文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Does ignorance and malice smell in the Asahi?

2019年07月11日 22時32分45秒 | 全般

As mentioned above, I subscribe to Weekly Shincho every week to read the serialization columns of Mr. Masayuki Takayama and Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai.
In this week's issue, Takayama Masayuki also proved he was the world's only journalist after the war.
All those who read it should have thought he was great.
Ms. Sakurai Yoshiko also deserves a national honor award.
With the late Mr. Shoichi Watabe, she has been fighting alone since the Asahi Shimbun dominated Japan.
She has corrected the anomalies of the Asahi Shimbun and many reports on anti-Japanese thought. 
She has continued to be critical of their following the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and the Koreans.
First, I will deliver Masayuki Takayama's admirable thesis to everyone worldwide.

The smell in the Asahi
Takayama Masayuki
Even if it is an evil wife, the husband is somehow devitalizing, and it dies like chasing after the wife.
However, even if the husband is dead, most wives are full of animation and never chase their husbands.
The average life span of Japanese is 80 for men and 87 for women.
It shows that the wife has been in peace for seven years after the annoying husband has died.
Why does a man die young more than a woman?
That is so because it is a man; that is, it has a Y chromosome.
It's sad, but that's the rule.
Below is a story I learned in an interview with Kumiko Takeuchi and Mary Batten. 
At the time of fertilized eggs, everyone was a woman.
The proof is the nipple in the chest of a man.
It is neither milk nor an erogenous zone.
It is a useless gift, but it proves he was a woman before becoming a man.
Then when will a man become a man?
Six weeks after fertilization and cell division began, the seminal vesicles start functioning by the sex determinants on the Y chromosome and erupt a large amount of the male hormone testosterone.
It makes testosterone pickles from the brain to every corner of the body like a shower and says, 'You are a man.'
Male genitals also develop with it.
However, congenital homosexual male genitalia is one size larger than normal males.
We still don't know why God made such a waste.
A person born within mind and body as a man is always encouraged by the brain to be a man and act more masculine; eyebrows and body hair grow, and muscles also get musclebound.
MacArthur was mocked by his first wife, saying, "You're a general by day, but you're a private by night,'' but men are expected to work hard day and night.
The Y-chromosome, which supports the efforts, prevents canceration of cells, prevents arteriosclerosis, and removes amyloid plaques attached to the brain.
Thanks to the Y chromosome, a man continues to work hard without getting ill and can marry a beautiful wife and produce a child.
However, after the reproductive stage, the Y chromosome gradually loses its function.
The hardening of the arteries begins.
Plaques accumulate in the brain, dementia sets in, and cancer cells begin to grow.
Fatigue from continuous effort as a man also begins to accumulate.
Staying healthy until old age and dying painlessly refers to the ideal way of life, which comes to life and falls to death before becoming household waste.
The decline of the Y chromosome seems to be just a natural provision to realize it.
Japanese men have likened the ephemeral way of life in which a man continues to work hard and do his best but is quickly scattered to cherry blossoms when his role is finished.
Motoori Norinaga, who has lived long enough to reach his 60th birthday, wrote, "What is the Japanese spirit? If someone asks me, I will say it's like wild cherry blossoms shining in the morning light." 
Saigyo Hoshi also said, 'I hope to die under the cherry blossoms in spring, around the time of full moon in April.'
The loneliness of a man comes out well.
Although it is such a Y-chromosome, it has been found that the nucleotide sequence of the gene differs depending on the people.
According to the Y-chromosome sequence chart announced by a graduate student at the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Science the other day, the current Japanese and Jomon people are the same.
In other words, the Japanese have remained Japanese during the 10,000 years of the Sannai Maruyama ruins.
Comparing this Jomon factor with that of the Chinese and Koreans, there was little in common.
It will be a great discovery.
Shiba Ryotaro said, 'Japanese people are the same as Koreans, ' but it was a complete lie.
Egami Namio also said, 'Equestrian people came and made the Yamato court,' but this was a complete lie.
In Japanese history, Yayoi culture is taught according to foreigners, but there were no such foreigners.
For ethnic identity conventionally: 'we have verified based on the female mitochondrial, it is a trick that may deceive a child. The Y chromosome is the deciding factor.' Hiroaki Nagahama also wrote in 'The Birth of Japan.'
Even so, Japanese people are great.
Not only did we know the loneliness of the Y chromosome early and therefore love the cherry blossoms, but as a means to protect the pure blood of the race, we have made it as a male line connecting the imperial line with the Y chromosome.
Now, the Communist Party and the Asahi Shimbun recommend the female emperor.
They think that is the best way to pollute Japanese people.
Does ignorance and malice smell in the Asahi?


2024/5/22 in Kyoto
