


2013-12-14 12:07:47 | Telegraph (UK)
ECB's Mario Draghi denies Japanese-style deflation risk, drives euro even higher
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 5:51PM GMT 05 Dec 2013
Mario Draghi said the ECB is studying what happened in Japan at the onset of its Lost Decade in the 1990s, insisting that Europe is unlikely to go the same way


The European Central Bank has cut its inflation forecast for the next two years and promised "powerful artillery" to boost the eurozone economy if necessary, but offered no concrete measures to halt the drift towards deflation.


The euro punched to a five-week high of nearly $1.37 against the dollar and £0.84 against the pound as traders bet that the ECB's governing council is too divided to take decisive action. Yields on 10-year Italian and Spanish bonds jumped seven basis points as credit tightened across the board.


The ECB's staff forecast inflation of just 1.1pc in 2014 and 1.3pc in 2015, undershooting the bank's target of 2pc target by a wide margin and making it harder for southern European countries to manage their debt burdens. "We are fully aware of downside risks of protracted low inflation," said Mario Draghi, the ECB's president.


The concern is that any external shock could tip the eurozone's weakest regions into a deflation trap. Mr Draghi said the ECB is ready to act on "all policy options" but the bank held the main interest rate at 0.25pc. It postponed any decision to cut the deposit rate below zero, a move that would weaken the euro but create a host of technical problems. Any such move is stongly opposed by a German-led bloc of hawks.


Jens Nordvig from Nomura said the lack of urgency is likely to rattle markets. "The tone was disappointing," he said.


Steen Jakobsen from Saxo Bank said Mr Draghi's comments were mostly bluff intended to disguise rifts within the ECB council. He warned that failure to deliver any concrete measures is an invitation for speculators to drive the euro to $1.40. "The line in the sand for deflation is $1.40. That's when the ECB will have to tell investors what it is going to do," he said.


Ken Wattret from BNP Paribas said the ECB's safety buffer against deflation is already "wearing perilously thin". The bank may have to take further steps, including asset purchases along the lines of the US Federal Reserve.


Mr Draghi said the eurozone economy would contract by 0.4pc this year, followed by growth of 1.1pc next year and 1.5pc in 2015. There are no new liquidity measures. Investors had been hoping for a fresh blast of lending to banks or a UK-style funding-for-lending scheme to ease the credit crunch for small firms in Italy, Spain and Portugal.


Mr Draghi said the ECB is studying what happened in Japan at the onset of its Lost Decade in the 1990s, insisting that Europe is unlikely to go the same way into deflation given the more aggressive measures to clean up the banking system and the stronger balance sheets of companies. He said the ECB had acted much earlier than the Bank of Japan.


A small army of critics disagree. Dario Perkins from Lombard Street Research said the eurozone is "tracking the Japanese template disturbingly closely", with a string of countries already in deflation. "It is dangerous because it raises the real value of debt and reinforces underlying problems, creating a 'low-growth' trap," he said.


Mr Perkins said Italy and Spain face a 50pc to 60pc risk of succumbing under the International Monetary Fund's "Risk of Deflation Index", with France at 30pc. The deflation virus is spreading from the periphery to the core.

パーキンス氏は、IMFの『Risk of Deflation Index』によれば、イタリアとスペインがデフレに陥る確率は50%と60%で、フランスは30%だと言いました。

Lars Christensen from Dankse Bank said the slowdown in money creation is all too like events in Japan in the 1990s. "The ECB is making the same mistake in terms of monetary policy. The Bank of Japan though it was being accommodative in cutting interest rates to historically low levels, and you hear the exactly same arguments from the ECB today. It is almost uncanny."


"But low rates mean nothing. What the ECB has done is to prop up banks and countries through credit policy. That is not monetary policy," he said.


Mr Draghi said the collapse in the growth rate of the M3 money supply to 1.4pc - far below the ECB's target of 4.5pc - was due to "base effects" but he also said "net capital inflows" explain the little growth there is. This raises the question of what would now happen if those external flows dried up. Credit to private firms contracted by 2.9pc in October.


The ECB faces an impossible task devising a one-size-fits-all monetary policy for economies at different stages of the cycle, and facing entirely different problems.


A new study by Bloomberg found that Germany currently needs an interest rate of 5.1pc under the so-called Taylor Rule to avoid overheating as unemployment hovers at 20-year lows and the housing market booms in Berlin, Munich and other key cities. France needs a rate of 0.15pc, Italy -1.5pc, Ireland -3.95pc and Greece -20.25pc. Such rates are obviously impossible.


The Taylor Rule is a formula devised by Stanford economist John Taylor based on the output gap, which measures whether an economy is running above or below its speed limit.


Mr Draghi's hands are tied until after the German Constitutional Court rules on the legality of ECB emergency policies early next year. He has to move with extreme care even if the majority of the governing council favours bolder action.


The two German members voted against the ECB's rate cut last month. A second confrontation of this sort with the anchor power of monetary union would be set off a political storm. Bavaria's finance minister Markus Söder said the latest cut in rates to near-zero undermines financial stability in Europe and robs German savers.

Markus Soder氏曰く、先日の利下げはヨーロッパの財政的安定性を損ない、ドイツ人預金者から強盗することだそうです。


