文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The attitude of Minister Saito and Kawakatsu is truly inexcusable.

2021年12月23日 19時01分08秒 | 全般

The following is from today's Sankei Shimbun.

Our Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Saito is too dumb to realize that the person he should be instructing is not the president of JR Tokai but the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, Kawakatsu?
Or is it that Saito, a member of the Komei Party, which as a political party is no exaggeration to say the head of the panda-hugger, is as individual as Kawakatsu, one of the heads of the panda-hugger!
China is now spending vast sums of money on building a linear bullet train connecting Shanghai and Ningbo, using technology stolen from JR.
China's goal is to claim that it is the first country in the world to open a linear bullet train.
Kawakatsu's opposition to the project has made China's evil ambition possible to be realized.

The Linear Shinkansen, which has been under construction for more than half a century through trial and error, is the realization of a dream technology that most Japanese people have been waiting for.

The attitude of Minister Saito and Kawakatsu is truly inexcusable.
The Chinese instantly steal the technology that took the JR engineers so long to perfect and make it their own.
In addition, Kawakatsu, the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, acted following China's intentions mentioned above to halt the start of construction and delay the completion of the project at JR Tokai. 
Instead of instructing him, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism called the president of JR Tokai to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on the 21st to instruct him.
Such a terrible traitor-like aspect is openly pervasive in Japan, a country where civilization's turntables are spinning.
In response, Kawakatsu is stopping the construction work with the leftist's pseudo-moralism of water resources, which is not backed up by any science.
He is no better than a treasonist and no better than a traitor.

According to the brilliant Masayuki Takayama, Kawakatsu claims to be a descendant of the Hata clan, which came to Japan in ancient times. In other words, a man who is more Chinese than Japanese is abusing his position as governor of Shizuoka Prefecture to work for China.

Suppose Tetsuo Saito is a decent Japanese citizen and a decent Japanese. In that case, he should have called Kawakatsu, the governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.
It should thunder out, saying, "The way you work for China is the same as a treasonist. It's just a matter of course! Approve the construction work immediately!"

