文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

To ban criminals from the Internet, the most crucial library in humankind's history,

2021年06月27日 10時28分46秒 | 全般

Criminals always show up at the scene. 
In 2015, a complaint I filed alone without a lawyer in 2012 against a criminal act on the Internet went up to the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office more than three years later, but it filed no case.
The criminal, who confessed to the interrogation by the police station detective in charge that it was all his work, started a commercial fraud blog on goo when he found out that he would not be prosecuted.
He created multiple IDs and created blogs with the same content.
He posted the blogs in real-time search, pretending to be a reader of my blog.
Naturally, I knew immediately.
At the time, I called NTT Resonant, the company that ran the blog, and asked them to take care of it.
The other day, I remembered something.
Let's compare NTT Resonant (goo) and google.
NTT Resonant is a better and more decent company, as it has a customer service line.
The parent company, NTT, is one of the world's leading companies in both name and reality.
Its technology is no less than that of Google, which is fresh off the farm.
My blog on goo had an average of about 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors every day (actually, it must have been more than that. Since I  launched in July 2010, I had been sending out messages to the world every day, sometimes in 100 languages).
One day, all of a sudden, the number of each of them plummeted to less than a third. 
It was the same as when the criminal hijacked my Twitter account. 
I called to ask for help, but the only answer was that NTT Resonant doesn't know anything about it because the search tables and other information are outsourced.
Eventually, the real-time search graph suddenly took on the shape of a bumpy graph.
My graph, of course, was an unbroken, curtain-like graph.
I talked to the management company about it, but it was still unsettled, so I had to let it go.
The other day, this criminal showed up in a real-time search.
It was a blog with nothing on it.
It's a blog that claims to have the same number of searches as this one, but it's a blog trying to scam a product by showing a curtain-like graph that must have been plagiarized from my chart.
Naturally, I knew right away.
Thanks to a recent article I found on the Internet, I was able to find out this man's modus operandi.
Google's search rankings are being hijacked / It's called negative SEO

A few times recently, this guy's modus operandi was interrupted, and the original search numbers for my blog appeared.
Instead of a bumpy graph, it turned into a curtain-like chart, and my rankings went up in no time.
It became the number one searcher on goo, which has about 2.8 million blogs. It continued for about a day and a half.

The same thing happened on Ameba. 
Amoeba is also better than Google in that it has a consultation phone.
However, they don't know anything about the number of searches because they outsource it.
Each of them is a good blog, but they are too helpless against criminal attacks, and they don't have the will to protect the Internet, the most extensive library in human history, from criminals.
If there were such a spirit, NTT Resonant would be an Internet company as good as GAFA.
This article continues.
In every sense of the word, the time had come for me to create a "Turntable of Civilization" homepage.
It took a lot of money and time.
Please subscribe for a long time.
To ban criminals from the Internet, the most crucial library in humankind's history, and drastically reduce criminal activities, I am filing five lawsuits against the criminals in question, the Japanese government, Google, Twitter, and others.
The cost is 1 million yen each, for a total of 5 million yen.
I want to ask for support from readers worldwide, so I'm posting an explanation for each of them on Patreon, albeit in poor English.
Please help us.
June 2021.



