

Waiting For Me

2006-09-28 | Weblog

I worked and came home very late today.When I got my car off feeling tired ,my lovely dog Pochi was waiting for me with sitting and facing to me.
He is always lazy to move after his walking and dinner so that he stays and relaxes himself at his house.
It is rare to appear in front of me and he made me cheerful in a moment.Besides, his usual lazy attitude has gone.
But...I thought.....Normaly, do dogs wait for owner loyally when owner come home ?
It doesn't matter....   


2006-09-24 | Friends





I met one of my university mates unexpectedly.We were only in same sport class at first grade of university and rarely met each other there because my major was totally different from hers.She majored Art.I remember we felt excited when we found that our hometown was same by our accent.

I met her on the street in hometown 5 years ago.It was the first time we met after graduating.And we met again at a event 2 years ago.
This time we met by chance was the third time. I went to cafe with my yonger friend before we joined brass band team.She was there and was holding her individual show.Every time we met again,we were glad but never asked each phone number.I think we will meet again someday&somewhere and it is enough.I am happy to find she keeps in touch Art because I can feel she has her dream.

I saw my classmate of junior high school and high school on local newspaper a few days ago.He is a sculptor.I heard about 2 years ago that he became an artist.After that, he sent me an invitation card of his individual show some times but I haven't been there because it was held in Tokyo...In that picture on newspaper, he looked shine and happy. I was glad when I found it.

I am just a player ,although I have been playing the Trombone since I was 13 years old.
I really respect some of my friends,who is teaching Brass at junior high school,who is studying vocal music in Germany,who aims to become a music teacher and who composes music as his hobby.

When I feel that my friends seem to make effort and be shine,I think they are so far from me but actually I feel encouraged by them.
I will face something good forward every my usual day and try not to make limited line by age .

About One Of My Cousins

2006-09-23 | Weblog




The equinox, we went to Tosashimizu-City to visit my father's relative tomb.I have 15 cousins on my father's side( 5 cousins on my mother's side).One of them, Reiko , is 20 years older than me and runs cafe there after quiting teacher.

She is so friendly that many customer come to her cafe in spite of that the place is a remote town.

She went to NewZealand last February to enjoy studying English for a month.She has been to many country since she was young and this time she chose ChristChurch because there was the place which she went about 18 years ago and loves very much.
"There was a little different from before but I still like such a peaceful place." she said.She totally enjoyed everything she did there.
And she said that she wanted to stay there more and more if she could keep closed her cafe....but she would try to live there for a year next time.
In addition,she said. "I really enjoyed to meet many foreign friend and stay there and I found that is what I love the best, you know, I like present job the next best ,although some of my friends and costomers say to me I am so lucky to open cafe and get job I like.
I said to her "you are lucky because you have many interest."Her dream is infinite. I felt she really had fun on her life.
"It takes 3 years to master it if people begins something.(proverb:Patience wins the day.)I think to need 3 years for everything."she smiled. Her cafe is into third year.

Mission Bay

2006-09-19 | New Zealand
There are so many people, cars and building DownTown in Auckland but you can find a beautiful beach(sea) or mountain after driving for a while.
Mission Bay is one of nice places in Auckland,there is a long beach gently and very popular for family,lovers and many people.On weekend, people enjoy to stay there.
Another famous spot there is ice cream shop named Movenpick.Even it is a chilly day,there is such a long queue.The shop is not only in Mission Bay but I think there is the most popular than any other Movenpick.
My homestaymate,Kim from Korean , said to me before ,"Mission Bay has no places except that ice cream shop!!" ...I don't think so.There are some nice restaurants (Thai ,Italian and so on) ,although they are bit expensive....above all,the beach makes me relaxed everytime I visit there.

On one weekend,I really wanted to eat ice cream and then I went there for it with Sam although thereis far from home.It was so windy day so that ice cream was easy to melt...


2006-09-18 | New Zealand


なぜか出てきたのは紅茶。「???」と思いしばらく考えてわかった。私の発音する「カプチーノ」は「一杯の紅茶(Cup of Tea)だったようだ。

First of all, I don't like cappuccino very much.

When in late of my life in NZ, I ordered cappuccino one day but I got English tea!!! I wondered why it happened. And then , I found that my pronunciation of cappuccino was a cup of tea.
After that , I ordered cappuccino stubbornly even I don't like it much.Everytime I did,I couldn't get it.
One day on my losing challenge about it, I went to Auckland Airport to meet customer from Japan on work.A airplane was late so that I had a rest with my coworker at cafe in the airport.I ordered caffe latte because I didn't want to miss it.Even caffe latte, I needed to say twice.(I think my voice tone was hard to hear.I need to repeat sometimes even Japanese speaking...)Takashi ordered cappuccino easily after me.Oh,dear...poor my pronunciation....(cry)
Later, I asked Tamaki,she has been to England to study before and her English is excellent!!, about pronunciation of cappuccino. She was thinking why with big laugh and said that she didn't think about it and pronunced it.
Anyway, I kept ordering it one out of three as I felt shame and deppressed.Finally, I got true cappuccino and jumped for joy.And then, I had never ordered it since I succeeded because I was afraid to get a cup of tea.Do you understand such a sad feeling that I get a cup of tea when I want to drink coffee ?

But...I will try it again when I go to NZ again.

We're All Alone by Boz Scaggs

2006-09-16 | Movie & Music
I have read this song ,"We're All Alone",as sad song but having something strong message and didn't think it is a love song because of a sad melody and title.
Actually it is a love song.I knew that on TV program which I watched last night."All" modifies "Alone" so that a nuance of the meaning of that could be together.I have thought that people is alone (lonely) as I read "All" modifies "We".In addition, I didn't know other part of lyrics of that song,so I got different meaning...I found "alone" did not always express lonely...A singer who appeared as guest on that TV program also felt that people was alone,and moreover,she interpreted and arranged in Japanese that people stayed with the one whom he loved because they were alone.

I got a book which was written about famous songs translated wrong before.The author criticized so many English songs written in Japanese but I think reading of songs depends on each people.Even Japanese songs, we have difference of interpretation each.And I also think that some expression in English is too hard to translate in Japanese.
I try not to replace in Japanese while listening English songs and I read them with own interpretation lately.But I modified my thinking about "We're All Alone".
No,we are not lonely,and yes,we are alone ,so it is a nice love song^^

TOEIC course vol2

2006-09-15 | English

I had four pre-test at the last week of this course.Everytime I tried TOEIC before, I didn't reach the last question within the time limit.But this time, I did all question in limit.I got all of my result between 600 and 700.These were the best I had ever tried.
My classmate were got 900 point or 800 point, moreover they got out room 20 minutes before when doing test.I feel they are so far from me...I was satisfied with my score ,anyway.
I got similar score to pre-test on TOEIC 2 weeks after.
but still.....Speaking is difficult for me....    

TOEIC course vol.1

2006-09-14 | English
At this time last year,I went to school in NewZealand again.The second school which I went was TOEIC course for 6 weeks.I didn't want to go another languege school but I wanted to study English more.I thought to try TOEIC because I did it several times before and all of the result was so terrible score...
There were so many Japanese and Korean in that school.I heard that TOEIC was popular for Asian especially Korean and Japanese,so my class consisted of only them.(I am also Japanese ^^)
I was upset while beginning that class because the level of classmate was so high more than I thought.I needed to understand grammer words like "present perfect" or "relative adverb" at first.They answered quickly when teacher asked something.I could only hear their conversation and take no question to teacher.I thought I would not improve even if I finished this class for 6 weeks.I felt depressedvery much. TOEIC score that I got the best was only 420 point....
But,I had never give up.I checked grammer words and face with class eagerly.
At that time, as I lived with 2 of Taiwanese girls,we talked and cheer up each other.All of us had difficulty with English.....Anyway, to get used to class was the best that I could do while the first week.


2006-09-11 | Weblog
It has been 5 years since that terrorism happened in America.At the day, I was about to go to Guam for trip with my cousin.
We watched that cruel sight which a airplane went into the building on TV at boarding lobby while waiting our plane.And then we got it on with thinking whether it was accident or terrorism.
When I fall asleep after in-flight meal,my cousin woke me up."We are going back to Kansai airport!!"
I didn't understand what was happening at once but I was able to do that because I heard a explanation from cheif pilot .He said " We will back to Kansai airport because all of the airport in America would be closed by terrorism which happened there."
Finally,I found the connection between the scene on TV that we watched and what it happened with us this time...yes,,,Guam is a part of America.
We left for Guam past 11pm and came back to Kansai airport around 2am.Many people who belongs to mass media was waiting for passengers like us.
All of people who returned there needed to sleep in the airport.We could borrow blanket and slept on sofa at 3 or 4am.
It is hard to explain our sinking feeling as I was just going to Guam.But I was able to escape victim.I think what they were thinking about the last moment.They had nothing to do in the small place.Only thing they could do was to wait for their death.
It is too hard to imagine their feeling and mind.I have nothing to do except feeling pain....

from busy life to slow life

2006-09-04 | New Zealand
I went around (Auckland)City with Nori on the first Saturday in NZ.The meeting time was 9am.I went to a bus stop about a half past 8 but No bus came for a long long time...I didn't know that the number of buses droped off or these did not come on time almost of the time.I thought that I would be late.I was upset and texted Nori about it by mobile."A bus has not come...I will not be there by 9."
And then,she replied me quickly."Don't worry.We have plenty of time!!" It made me relaxed,you know,the annoyed feeling had gone.
We just came NZ for escaping from busy life in Japan.A slow life was about to begin.
After we met,we talked about homestay, the way to improve English ,Auckland and so on each other.Her eagerness and what she worry about from now on were almost same as me.
Now, Nori is eager to do with forward-looking in New Zealand.


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