文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This chapter was the victim of a criminal search interference crime using the following method.

2024年08月14日 11時15分36秒 | 全般
This chapter was the victim of a criminal search interference crime using the following method.
Google, or blog operator Docomo, please expose the methods used by these criminals and punish them with severe criminal penalties.
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This criminal continues to commit the crime of search interference with such unbelievable persistence against the chapters I post on Goo.
If your company cracks down on this criminal, he will be charged with a felony and will be severely punished.

Only then, or only then, will these crimes come to an end.

If similar criminals exist in the Internet world, such crimes will not disappear unless your company exposes them and imposes severe criminal penalties.

In other words, the Internet will not be normalized = cleansed.

As your company has become one of the world's leading Internet companies thanks to the Internet, it is your company's duty and obligation to eradicate such criminals.

It pleases China and South Korea, where every single bastard still wields power

One of the most common phrases used by those who control NHK is "one by one." It is a reprint of a chapter I wrote on 2020-12-11 titled
One of the most common phrases used by the people who control NHK is "one by one."
They use it to mean that "the nation (Japan) is terrible, but each one of us is correct.
The same is true of a certain Takeda, the host of last night's "Close-Up Today +," and Chiaki Kamakura, one of the prominent people involved in this program.
The pattern they use is always the same.
In a feature program, they interview people who have the title of expert, and at the end of the interview, they say, "Each one of us.
The implication is the same as above.
The fact is that it is quite the opposite.
"The nation (especially Japan) is correct, but each of them is a real bastard.
The real bastards are those who control NHK, opposition politicians such as the CDP, those who make their living from the Asahi Shimbun, and the so-called academics who live off of them.
The so-called human rights lawyers, the members of so-called citizens' groups, and the people who continue to do evil in the world of the Internet, every one of them is evil.
And there are quite a few of them.
Japan can exist despite all of this because Japan has always had the proper traditions since the beginning.
It was not until Japan lost the war, was occupied, and had a constitution imposed on it by the occupying power, GHQ, to permanently weaken the country that each one of these bastards began to roam the land.
The establishment of the outrageous Syngman Rhee line was the most vicious and arrogant attempt to take advantage of the post-war chaos, the abysmal evil and plausible lie in its own right.
We were illegally occupied Takeshima.
We not only let hundreds of Koreans, including murderers, go scot-free to recapture illegally captured fishers, but we allowed them to live in Japan as Japanese citizens with privileges.
It is one example of the most humiliating position that has ever been put in.
Every single bastard and every single scoundrel in the world did as they pleased.
NHK continues to carefully consider China and South Korea, where every bastard still wields power while neglecting to criticize them as it should.
They continue to criticize Japan, which is arguably the most righteous country in the world.
It is because each one of these irredeemable, incorrigible bastards controls NHK.


2024/8/8 in Fukuyama



