文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I brokered the sale of one of these houses through an acquaintance

2024年06月29日 11時31分47秒 | 全般

The reporter who wrote this article, Taichiro Yoshino, writes as if they were Koreans who were forced and conscripted, but that is a lie.
February 17, 2019
They re-submitted the chapter they sent out on 2018-12-17 titled, "Electing such a person as a Diet member and receiving over 45 million yen a year from the national tax.
This chapter is also a fact that all Japanese citizens must know with all their hearts because it is modern and contemporary history.
Nevertheless...everyone is disgusted by the viciousness of the Asahi Shimbun and Kiyomi Tsujimoto and their ilk.
This paper is a historical paper that reveals that Japan has suffered from the Korean Peninsula in every possible way.
The chapter we sent out on March 28 is among the top three most searched chapters on goo.
It is the kind of chapter that every Japanese citizen must know every single sentence of it so that it will never be forgotten again.
Above all, we must thank God we have the best, unparalleled, real journalists in the postwar world.
Readers will think, as my friend said, that Masayuki Takayama and I are like two peas in a pod...
This chapter also perfectly describes who Kiyomi Tsujimoto is and what the Asahi Shimbun is, who created the Moritomo issue together.
Pseudo-moralists...of which Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami are indisputable representatives.
Many of the pseudo-moralists who have followed them must know how sinful they are to Japan and its people.
Every reader should know that this was a grave sin for the world.
Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, tells us what kind of land Moritomo Gakuen and its adjacent land were in a special interview with Makiko Takita of the monthly magazine WiLL, published on the 26th, once again, a fact that for some reason the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, and others never report at all.
It is a fact that all Japanese citizens and people worldwide need to know.

Preamble Omitted
Land with a history of controversy
The land that Moritomo bought is notorious to begin with.
That land is located on the approach road of Itami Airport. 
It is a so-called restricted approach surface area.
It is an important foreshadowing. 
Residents in that area have complained about the noise from jet aircraft since the 1970s.
In particular, residents of the Nakamura area, which encroached on the Itami Airport site, rushed to the airport and made noise in front of the Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways counters.
They scattered bloody tissue paper in cardboard boxes all over the place, saying, "The noise is making my nose bleed, and I can't stop. They would say, "What will you do about this responsibility?"
The Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Transport (at that time) was in charge of this noise problem, but even if you talked to them, they would not even offer you a cup of tea. 
It is not something that would ever be accepted.
However, commercial airlines are customer service companies, so if you make a noise in the lobby, they will say, "Well, well, come in here." 
You will be admitted to their office and offered tea and snacks. 
If you are successful, they will pay for your transportation, and if you say, "Give me your airline ticket," they will also give you an airline ticket.
That was the way it was for a long time. 
People wonder why anyone would live where an airstrip runs in front of their yard. 
Everyone wonders.
However, the residents' reasonable opinion prevailed, Itami Airport was closed, and the new Kansai Airport was built.
A 2010 article in the "People" section of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper finally revealed the mystery of how such recklessness was allowed to prevail. 
According to the article, the residents of the Nakamura area were actually "people gathered from the Korean Peninsula before the war for the airport expansion," and "after the war, they were turned into squatters."
The reporter who wrote this article, Taichiro Yoshino, writes as if they were Koreans who were forcibly taken away and conscripted, but this is a lie.
In fact, Asahi itself wrote that almost all the conscripted Koreans returned to the peninsula.
It is an article to fool the readers. 
However, this article clearly shows that the people who made a big fuss were the Koreans who "illegally occupied" the airport property.
Understandably, they don't use common sense and become out of control once they start making a fuss.
Such were the circumstances.
However, if the airport were to disappear, the residents of the Nakamura area would have nothing to gain, and the Ministry of Transport would lose interest in the airport building.
Therefore, 11 local cities, including Itami and Toyonaka, formed the Local 11 Cities Association and decided to keep Itami Airport, saying they would persuade the residents.
An airport-particular account was created to pay for the development of the area around the airport, in other words, to "provide for the noise zone" in the surrounding area. 
The Ministry of Transport is delighted to have two new posts, one as chairman of the Airports and Surrounding Area Development Organization and the other as president of KIX.
The same reason why Narita Airport was built instead of expanding Haneda Airport is precisely the same.
The 11 surrounding cities wanted everything from parks to roads to the airport particular account.
Thanks to the clamor of the Nakamura area residents, the Koreans in Japan were rewarded with a new home and a new place to live.

*As I have already mentioned, I brokered the sale of one of these houses through an acquaintance*.

However, the airport's particular account is funded by landing fees and fuel taxes collected from airline passengers.
To cover this wild spending, Japan has become the country with the highest landing fees in the world. 
Once the Nakamura area was taken care of, the government was forced to buy another location along the aircraft's approach route at a lower price due to its boisterous nature.
The vacant lots are now up for sale.
The airport's noise level has been lowered, and Toyonaka City has followed the Nakamura area's precedent by asking for 1.4 billion yen to turn the land under the runway's approach route into a park, Moritomo to use it for a school and a local school to build a school lunch center there. 
The local school said, "We will build a school site here," and "We will build a school lunch center here," following the Nakamura area's precedent. 
It was the JCP and the Socialist Party of the time that supported and politically backed the Nakamura area.
It was Toyonaka City Councilor Makoto Kimura, former secretary to Mizuho Fukushima of the Social Democratic Party, who first began making a fuss over the Moritomo issue.
So everything is connected.
I see.
In this structure, Toyonaka City, which built the park next to Moritomo's site, is a significant member of the 11-city council that benefited from the airport special committee that left Itami Airport in place, and the Socialist Party and the Communist Party did all the talking for them. 
Then, it all connects.
If you look at the incident along the runway at Itami, you can already see it all.
However, Tsujimoto, then deputy minister in charge of national transport, would find such a view troubling. 
The Kansai Ready-Mixed Concrete Union is also heavily involved in the Moritomo scandal.
In fact, one of the spies from the Ready-Mixed Concrete Union, whom Tsujimoto is believed to have infiltrated, is dead. 

The people of Japan, citizens of Takatsuki, elected them to the Diet and paid them more than 45 million yen a year from the national taxpayers' money, more than the absolute elite of Japan who work for some of the largest corporations in the world.
Wikipedia has the following information about Sekinama, who is closely associated with Tsujimoto and Kimura Makoto.
It is a must-read for the citizens of Takatsuki, the employees of Asahi Shimbun and NHK,
For us, the Japanese people, this is the most horrifying and stupid story of all.

The park is next to Moritomo's land, which used to have a pond known as a "washing place" and is a noisy area where all the residents have been compensated and relocated.
Dumping industrial waste there is something they would do.
Toyonaka City bought the land for the park for 1.4 billion yen.
According to Asahi, Kagoike acquired land in the same area for an unreasonably low price of 100 million yen.
The park was sold for 20 million yen, a discount of 1.4 billion yen.
There is a lot of noise about Kagoike reducing the price from 900 million to 100 million, but the cost of the Toyonaka park has been reduced even further.
The school lunch center has a discount of 900 million yen for the cost of garbage disposal.
If you put these figures together, there is no problem.
The Asahi newspaper knew this but hid the discount figures and joined the Social Democratic Party. 
Instead, why is there garbage in such a place, and why was the land vacant?
If we start from Itami Airport, we can explain everything. 
Still, the Diet members of the Communist Party and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), who are almost all involved in the project, know how it happened but have been pretending they do not. 
When Japan is going through a difficult time worldwide, why should the Diet stay involved in the Moritomo issue?
It is at a time when China is trying to strengthen its dictatorship, and South Korea is about to be swallowed up by North Korea.

*As if to prove that they are agents of China and the Korean peninsula in the same composition again now, the opposition and media, such as Asahi, for example, the work of Prime Minister Abe, who was praised in Davos, have been saying that Germany's Merkel, who has been saying everything for her anti-Japanese ideology, finally realized that Abe was right (probably because she also realized that China is a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies after all) and came to Japan to hold a summit meeting to build strong diplomatic and economic ties with Japan. Instead, they devote their print and news time to the issue of statistical fraud at the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.
Instead of criticizing Kiyomi Tsujimoto, who has committed a severe illegal act by being found to have received political donations from foreign nationals, NHK has repeatedly criticized the administration by showing her face in the news.
It would be most natural for NHK to change its name to the Korean Peninsula National Broadcasting System or the Chinese National Broadcasting System.
If the Japanese people knew that this is where they stood, then the weakening of Japan by the brainwashed and misinformed people of this TV station, including the older generation and the women who watch TV, would dissipate immediately. 

2024/6/26 in Osaka


