文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Instead of saying something like you're not confident that

2020年08月30日 14時57分49秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Chapter 2: How the masochistic view of history was demonstrated
The government must declare that the comfort women issue and the Nanjing Massacre never happened.
There are many arguments against Japan, such as 'Japan says that the comfort women were not moved forcibly, but there is no evidence that they were, so they must have been moved forcibly.'
It is called "AdIgnorntiam" in logic, and it is an absolute fallacy to say 'there was no evidence that there was not, so there must have been.
It is indeed logically challenging to prove that something did not exist, which is called Probatio Diabolica.
To prove that it did not exist, one would have to examine everything in the world, but this is impossible.
However, in the Reductio Absurdum, if we can prove the premise that both A and B can't exist simultaneously, we can confirm "B does not exist" by establishing "A exists."
Some people argue that this is indirect and, therefore, not proof, but this is sufficient proof based on legitimate logic.
Instead of saying something like you're not confident that "We could not confirm that the comfort women were moved forcibly," the Japanese government should declare no truth to this claim.



