文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Chinese pull off Sinister design that the Japanese have no clue about in cold blood

2022年05月03日 10時45分14秒 | 全般
The following is from page 98 of Masayuki Takayama and Rui Abiru's book, Crime, and Punishment of Mass Media.
Everyone who subscribed to this chapter should have admired that 'Takayama is amazing!'
All Japanese citizens who can read printed letters must immediately go to the nearest bookstore and subscribe to this book.
People worldwide must be painfully aware that, in my translation, we were utterly ignorant of the truth of things.
This paper also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
NHK gleefully reported that the Japan Teachers' Union has begun educating high school students as if Japan has a problem with freedom of speech.
Using this article as a teaching tool, the Japan Teachers' Union must teach high school students about the issue of free speech and the media.
Chinese cunning which encloses reporters of 100 people slashing

A Shina person, too, is wily, resembling an American.
The Chinese pull off Sinister design that the Japanese have no clue about in cold blood.
One example is the movement of Liao Chengzhi in the 1960s.
The Cultural Revolution began in 1966, but before that, Liao Chengzhi learned that Kazuo Asami was included among the newspaper officials invited from Japan.
Kazuo Asami was published in Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shimbun in 1937 under the heading 'A hundred slashing competition! / Both lieutenants, as early as 80 people', Mr. Tsuyoshi Noda and Mr. Toshiaki Mukai before entering Nanjing they compete for which one to slash 100 people earlier by Japanese sword, he wrote a lying article.
After the war, as a result of Asami's article, Noda and Mukai were sentenced to death while being innocent.
This 'hundreds slash' report has also been used as a reinforcement material for the lie of the Nanjing massacre that was concocted in China and America.
It was this Asami who wrote it.
At that time, he was doing something like the Mainichi Shimbun's labor union committee.
Liao Chengzhi immediately invited Asami and his family, a wife and a daughter, to China together with favorable conditions, and his daughter entered Peking University.
Why did he do that?
'Hundreds slashing' knew the lie even if gathering the evidence.
If Asami was in Japan, Tomomi Inada filed a lawsuit against that fact, but it was clear that Asami apologized as 'I was lying' 'Sorry.'
The lie of Asami comes to light; one after another, the lie of the Nanjing massacre also comes to light.
It is precisely a tiny leak that will sink a great ship.
The lie of the Nanjing massacre is come to light, becoming in its heyday in the era of Deng Xiaoping, was Official development assistance from Japan, too, possible?
He read that far and enclosed the Asami family quickly.
Kazuo Asami was a pillar supporting precious lies.
So, China hugged Asami.
When the hundred slashing became an issue in Japan in the 1970s, Asami came from Beijing and testified that it was true and returned to Beijing again.
Asami's daughter left Beijing University, after which the Beijing government took care of her properly.
I was accidental but met that daughter.
She managed a teahouse in a corner in the facilities for a Japanese excursionist.
There was a tablet of Liao Chengzhi in the store, and he said, "To Kazuo Asami."
She says, "Oh, my father, " I ask her.
I asked her if innocent sins dropped two lieutenants with your father's lies article.
The daughter replied flatly, "My father knows if he is innocent or not," and that "he suffered too."
I clearly pointed out to his daughter, 'It is natural for your father to suffer because he killed people,' but it reflected nothing.
What I felt was Liao Chengzhi's tremendous deep reading.
He had decided to make this Chinese story in the 1960s.
For Japanese people, such cunning will not work.
China has been extracting Japanese ODA since 1979, but they took precautions, knowing that it would all be ruined if Asakai confessed.
That's something, is all I can say.


