文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Not only are they repugnant, but they must also be angry from the bottom of their hearts

2020年05月11日 22時28分07秒 | 全般

It's no exaggeration to say that Kyoto is my second home.
Since choosing Osaka as my life's setting, I've rediscovered Kyoto on three occasions.
Until May 2011, when I was seriously ill and spent seven months in the hospital, I was visiting Kyoto every weekend to photograph the city's spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
I was discharged from the hospital on 12/16/2011.
I spent 300 days out of 365 days of the year visiting all over Kyoto. 
I was living in a world of beauties of nature in Kyoto with my beloved camera.
It is Hieizan, Ishiyama, and Mitsui temples in Shiga, Horyuji, Yakushiji, Tōshōdai-ji, Todai-ji, Nigatsudo, Kasuga Taisha, Manyoen no Wisteria, Hase-dera, Murō-ji and other Nara temples.
The time I spent at BEAUTY OF NATURE in Kyoto was overwhelming.
As someone who doesn't live in Kyoto, I'm probably the most visited person in the world to visit Kyoto.
After all, in one year, I even spent 100 days of the year photographing the spring, summer, autumn, and winter of Tenryu-ji in Arashiyama.
But I despise, from the bottom of my heart, only the citizens of Kyoto who elected Tetsuro Fukuyama as a member of the Diet.
It is the only area where there are people who voted for him that I would not want to visit.
Any decent Japanese person who listened to his questions in the Diet today would agree with me.
This man was attacking PM Abe for coming up with bullshit numbers and claiming that the number of people infected in Japan is a lie. 
It is to Japan and the Japanese people, who are now the best in the world at dealing with the Wuhan virus.
This man is a truly despicable, malignant antagonist.
After failing to prevent the initial epidemic, South Korea has started PCR testing as an excuse and a way to undermine Japan.
They propagandized this by making a vicious spectacle of testing while riding in a car.
The media, including Asahi and NHK, which connect to South Korea, agreed with this and began to attack the Abe administration.
The attacks on the Cherry Blossom Watchers Association were, as a matter of course, being hated by the nation, the Constitutional Democratic Party, which has finally revealed their true character.
They have exposed themselves as parties that are opposed to the state, parties that undermine Japan and degrade Japan's national power, and parties that are in favor of China and South Korea.
Today, the Fukuyama mentioned above further added to their shame.
There was a long period in Kyoto when Kyoto University failed and became a stronghold of the left.
They made Song, Tu-hoe, who has nothing to do with Kyodai, live in Kumano dormitory, which is a national property, for free. It became a manufacturing factory for fabricating Sakhalin lawsuits and the issue of comfort women. The product of an era when the stupid left-wing ruled Kyoto with a big face, a long period of the communist government, in other words, it is Tetsuro Fukuyama who demonstrates how wrong it was. It is the citizens of Kyoto who voted for him.
I am sure that every decent person in Japan would be disgusted by this man.
Not only are they repugnant, but they must also be angry from the bottom of their hearts.

