文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Strengthening national defense is not enough to confront the threat of China.

2022年05月12日 12時07分57秒 | 全般
The following is from the serial column of Yoshiko Sakurai, who brought the weekly Shincho released yesterday to a successful conclusion.
This paper also proves that she is the national treasure defined by Saicho, the supreme national treasure.
It is a must-read for Japanese people and for people worldwide.
How much harm has the LDP continued to give the Komeito the seat of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism to Japan?
The thing is not a surprisingly loose inspection system for tour boat operators in Hokkaido.
It is no exaggeration to say that it is an agent of the Chinese Communist Party. The Komeito has occupied the seat of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.
For China, it was a matter of great congratulation.
I emphasize the text other than the headline.
Japan, notice, China is the real bad guy.
For the past few weeks, I have been looking at a map.
It is a map of the Pacific Ocean with the South American continent on the right and the Eurasian continent on the left, with the nuclear powers painted in red.
The Eurasian continent is dyed red, centering on Russia, China, and North Korea, and the United States is dyed red in North America.
In the middle of it, the Japanese archipelago and the Japanese archipelago are floating on the far left of the Pacific Ocean.
Now, I feel that the most dangerous region in the world is not the Atlantic Ocean / Europe, but the Pacific Ocean / Asia, around Japan.
In the war of aggression of Russia against Ukraine, we are distracted by daily reports of the war situation, and it is difficult to notice how dangerous Japan is in the significant change of the world's power balance.
Japan is absent-minded. So we have neither a strong spirit nor preparedness for national defense.
The idea is naive, and the system is loose.
It is time to cooperate with the United States to formulate concrete measures for its fateful strategy toward China and prepare for the constitutional amendment. Still, I do not think there is such strict recognition.
With this, it is natural for China to aim.
US Defense Secretary Austin said on April 25 that it would "weaken Russia" so that Russia could never do something like the war of aggression in Ukraine.
As the word says, the United States is making a more profound commitment to Ukraine to deteriorate Russia.
Economic support to replenish and strengthen Ukraine's weapons equipment amounts to $ 3.05 billion (about 398.2 billion yen) from February 24 to April 21, when Russia embarked on a full-scale war of aggression.
However, on April 28, President Biden requested Congress to provide additional support of 33 billion dollars (about 4.3807 trillion yen).
Combined with the results since February, the total amount is about 4.7 trillion yen, which is more than half of Russia's 2021 military budget of 65.9 billion dollars (about 8.6 trillion yen).
It is a natural feeling to stand on the side of Ukraine and hate Mr. Putin in this war of aggression, which is why the United States has a stake in Ukraine.
At the same time, Japan must be worried about what kind of situation the Ukrainian War is creating in Asia.
The map at the beginning of Japan's crisis symbolizes this.
Weakening of the United States
China is most pleased that the United States is deeply involved in the Ukraine issue and continues to invest its economic and military resources.
Their main goal is to win the competition with the United States and become the champion on earth, and the enemy is the United States.
So China has always wanted to weaken the United States.
During the Gulf War of President Bush (father) and the Afghan war of President Bush (child),
The Chinese were very interested in the war, how much power the United States would run out in the Middle East, and how it would undermine US power and threaten its status.
They would have longed for the depletion of the United States and hoped for a more prolonged war, preferably a swamp. It will be the same this time.
They hope that the war between Ukraine and Russia will be prolonged and the US military will commit more deeply and be exhausted and exhausted by large-scale aid.
If even the United States weakens, China can conquer the Asia-Pacific.
Such a development is dangerous for both Japan and the United States and is contrary to President Biden's strategy in the first place.
Last year the United States embarked on a withdrawal from the Afghan war.
Mr. Biden has stated that the withdrawal is to focus on the real threat of China.
But if the United States is too deeply involved in the Ukraine issue, it cannot focus on China.
It is a severe crisis for Japan.
That is why Japan must think about how quickly it can defeat Russia against Ukraine.
Geopolitically, the biggest concern for Japan and the United States is that China and Russia will join hands and China will effectively dominate the Eurasian continent, but what is happening now is China-Russia cooperation.
The Biden administration may be losing its strategic direction because it cannot concentrate on responding to China, which is the biggest threat, and cannot prevent China-Russia cooperation.
On the other hand, it is a strategic opportunity for China now that the United States and Europe are concentrated in Ukraine.
They are proceeding with the construction of military power as the basis of national power without looking aside.
"People's Liberation Army (PLA) missile units and bombers will target 850 locations within 3200 km of mainland China twice in 2030, and more than 4500 targets within 1400 km. You will be able to attack once, "says Masaru Murano, a researcher at the Hudson Institute, a US think tank.
China's nuclear and non-nuclear strategic missiles have the ability to capture both Japan and Taiwan within range and quickly attack multiple times in the next few years.
At the western end of the Pacific Ocean, around Japan, nuclear weapons and missiles are already the highest, but the density will increase, and the risk will increase.
Land acquisition
As the Biden administration has declared, the real threat, the more formidable enemy, is China.
Many Japanese people should already feel that Japan is the most targeted by China.
In that sense, strengthening national defense is urgent, but the defense budget of 2% of GDP will not be enough.
What kind of aggression will China reach toward Japan?
China will not make Putin's mistake.
Like the security agreement with the Solomon Islands, which was revealed in April, China quickly became the center of Solomon's government without even noticing Solomon's parliament and giving Australia and the United States time to stop. China had Virtually hijacked.
Bribes or intimidation are inexhaustible in their tactics to capture targeted targets.
Japan cannot laugh at the Solomon Islands.
On the 7th, the editorial board member of the Sankei Shimbun, Masafumi Miyamoto, said, "The day when borders disappear <Tactiles of offshore wind power, Japan is naked>" China has received an order for Japan's offshore wind power generation business and has begun to control the source of Japan's electricity supply. Warn that it is.
It is dangerous for other countries, especially China, to seize the power source, even partly, but Miyamoto says it is not the only one.
"For example, a Chinese company has entered the offshore wind power generation business in Nyuzen Town, Toyama Prefecture. Power generators can investigate wind power, currents, seabed topography, geology, etc., in the sea area where the generator is installed. The contractor can occupy and survey the site for up to 30 years. "
Mr. Miyamoto, who has been interviewing the acquisition of Japan's land by the Chinese capital for more than 20 years and knows the actual situation of the magical hand of invading Japan, also says:
"Not only national territories such as forests, water sources, and agricultural lands, but also the sea and seabed of Japan, a maritime nation, could fall into the hands of Chinese capital."
Isn't it a scary story?
Strengthening national defense is not enough to confront the threat of China.
Politicians lay antennas of crisis around themselves like hedgehogs, emphasizing China's threat to the United States.
Understand the problem and devote yourself to realizing legislation that will not rob China of the land and the sea.


