文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Corona disaster is a crime brought to the world by the evil of the Communist Party dictatorship

2021年10月14日 08時08分07秒 | 全般

I am re-sending a chapter that I sent out on December 27, 2020, titled "The Corona disaster is a crime brought to the world by the evil of the Communist Party dictatorship, and the anger over it is entirely missing."
It is the chapter I sent out on 2020-04-28.
I'm working on it while watching NHK's watch9 because that's the way NHK is.
I am convinced that this is happening because Japan's mass media, political circles, business circles, academic circles, and legal circles are probably the most under Chinese manipulation in the world.
Not only was this virus slaughtered from China, but the view that the evil of the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party was a crime brought to the world, and they completely removed the anger at it. Because it is, it is strange. 
The absolute position is wrong.
Since 5W1H is intentionally sealed, strange people will also leap.
Japan should be the first country in the world to start calculating claims for damages against China.
Think about it.
It was China that buried China's poison gas weapon in the ground, fabricated it as the work of the Japanese military, and the Asahi Shimbun was complicit in this and reported it to the world, forcing Japan to pay as much as one trillion yen for this one case alone.
None other than China (CCP) has taken an astronomical amount of money from Japan to fabricate the Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731, attacked by a false report on the description of history textbooks led by Asahi Shimbun many other fabrications and slanders.
It is also an obvious fact that we have never complained about China's 100% history-distorting, fabricated anti-Japanese education, and textbooks.
What a state broadcaster!
What a shameful country, what a stupid country!



