文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Like the eve of the Berlin Olympics The tragedy is in full swing after the end

2021年10月22日 08時04分07秒 | 全般

The chapter titled "Fascists and totalitarianism has proven to be a more effective way of harnessing human energy," which I sent out on April 02, 2021, as a section on civilization, politics, and economics. 
It has not been searched at all due to the persistent search sabotage of the aforementioned unbelievable criminal.
This criminal is a stalker of this column itself.
A long time ago, when Japanese law was utterly inadequate to deal with such crimes on the Internet, I consulted an acquaintance of mine, a lawyer who graduated from Kyoto University.
The conclusion was that there was nothing that could be done because there were no corresponding laws in place.
At that time, the lawyer said, "I don't understand why he is so insistent on doing this."
I parroted back, "I don't understand it either."
But now, I would reply as follows.
It's the same as South Korea's stalking of Japan.
It is the same with China's attitude toward Japan.
Similarly, the Asahi Shimbun is a stalker of Japan and the Liberal Democratic Party, especially the rare politician Shinzo Abe.
The same way that Mizuho Fukushima and her faction and the Constitutional Democratic Party, the Communist Party, and the Social Democratic Party are stalkers to Japan.
It is just like the people, whose essence is abysmal evil and plausible lies, and the "useful idiots" who follow them. 
Just as it can no longer cure them, it can no longer cure these criminals.
The only way to cure them is for Japan to enact a new penal code and put them in prison with severe punishment.
Today, on the front page of the Sankei Shimbun, an article said that the Japanese government has finally reported that the penalty for insulting people on the Internet should be severe.
The actions of this criminal, which began on June 1, 2011, were beyond description.
The lawyer I consulted at the time, a former prosecutor who hated computers and didn't even like to look at the Internet, took one look at his behavior and said, "This is terrible."
As already mentioned, I asked him to write a letter and went to the police alone to file a criminal complaint.
It took about three years, but the police brought it up to the prosecutor.
What happened after that is also as already mentioned.

(Emphasis in the text except for the headline is mine.
Satoshi Kuwabara of the Sankei Shimbun's Culture Department has been writing a series of articles entitled "A Dialogue with Montaigne" while reading the "Essays." Today is the 98th installment.
Like the eve of the Berlin Olympics
The tragedy is in full swing after the end
It is said that Hitler, who seized power in 1933, was initially not keen on the Berlin Olympics, which had already been decided to be held in 1936.
He said, "Jews and Freemasons invented the Olympics.
However, after receiving advice from his aides, he decided to use the Olympics as propaganda for Nazi Germany. 
However, due to the territorial expansion, racial discrimination, and persecution of Jews promoted by Hitler, who was obsessed with the delusion of "superiority of the Germanic race," there were voices in the United States and the United Kingdom, where many Jews lived, that the Berlin Olympics should be boycotted.
It was suppressed by Brundage, who was president of the American Olympic Association and later became president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
He succeeded in stopping the boycott with his "righteous argument" that "the Olympic Games belong to the athletes, not the politicians."
*The other day, Yamakawa, an employee of the Nikkei Shimbun who hosts a news program on TV Tokyo, made the same comment, which I immediately criticized.*
However, it should be noted that he visited Berlin before the Games and was received by senior Nazi officials such as Propaganda Minister Goebbels and Air Force Minister Goering.
In the movie "Runner of Glory 1936 Berlin" (directed by Stephen Hoffkins) about Jesse Owens, a black American track and field athlete who won four gold medals at the Berlin Olympics, it is hinted that there was a backroom deal between Brundage and Goebbels. 
So the Berlin Olympics opened on August 1, 1961.
Four hundred and sixty-six athletes (3,738 men and 328 women) from 49 countries and regions, far more than in the previous Olympics in Los Angeles, competed in 129 events in 21 sports.
Hitler issued an order to ease anti-Semitic activities during the event to make a good impression on foreign visitors.
The 16-day event turned out as Hitler had hoped, except for the success of Owens, who was black.
The number of gold medals won was as follows. 
Germany 33, U.S. 24, Hungary 10, Italy 8, Finland 7, France 7, Sweden 6, Japan 6, Netherlands 6, Great Britain 4... 
I want to introduce an interesting article by Professor Emeritus Masaru Ikeyi of Keio University entitled "The Political Use of Sports: The Berlin Olympics and Beyond." An American historian and a British journalist make some interesting points about the Berlin Olympics.
It is first the historian Richard Mandel.
In his book "The Nazi Olympics," historian Richard Mundell compares Germany and the U.S., Italy, France, Japan, and the U.K., and makes the following scathing comments.
Fascists and totalitarianism have proven to be a more effective way of harnessing human energy. 
Next up is journalist Duff Hart Davis.
In his book "The Torch to Hitler: The Berlin Olympics," journalist Duff Hart-Davis quotes a foreign tourist who came to watch the Olympics. 
While I was having a good time in the capital, the concentration camps and the basement of the Gestapo headquarters that I read about in the newspapers seemed like a hoax. 
After the Congress, Hitler began to bare his fangs in earnest.
In November of 1963, a Nazi assault force launched an anti-Semitic riot known as the "Kristallnacht" (Night of the Crystal), in which Jewish homes, stores, and churches across Germany were attacked and set on fire.
In June 1941, at the start of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union, the "Mobile Massacre Unit" was established and massacred Jews, Roma, and communists in Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine.
Then, in January 1942, the physical extinction was decided as the "final solution" to the Jewish problem, and an "extermination camp" was constructed.

Held outside Beijing  
The IOC needs to step up! 
The opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games is only ten months away.
As the reality of how the Chinese Communist Party treats the Uyghurs becomes more evident, many people in the West are saying that it should boycott the Olympics. 
It's like the night before the Berlin Olympics.
Hitler's "superiority of the Germanic race" and President Xi Jinping's "great Chinese race" are the same. 
Hitler's massacre of Jews and Roma is a double copy of Xi Jinping's oppression and massacre of Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Mongolians. (I would like to ask readers to read the manga "Testimony of the Life-Giving" by Ms. Tomomi Shimizu, a person involved in suppressing the Uyghurs by the Chinese Communist Party accused by their real name.)
Of course, the CCP denies the Uyghur oppression as "fake news."
If that is the case, why don't you accept the United Nations investigation team to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and have them conduct a thorough investigation?
According to a news report distributed by Reuters on March 12, IOC President Bach said that the IOC "takes this issue very seriously," but "it is impossible for the IOC to solve a problem that the UN Security Council cannot solve, the seven major powers (G7) and the 20 powers (G20).
If the IOC is so sensitive to discrimination and human rights that it forced then Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics Organizing Committee Chairman Yoshiro Mori to resign over his banter remarks as "derogatory remarks about women" (irony, of course), then for the sake of the athletes who continue to put their lives on the line, the IOC should consider holding the Olympics in another city rather than canceling the event.
If Beijing continues to host the Olympics, it will only damage the brand image of the Olympics. 
The IOC is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, and its first official language is French, so there is no doubt that its board members are familiar with the phrase "noblesse oblige."
History repeats itself.
Suppose the Beijing Winter Olympics is "successfully" completed without any boycott. 
What will happen next will be the invasion of Taiwan, the intensified suppression of the Uyghurs, and the violent activities in the East and South China Seas. 
Montaigne wrote in chapter 7 of volume 3, "On the Inconvenience and Predicament of High-Status People." 
 (In fact, there are very few matters on which we can make an honest judgment, for there is no matter in which we do not have some particular interest, large or small. )
Therefore, I would like to ask you, IOC directors, to take courageous action by chanting "Noblesse Oblige" here.
 The quotation from Montaigne is from "Montaigne's Essays" (Kokusho Shuppan-kai), translated by Hideo Sekine.  



