal tightening may have done harm than good.


"We think the cuts were totally unnecessary," said David Owen from Jefferies. "Italy already has a primary budget surplus. What it lacks is growth. The economy has expanded by just 1pc in total since 2000, which is absolutely shocking."


Sovereign strategist Nicolas Spiro says Italy is damned if it tightens, and damned if it doesn't: failure to make austerity cuts leaves public debt on a untenable debt trajectory, but pushing the cuts too far are self-defeating. "Nobody knows where the balance lies," he said.


"Italy is shielded from a debt crisis for now because Italian banks are holding the fort, buying most of the bonds. But this creates a 'doom loop'. The risk is that the sovereign state could drag down the banking system, and we are already seeing a major erosion of their asset quality. The Italian banks are now the elephant in the room."



