

Relation between traffic jam & rising of petrol

2006-07-31 | Weblog
I have a yoga class today. I thought the road was crowded while driving ,and I faced on traffic jam.It was strange and unusual. I was thinking why it was happening. Because of summer holiday or an accident or construction ? And then, I saw the cause of traffic jam. There were so many cars in petrol station, a lot of car was going to enter there. Most of petrol station shows a notice of rising in it one of these days but they don't put the exactly date,so I filled it up last Saturday.Why do so many people do that only today ?
Then, I thought that today is the last day of July.It is coming August tomorrow.Will many petrol station rise it from tomorrow (August)? I don't know it is showed on TV or news from somebody but it was ridiculous that lots of cars went there with they accord.
Besides, I saw price of manju is also rising because of  jumping in crude oil .I was surprised it would affect such an unexpected things. I can control myself to be patience with eating manju but I cannot say to my car " you have to control to eat petrol !"  


2006-07-30 | Weblog
I worked on last Saturday and only this Sunday is off in this week.I hesitated to go outside because the sun beat down fiercely ,it was so hot ! And then I decided that I would spend time to read books.It was not only that reason.I borrowed many books from library last week.
I love to read books and it has been my hobby since I was child. I do nothing after I begin reading it,it means I am engrossed in a book.When I lived by myself before, I read it without eating.And today, I didn't move whole day. I was going to walk Pochi, I couldn't stop it.(my father did.) I wanted to ,but it was hard to control myself while reading......How can I change this disposition ? 

Tax returned

2006-07-26 | New Zealand
帰国前に書いたIRDに関して(5月6日記載:Where is Seamart?!参照)、今日代理店の方からメールが来た。どうやら確定申告の書類が届いたらしい。ニュージーランドの国民性なのかどうか、全員にくるとは限らないこの確定申告の要請。しかも、送られてくるタイミングもまちまち。でも来たら必ず手続きしないと罰金などいろいろ問題があるとのこと。帰国前、タックスリターンはしなくていいと、IRDのクローズ処理のみを代理店にお願いした。もし確定申告きたら、お知らせします、とのことだったのだが、それが来たということだ。すっかり忘れていた。この代理店の方、オークランドで働いていたときの仕事を通じて知っていたのだけど、やや仕事が怪しいところがあり、私自身メールなんて来ないだろうと思っていたから、もうすっかり記憶から抹消されていたのだ。還付額は、その手続きの手数料を差し引いてもちょっとした臨時収入となりそうだ。書類に記入して送り返すだけでOKとのことで、返信がなければ権利放棄となるとのこと。どうするか?もちろん。送付します。
I got an e-mail from a agency about proceeding of tax.He lets me know to have got a document for final income tax return.It is not sent to all people who has some income, i wonder it is nationality in NZ.But if people gets it,they have to proceed it,otherwise they need to pay the penalty.Before I left NZ, I just asked the agency to close that IRD number.He said "If it comes, I will let you know."I have totally forgot it. I have known him through my job in NZ, I doubted his way of working,so I didn't think that he would send the e-mail.That's why I deleted that thing from my memory...The amount of the tax refund is not bad after I pay a commission.If I get that refund,what I need to do is just to post to him a document.If not,nothing to do.What should I do ? yes, I will.

Bay of Islands ( 3rd day )

2006-07-23 | New Zealand
The 3rd day,we went on cruise which was one of popular tour in Bay of Islands.The ship goes through the hole in the rock and we can see dolphins.It was enough cold in July and we were both shaking with a chilly wind.but there were many people who joined to swim with dolphins.It seemed hard to swim with dolphins as those were not trained.People on the ship said to people in the sea "Oh~ ,dolphins are there!there!"Dolphins were up and down to the sea so quickly,it was difficult to take pictures of them.
And then,our ship arrived near the hole in the rock.Another smaller ship went through it before us.we went backward and forward again and again.Finally,a captain said,"wave was too high to go through there today,we cannot do that."We were so disappointed and doubted if this happend every time.(^^)Anyway,we enjoyed this tour and time we had to go home had come after that.I felt a bit lonely as same as I always had on the return way to home when in traveling.

Bay of Islands ( 2nd day part2 )

2006-07-22 | New Zealand
After 90 mile beach,we left for Cape Reinga.That's the top of North in NZ.(The another point is the top,actually but people cannot go there.)
The way was so narrow and I felt it was hard to pass the way by bus.The rainy sky was getting fine.It was bright and we could see the rainbow when we got there.People are forbidden to eat outside there, so we ate lunch in the bus.After that,we got it out and walked to Cape Reinga.The ground was wet because of rain and it looked easy to slip.I thought I had to be careful...Everytime I think that,it happens.so,,,i slipped on the ground...cry...
The view in front of me was so incredible, anyway. Originally, I really like edge, top and end.There are sign which shows direction of Sydney,Los Angeles and so on.We looked to America even though we couldn't see it.I recommend to visit there.
By the way,how was our dinner ? yes,that was much much better than last night.we cooked risotto with muchroom sauce.we were satisfied with it, although others' were better than ours.

Bay of Islands ( 2nd day part1)

2006-07-21 | New Zealand
2日は朝早くからレインガ岬、90マイルビーチにいく現地ツアーに参加。朝7時くらいに泊っているバッパーまでバスが迎えにきてくれる。観光地にはバッパーが本当に多いが、こうしたツアーなどは各バッパーを回って拾っていってくれるからありがたい。朝が苦手な私は、ギリギリまでベットの中でごろごろ。そんな中、Kaoriは一足早く起床、キッチンで私たちのランチを作ってくれた。そうそう、このバッパー(確か、Pepper Tree)、私たちの部屋は4人部屋だったのだけど、閑散期(NZは冬だから)だからか、他にお客さんがいなくて2人で貸しきり状態。しかもバス・トイレも部屋に備わっているという好条件!でした。そして、バッパーの前にバスは予定通りやってきた。(NZでは遅れることが当たり前のように思ってたけど、さすが時間通り!)もう既にいろんなところを回ってきたらしくたくさんの人がすでに乗っていた。あ~、わくわくする。今日が一番のメインと言ってもいい。バスに乗って、向かうは北の果て。途中KeriKeriなどを通過、古代カウリ王国というカウリ木材加工のワークショップへ寄り、いよいよ90マイルビーチへ!長い長い砂浜をバスが走る、走る!窓ガラスは砂埃であっという間にくすんでしまった。途中下車して砂浜に降り立ったときの感動は忘れられない。そして、サンドボードにトライ!バスの中の雰囲気がソワソワ、ワクワクし始め、みんな短パンに着替えたりとやる気満々の様子。私たちは特に準備もしてなかったので、ジーンズをまくりあげての参加だった。急斜面の砂丘をボディボードで一気に滑り降りる。すごいスリル、爽快感と少しの恐怖感・・・。ただひとつ、スタート地点まで上らないといけないのが大変。裸足で登るのだけど、砂は凍るように冷たいし、何しろ斜面なのでゼイゼイハアハア言いながらやっとの思いでたどり着いた。ひとり2回は滑れるのだけど、登ることのしんどさに私は1回でやめた。なにしろ登ってる途中でやめそうになったくらいだったのだ。しかし、元気なKaoriはもちろん2回とも楽しんでいた。 -----> On the second day, we went out to join a tour of 90 mile beach and Cape Reinga in the early morning.The tour bus came to pick us up in front of our backpacker.I am poor to get up early so was on the bed as long as I had time while Kaori was making our breakfast and lunch.By the way,only we could stayed in that room ,although it was a shared room for 4 people.And the room had own shower and toilet,so we were lucky and relaxed.This backpaker(I think the name is Pepper Tree)was so nice! The bus arrived there almost on time.As it had already gone around many hostel,there were many people in the bus.Oh--so excited ! We had been looking forward this.It was main event in this trip!! We left for the top of North by bus.On that way,we passed KeriKeri and stoped The Ancient Kauri Kingdom.And then ,we were in 90 mile beach!!The bus was running on the long long sand ,the window of bus was changed dirty by sand.I cannot forget what I felt so fantastic when I got the bus off and stood on the sand !!! And then, we tried to slide down with body board on the sand hill.What a wonderful thrill(a bit fear..) Just one thing,we had to climb the starting point.The way is so terrible (for me) because sand was so icy and the steep slope made me tired.I wanted to go back to bus on the middle of slope.(I didn't that.)They game us twice chance to do that but I did it only one time.Kaori was so cheeful and yes,of course she enjoyed twice.(^^;

Bay of Islands ( 1st day )

2006-07-21 | New Zealand
昨年の今頃、8週間通った語学学校を卒業し、Kaoriと2人でBay of Islandsへ2泊3日の旅行に行った。
This time last year,I went to Bay of Islands for 3 days with Kaori after we graduated the language school which I attended for 8 weeks.This short trip was the second time from Rotorua trip. We left in the early morning and arrived Paihia around 1pm.We had free time on the first day so that we walked to Waitangi.On that way,we couldn't help stopping to take some pictures because of a wonderful view.There are Treaty House,Meeting House of Maori and so on,we sightsaw with our gidebook and were so excited why it was the first day of this trip.
And then,the night had come.....we looked in some restaurants but went back to backpacker(hostel) after buying instant noodle,bread and ham.(bread and ham were for breakfast of next morning and lunch)People who stayed that backpacker were cooking their dinner in the kitchen.Those looked so nice , we were watching them with envy and eating our noodle.What a pity we are!!! 'Shall we cook better thing tomorrow ?" we whispered.... 


2006-07-19 | Weblog
I saw a high school student riding her bicycle in the rain while going back home and I remember my high school life which is over ten years ago.At that time, the rainy day made me annoyed because my bag and clothes were wet and my feeling was low. I sighed when I found the rainy mark in the weather forecast. I don't think that now.especially in summer.The sound of rain makes me relax.
Recently ,there is a lot of disaster of rain around the world.In my hometown ,there is nothing terrible but we cannot think it will never happen. The rain sometimes came down in buckets... Without disaster, we can think rain is lovely.
I hope those disaster will not  be getting worse.

popular songs?!

2006-07-17 | Weblog
I haven't watched Music program on TV lately even I like music. I hardly ever listen to radio.That's why I rarely know about Japanese popular songs these days.
I watched one of music program and they showed the top 10 of today.There is no songs I know ! even one in ten. Time is so so so fast or I fall behind time.....just I love old Japanese songs, actually.(^^) 


2006-07-13 | Weblog

I saw a leaflet of new pet shop this morning. There are many cute and expensive dogs with it. 'Wow....so lovely !!'
When I was child , my family lived in an apartments so that I couldn't get my dog and then I got many soft toys from my parent or grandparent. My favourite one is a dog which my grandmother gave me named 'Pochi '.
We moved in our house almost 6 years ago and got a dog a year after,although my father was not willing to do it.
When I tell someone that I have a dog, most of them asks me ' what kind of dog?' .our dog is not famous one, mix dog. After seeing the leaflet for a while, I checked my dog and call him.  'Come here, Pochi'. He appeared and looked at me...'Oh,,,you are the best dog in the world !!"
Now, my father is willing to take care of our mix dog ,Pochi.


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