文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

which can be found in an hour if you have a rational brain and check the historical facts

2022年03月19日 12時31分10秒 | 全般

What kind of organization is IMADR?
However, this organization continues to say outrageous things at the UN to shame Japan, such as discriminating against the Ainu people and Okinawa.
To top it all off, they had a woman of unknown identity, Kumi Sasaki (who is either a Korean with plastic surgery or a Korean living in Japan), publish a genuinely absurd and absurd publication in Paris, claiming that Japan is a country full of molesters and a country that violates women's rights.
That would be the mastermind organization that had the stupid, low-life, racist French criticizing Japan in this way.

It is against Japan, the country where women are treated as human beings and live happily more than any other country in the world.
Japan, where women can live the richest and happiest life in the world with the slightest danger of rape, etc., can live without fear of such damage.

A few years ago, an article in Newsweek magazine published a survey showing that the percentage of women who have been raped is close to 50%, even in the supposedly developed countries of the West.
Upon reading this article, I thought, "Carnivores are horrible...

Not to mention the terrible treatment of women in religious nations where women are described as a lower race in the religious doctrine itself, which is hard to believe in the 21st century.
People from such countries, who claim to be scholars and experts in the field, call for discrimination against women and human rights violations against Japan at the United Nations.
What could be more absurd than this?
I cannot even begin to describe the cruelty of the Asahi Shimbun and other media outlets and NHK that gleefully report (as if they had been waiting for it) on the recommendations of such people.

To begin with, more than 1,000 years ago, when Germany and other Western nations did not even exist as entire nations, Murasaki Shikibu lived in Japan and wrote "The Tale of Genji" and Sei Shonagon wrote "The Pillow Book. 
In contrast to Japan, countries where 50% of women have been raped and where women are not treated as human beings.
Even today, people from countries where women are not treated as human beings are calling themselves scholars and experts at CERD and claiming that they are discriminating against women and violating their human rights. 
The human rights recommendations are genuinely outrageous.

Not only in ancient times, but even today, South Korea and China are the world's top and second-largest exporters of prostitutes.
The world's discerning scholars must know that Newsweek magazine reported last year that the number of Chinese prostitutes in Paris has increased dramatically and has become a social problem.
In Tokyo, many Korean women are prostituting themselves in massage parlors.
I have not seen any reports of any human rights advisory being issued against China and South Korea, two countries that have been significant players in prostitution since ancient times.
There are not many organizations as ugly as CRED, with groups like IMDR and others like them in the dark.

Furthermore, Japan is a country that did not colonize like Western countries but treated Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula as fellow countries and modernized them at once by investing vast amounts of money (Japanese taxpayers' money).
Especially in the Korean Peninsula, Japan gave those massive infrastructures free of charge at the time of the conclusion of the Japan-Korea Treaty, according to their selfish claims after the war.
Not a single Western country has ever given the infrastructure is built for its colonies free of charge.

It is a ridiculous accusation that Japan discriminated against them, which can be found in an hour if you have a rational brain and check the historical facts.



