文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

they made up the Nanjing Massacre first

2022年06月06日 11時35分58秒 | 全般
Managing Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia will be activated on the west coast. It is an organization that leads to the Unification Front and is a chapter that I sent to 2018-10-30.
It is from the feature story of Masayuki Takayama and Keiko Kawazoe, published under the title 'The dream of Pax China hang by a thread' in the monthly magazine WiLL this month's issue.
Xi Jinping Under Siege: The U.S., Britain, and Australia Finally Say "No" to the Chinese Communist Party!
Chinagate Weakening the U.S.
I spoke in New York and Los Angeles in late September and then returned to Japan after interviewing in San Francisco, so I still have jet lag (laughs).
Since the lectures in the U.S. were in Japanese, the participants were mainly Migrants I, and most of the participants highly valued Prime Minister Abe for supporting Trump.
Above all, they were all passionate about Japan, even though they lived in the U.S. across the ocean.
However, making a person of Japanese descent a knot isn't possible.
It seems to be second-generation Japanese American and third generation are not a few who are in tune with former U.S. congressman Mike Honda, who led a draft resolution for an apology in Japan over the issue of comfort women.
When I went to Los Angeles, people called the new first generation who went to America after the war.
They had escaped from Japan, which was full of burnt ruins.
Although the status of the Nikkei was low in American society, they thought they were better than the Japanese.
However, in the 1990s, the U.S. declined, and affluent Japan appeared in American society with a big face.
After all, it is helpful to be able to speak Japanese and enter the companies of Japan that they have abandoned on good terms.
As such, the new Issei I met in the 1990s were all very distorted.
They thought they had jumped on the bandwagon, but they found a better Japanese-made luxury car.
For what did it come to America, they were confused, and even if the fellow who grudges conversely as Mike Honda appeared, it seemed that it wasn't strange.
Indeed, many Japanese companies were being framed by such new Issei employees while covering lawsuits in the U.S.
Paul Igashiki of the U.S. Employment Opportunity Commission says, "Japan is a country of discrimination against women, and Mitsubishi Motors of Illinois has a policy of female discrimination" he diminished his motherland, cuddling up to an American, and sued a Japanese company in a wrong lie.
Take it that far; they want to flatter in white society, and I felt disgusting.
Recently, the Unification Front, a Chinese spy organization, has been making headlines in the English-language press. Since the mid-1990s, the Global Anti-Japanese War History Preservation Federation (Anti-Japanese Federation) has been active on the West Coast.
It is an organization connected to the United Front.
It is an organization that leads to the Chinese intelligence activity abroad.
It is thought that some Japanese Americans and Korean Americans collaborated mainly on Chinese-American before the establishment of the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia, but which used them as a plot to make them legislators. 
Currently, the big boss of the group is Fang Li Bangqin (Florence Huang).
She is the honorary director of the 'Overseas Anti-Japanese War Memorial' built in Chinatown in San Francisco.
Speaking of which, speaking of Mitsubishi Motors' sexual harassment lawsuit, it was the woman congressman of the California state elected Democratic party Dianne Feinstein et al.
Senator Feinstein also served as mayor of San Francisco, and it recently became public that her aide, Russell Lowe, was a Chinese spy.
There was no punishment, nothing but dismissal when it revealed Lowe's identity.
Low, who was responsible for connecting the U.S. Congress with the Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia and the Korean American Organization, has been working on the comfort women issue as Executive Director of the Education for Social Justice Foundation.
Feinstein, who had a good relationship with Jiang Zemin, was a central figure who sweated to join China in the WTO (World Trade Organization) during the Clinton administration.
Her husband does business with China.
The Chinese gate of them have got deeply involved with each other, which she represents, is the cause of the weakening of America.
This manuscript continues.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
CPI was running
In this way, they developed anti-Japanese momentum within China.
That kind of public opinion operation is a field of American's strong point; it was the further promotion of the division between Japan and China, which Theodore Roosevelt started doing,
It was the American Committee on Public Information (induction, it is CPI) which President Woodrow Wilson with four people, which Secretary of State and Army and Navy Secretary, and a media representative in 1917.
The initial purpose of the CPI was to move public opinion using newspapers, magazines, and intellectuals to bring the United States to the first world war.
As a result, the United States entered the war and boosted its national authority and business of the United States. 
It created the Shanghai Committee, sent many newspaper reporters, patronizing the anti-Japan, Edgar Snow, who wrote 'Red Star of China' and Hemingway of 'Old Man and the Sea' protected Chiang Kai - shek and made it fight against Japan.
However, Hemingway did not write anything, as Chiang Kai-shek was too vulgar.
All that gave Pearl Buck of the 'Good Earth' depicting the Chinese as simple as the Nobel Prize for literature was a command of CPI. 
How was there a result in the estrangement of Japan and China in it?
While the second Shanghai Incident (Japan-China War) was held in 1937 for three years, public opinion poll results remain; while the favorable public image of China is 76%, Japan is only 1%. (Laugh).
A tremendous public opinion operation!
CPI has always been behind it, and there is a correspondent in the United States who dispatched.
Archibald Steele of 'The Chicago Tribune and Frank Tillman Durdin of 'The New York Times' made up the Nanjing Massacre first.
At Xi'an Incident, where Zhang Xueliang caught Chiang Kai-shek, William Donald first took a take Soong Mei-ling and rushed into.
It was a reporter for 'The New York Herald.'
Other American missionaries such as Bates and Magee also played a part.
Recently everything said that Comintern did it, but Americans were moving about as much as it is none of their business.
You should know the power of CPI.
This draft continues.


