


2009-09-07 18:19:07 | Telegraph (UK)

Korea Development Bank threatens to withhold Lehman information
By James Quinn, US Business Editor
Telegraph:06 Sep 2009
Korea Development Bank is threatening to withhold information about the state of Lehman Brother's finances in its final days from the examiner charged with investigating its collapse.


KDB, which was in talks to inject $6bn into the troubled US investment bank just days before its Chaper 11 bankruptcy filing on September 15 last year, has told a US court it will not hand over what could prove to be vital documents about its involvement.


Liquidators trying to establish exactly what happened to cause the bank to fold issued subpoenas in late July against KDB – and its adviser Perella Weinberg – in order to get them to hand over a raft of information based on their involvement with the bank.

リーマン・ブラザーズがどのように破綻したのか、正確に突き止めようとする清算人は、7月下旬、リーマン・ブラザーズとの関係についての様々な情報を引き渡させるべく、KDB(と顧問を務めたPerella Weinberg)に召喚状を発行した。

The information requested includes all documents or information concerning KDB's investment or potential acquisition of Lehman, all communication on the matter between it, its regulator, other investors and advisers, as well as any financial reports it carried out on Lehman Brothers.


The South Korean bank, which Lehman was locked in talks with for much of last summer, has however now told the bank's liquidators it is willing to provide only very limited information on its dealings with Lehman.


The development – coming so close to the anniversary of the bank's demise – highlights the tense relationship between the two parties, a relationship which Lehman investors thought would lead to a successful resolution as recently as the week before the bank actually filed for Chapter 11.


It also suggests that KDB – along with Lehman's eleventh-hour suitors Barclays and Bank of America – is keen to dismiss suggestions that it could have saved Lehman if it had wanted to.


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