文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Will, all the patients be cured in the time frame set by the government?

2020年06月25日 12時22分56秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
 The emphasis in the text except for the headline and *~* is mine.
The Abandoned Citizens of Wuhan
Takeuchi: As the epicenter of the epidemic, it would seem that the Wuhan government should be taking some kind of its own measures.

SekiHei: They just tell the hospitals to "hang on to the treatment." They haven't even supplied masks or protective clothing. For the first time, medical teams from outside Wuhan were sent to blockade the city and restrict citizens' movement. 

Takeuchi: I am also wondering what the situation is like in Wuhan City at the moment. According to what I've heard, if you get sick and go to the hospital, you will be quarantined if you are diagnosed with the Wuhan virus. They would be socially eradicated. That's why many citizens stay home even if they catch a cold.

SekiHei: According to the Chinese government, the number of deaths from the virus in Wuhan City is around 3,800. But probably more than 90% of the people died at home instead of going to the hospital. After the Wuhan blockade, all public transportation in the city has been stopped. Even the use of private cars is not allowed. There are no hospitals in the neighborhood, so if you can't use your car, the elderly and sick can't go to the hospital. It can't do it.

Takeuchi: Even if they could, the hospitals would be full.

SekiHei: So, they renovated more than ten extensive facilities in Wuhan, including gymnasiums, and they have more than 10,000 people. They used it as a temporary hospital that could accommodate them. But it turned out that they didn't provide any treatment. Along with the infected, people who are suspected of being infected are put in there. That is why non-infected people also died there.

Takeuchi: It's no longer the same as a concentration camp.

SekiHei: On March 10, Xi Jinping visited Wuhan, and the Wuhan government closed all the temporary hospitals by the end of February.

Takeuchi :So they pretended that the situation had come to an end?

SekiHei: So what happened to the patients - to tell you the truth, we don't know where they are. Ostensibly, they recovered and were discharged from the hospital. But it's a strange story. Will, all the patients be cured in the time frame set by the government?

Takeuchi: This is also part of tremendous information warfare. They mended their appearance by forcing an end to it and welcomed Xi Jinping to Wuhan.

SekiHei: On top of that, they started saying that the number of new infections is zero. And all the regions at once.

Takeuchi That's impossible (laughs).

SekiHei: If a patient comes to the hospital with a fever or cough, it doesn't diagnose them as having Wuhan virus.  It says, "It's just pneumonia," and that's written in the chart.

Takeuchi: But aren't there some things that cannot be hidden?

SekiHei: Currently, when the number of new cases reaches a certain level, they report them.
This article continues.


