文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China is pushing ahead with its dictatorial and tyrannical "Chinese Empire" policy

2021年03月08日 14時10分54秒 | 全般

I had already mentioned that I was astonished when Mr. Taishi Sugiyama's article appeared in the Sankei Shimbun the other day.
The following is from a feature article in the current issue of the monthly magazine WiLL titled "Inviting a crisis in Japan, The Decarbonization Trap - China behind it," which features a conversation between Yoshiko Sakurai and Daishi Sugiyama, Research Director of the Canon Institute for Global Studies.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
As a friend of mine, who is an avid reader, likes to say, "There is nothing cheaper than a book," and these monthly magazines are a perfect demonstration of that every month.
It is a miracle that for the price of one lunch, it can get a complete picture of Japan's realities and truths and the world.
I will let the world know as much as I can.
Is it okay to "don't talk about human rights and security" in return for "cooperating with global warming countermeasures"?
The Obama Administration's Big Failure
China fueling the division of the US.
The Biden administration is facing global warming and racism and social division, rebuilding the economy, and other issues that seem to consume most of its political heat.
On the other hand, China is pushing ahead with its dictatorial and tyrannical "Chinese Empire" policy, paying no heed to the condemnation of the international community.
Knowing that global warming will lead to partisan confrontation, China probably has an intention to aggravate the division in US politics by bringing up environmental issues.
As I mentioned earlier, the reaction to global warming is split in two in the US.
The Democrats support an active commitment while the Republicans are reluctant, considering the impact on the domestic economy and other factors.
Mr. Biden signed more than 30 executive orders in his first week, most of which were rejected by the Trump administration.
With the fragmentation of American society in mind, Biden emphasized "unity" in his inaugural address.
In reality, however, isn't he moving in a direction that will further aggravate the divide?
The leader who is supposed to protect the national interest through pragmatic policies is becoming more powerful.
I fear that the leaders, who are supposed to protect the national interest through pragmatic policies, may be dragged into the growing demands of the Democratic Party of Japan's leftist faction.
The executive order signed by Mr. Biden includes a moratorium on new leases of state and public lands for oil and gas drilling.
On the other hand, however, he has also stated that he wants to be cautious about regulating hydraulic fracturing (see note), which the Democratic left is seeking. 
In the Senate, where Democrats and Republicans are tied at 50 seats each, seven Democrats voted to block new hydraulic fracturing regulations by a vote of 57 to 43.
Pennsylvania, New Mexico, and other states with thriving energy industries, such as oil and natural gas extraction, will see their economies take a huge hit if hydraulic fracturing laws are regulated. This is because if they vote in favor of regulation, they will lose their own elections.
Democrats in the "energy states" can't vote for regulations, so even if the government wanted to introduce an environmental tax, Congress would stop it.
Only a few things can be decided by presidential decree without going through Congress, such as the use of electric vehicles (EVs) for official federal vehicles.
President Biden has declared "zero CO2 in 2050," but I think he will settle for a realistic line considering the United States' situation. 
(Note A method of injecting water under very high pressure into underground rock to create cracks. It is used in the extraction of shale gas and shale oil.



