文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But the Chinese and their minions in Japan do not want that to happen.

2022年02月04日 11時52分20秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serial column, which brings the weekly Shincho released yesterday to a successful conclusion.
All the discerning men who subscribed to this paper should have thought, "Takayama is amazing!"
Not only the Japanese people but also people all over the world will recognize that I have hit the nail on the head when I say that he is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
This paper is the best postwar paper on Okinawa.
Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world, shows the Japanese people how foolish and pseudo-moralistic the Asahi Shimbun, Kenzaburo Oe, and others were.
At the same time, he criticizes the U.S. with more severity than ever.
We are still at war
The U.S. military invasion of Okinawa began in April 1945.
Not only as a launchpad for B-29s to bomb the mainland, but the U.S. also wanted to secure the island as a base for its post-war Far East strategy.
The U.S. territory did not need the Okinawan Indians. 
The control of the area was thorough.
The U.S. military landed a 180,000 kill squad after the island was reshaped by a 177-ship bombardment that included ten battleships.
The Japanese were not the only enemy.  
They killed all living things.
In Urasoe and Shimajiri, they killed two-thirds of the villagers, whether women or children.
In Kuniyoshi, they lined up all the surviving men and shot them from one end to the other.
In the fiercely fought city of Ginowan, a large amount of Iperit, banned by international law, was used.
The poisonous gas also flowed into air-raid shelters and killed women and children.
During the war between Iran and Iraq, I saw a soldier in a field hospital exposed to this poisonous gas. 
The body parts exposed to the substance would swell up, and when they burst, it would expose the red, sore flesh.
When they inhaled, their throats and bronchial tubes were also sore. 
Will you die of pulmonary edema or liver necrosis after suffering? The cruelest poisonous gas.
Of the 490,000 islanders, 120,000 died. 
It is a calculation that one in four people was killed.
The brutality continued after the war. 
They raped more than 10,000 women.
Even six-year-old Yumiko Nagayama was raped and killed. 
Okinawans had their relatives killed, their wives and daughters raped.
As if their lamentations were unheard, Truman issued a presidential decree to "incorporate Okinawa into the territory of the United States because of its strategy in the Pacific and the Far East."
Are the Okinawans supposed to sing "Oh say can you see" together with their fellow countrymen, who are no better than demons?
Are we to believe that Japan was wrong and suitable to burn 100,000 people to death in Tokyo and drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
I don't want to be a citizen of such a hypocritical country. 
We are Japanese.
The Americans were unconcerned with such thoughts and began to build magnificent cities on the burnt ruins.
They invited Juro Tabuchi, who had built a 100-meter road in Nagoya, but the islanders refused, saying, "You're making an airstrip in the middle of the city."
The third High Commissioner, Paul Caraway, planned to build a "rich and attractive island of U.S. military bases" that would rival Hawaii and Guam with a sufficient budget.
Okinawa's political and business communities refused to do so. 
The money put aside for corporate subsidies and new investments was pooled and dealt with within their people.
Simply put, they spent it. 
The latest medical equipment and expensive drugs such as streptomycin were diverted to the mainland.
Caraway, suspicious of the lack of results no matter how long he waited, brought in an inspection and was furious when he found out about the mismanagement.
He fired the president and all other officers of the Bank of the Ryukyus, but that did not stop him.
He publicly declared his dislike for the islanders, saying, "Okinawa's autonomy is a myth."
It made Nixon give up on the idea of making Okinawa a U.S. territory.
He said, "We need a strategic base, but we don't need bad people.
Thus, the administration's return to return realized only the people. 
It half fulfilled the islanders' wish, but the base remains.
So the citizens of Ginowan rose.  
They built an elementary school adjacent to the Futenma base.
One citizen built a 40-meter steel tower at the end of the runway. 
If a U.S. aircraft were to get caught, it would cause a significant accident.  
The elementary school would burn, and it would focus on international condemnation. 
Even their children will be martyrs for the recapture of Okinawa. 
The people of Okinawa are fighting the U.S. with their whole families.
But there is a problem.
The mainlanders still adhere to the MacArthur Constitution and cling to the Security Treaty that compensates for the lack of military force. It is the basis for justifying the existence of the U.S. army base in Okinawa.
Abandon the imposed Constitution and rebuild the solid Japanese military of the prewar era.
And when the sinful U.S. bases are expelled, the battle for the Okinawans will be over.
But the Chinese and their minions in Japan do not want that to happen.
They pretend to be on the side of the Okinawans and shout, "get out of the U.S. bases," but they want to protect the stupid Constitution.
The Asahi Shimbun and the Constitutional Communist Party are both on board. 
The "All-Okinawa" party was trounced on which both parties rode because they distorted the people's thoughts.


