文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Ibis A Bird on the Shore of the Nile

2021年11月04日 23時26分22秒 | 全般

Conviction. And a request to the readers. The chapter that I sent out on August 12, 2010, titled "The Conviction."
This article also disappeared from the search results due to a criminal act of search obstruction by a man readers know well.
I have revised the paragraphs, etc., and am sending it again.

I am convinced that I have not only written a theory of the national wealth of the 21st century (and Japan can do it right now) but that I have also become the Marx of the 21st century.
Would you please read my repeated articles on class, elites, and workers?
The reason for my writings is that I pointed out that the role of the elite is a stringent one.
I pointed out that even if we don't live in a class society, there are still classes of people.
I pointed out that 10% of the elite are guaranteed to earn more than 10 million yen a year, and 90% will acquire only 5 million yen a year even if they work all their lives.

I inadvertently emerged as the Marx of the 21st century because I made it clear that this is not fixed. 
It is the fact that I have shown that it is not fixed and that it must never be fixed.
The almost complete rejection of the hereditary system (especially for those with no actual ability).

The fact is that the elite and the working class are always in a cycle.
It is inevitable.
I have shown that the elite in any field emerges mutationally.

What was decisive was that I rejected the stereotype of 90% of the working class and clarified the truth as follows.
I have completely broken down the notion of a working-class with no dreams and no hope.
Please read "The Role of the Elite is a Steep One" for more on the above, etc.
The happiness of the working class lies in the fact that I have made it clear that the working class is actually the most carefree and happy.
I have written about the happiness of the working class, the joy of living only for oneself and one's family.
I am saddened that no publishers in Japan can see that my writing is genuinely wasteful if it just exists here.

The other day, I decided that it was no use just being sad and that I could not bear the thought of the truth in my writing being buried in a country with a mental age of 13.
I thought it would be better to leave it in the United States, the only country in the modern world with the highest level of intelligence and freedom.
Of course, Japan's creation of capitalism in the 21st century is not a threat to the true hegemony that the U.S. has achieved for the first time in human history. Still, it is a way to hasten the day when real "peace on earth" will come to the earth of 6.5 billion people, which the U.S. alone cannot support.
So, this time, there is no need for any unnecessary or useless teasing or threats.
Japan has realized that it should work with you to save the world.
Japan has realized its role.
"Let the U.S. know that you are aware of the Turntable of Civilization and that all you have to do is to carry out that role.

If any of my readers can translate my article into English perfectly and painlessly, I request it.
Of course, I will pay you a decent part-time fee.

I'm proud to say that I can speak English as well as anyone else, and I'm sure I have a good sense of it, but I haven't used English for 30 years, and I haven't written in English, so I don't think it's a good idea for me to translate into English myself.
I don't use English.
*As you know, I started translating into English by myself because no English translator appeared. Now, readers know that my English translations are frequently praised as par with the New York Times articles. My translations into various languages are, therefore, dramatically more accurate. *
If any readers have excellent English, please let me know.
If there are any readers with excellent English skills, I would like you to translate all of my writings into English, including "Stradivarius" and the other two books that I will soon write or continue to write until the end of my life.
It is as to why so many people over 100 years old have gone missing.
A university professor said, "It's hard to believe that something like this could happen...but with the nuclearization of the family, etc., the concept and philosophy of death have disappeared in Japanese society. Death is not seen as a reality..." When I read that, I felt something close to frustration.

If you are a reader with an eye for detail, you will notice that living and dying are always written in the same sentence in my writings.
Kenji Akutagawa's time to come out to the world had already come in this respect as well.
*The fact that Kenji Akutagawa was my original pseudonym, and that I was impersonated by criminals whom readers are well aware of, and that he has committed an incredible amount of criminal acts of slander and defamation. However, he confessed to the police who investigated him as a criminal case that he had committed all of these acts; Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., did not respond to his confession.
As you know, I changed my pen name from heartbroken thoughts to my current name, Nara Haruo, because Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., did not respond at all to his confession.

When I write the words "old man" and "old woman," I am writing with tears in my eyes, or rather, with tears of sorrow and tears for the finite life that no one can escape.
I have read and admired all of Ryunosuke Akutagawa's works, and I have not been praised for showing Kenji Miyazawa's "Night on the Galactic Railroad" as the best book ever written.

Eventually I too
I will go underground to the cold shadows.
Everyone dies at least once anyway!
It's so sad 
A limited life for a finite body.
A Bird on the Shore of the Nile
(G. Apollinaire)

