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Several pieces of evidence contribute to the suspicion of fake academic credentials:

2024年04月11日 18時29分40秒 | 全般

The following is an article on Microsoft's AI that appeared when I searched for the chapter I just sent out.

Ever since Yuriko Koike, the incumbent Governor of Tokyo, became a Member of Parliament in 1992, rumors have circulated about her embellished academic credentials. Koike claims to have graduated from Cairo University, but her Arabic language skills raise doubts about the legitimacy of her stated credentials. An Arabic speaker listening to her Arabic finds her published academic background as a Cairo University graduate highly dubious. Several pieces of evidence contribute to the suspicion of fake academic credentials:

  1. Testimony by a Flatmate: A flatmate has testified that Koike’s transfer to Cairo University was arranged by someone named Hatem. However, despite frequently mentioning Hatem’s name when joining the university, Koike never sought help from him when she faced difficulties after failing her year-end exam in May 1976. This suggests that Koike did not have a close relationship with Hatem and likely graduated through her own efforts.

  2. Contradictory Statements: In her book, Koike claims to have graduated in four years, even though she failed her first year. This self-contradictory statement raises further suspicions.

  3. Rudimentary Arabic: Koike’s Arabic language skills are rudimentary, which is inconsistent with someone who graduated from an Arabic-speaking university.

  4. Refusal to Submit Graduation Documents: Despite requests, Koike has stubbornly refused to submit her graduation documents to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly.

The allegations extend beyond mere documentation; they also concern whether Koike genuinely attended classes and earned credits to meet degree requirements. This misrepresentation could potentially violate the Public Offices Election Law. Additionally, there are suspicions of forgery and use of a private document bearing a seal, which is a criminal offense under Japan’s Penal Code. While Cairo University only recently acknowledged Koike as an alumna, evidence remains scarce that she indeed graduated from there. The investigation into Koike’s academic background continues, shedding light on the mysterious diploma that has haunted her career1.
