文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They show an understanding of terrorism, which must not be tolerated, not even to the millimeter

2023年04月16日 12時17分16秒 | 全般

The following is from the tweets of Mr. Ryusho Kadota and Ms. Kazue Fujiwara that we have just discovered.
Kadota Ryusho
At this juncture, he said, "Young people are feeling vague anxiety about the times, a sense of stagnation and frustration, and the problems Japan is facing today are being projected onto (terrorism). The situation of the times can be seen in the background." The program shows an understanding of terrorism, which must not be tolerated, not even to the millimeter.
I can't believe that even now, they don't understand the criminality of the phrase "terrorism is unforgivable, but Mr. Abe..." that we have heard so many times before.

Tweet quotes
Kazue Fujiwara
Sanmoni Jitsuro Terashima
Young people are feeling vague anxiety about the times, a sense of stagnation and frustration, and the problems that Japan is facing today are projected onto (the Prime Minister's terror). The situation of the times can be seen in the background.

→It is common in all eras that young people are anxious about the times. Let's not easily blame everything on the times (laughs).
