文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But the Japanese media doesn't report this fact. It is a crisis of the press. 

2024年06月26日 19時43分58秒 | 全般

The following is the final chapter of a special interview between Hiroshi Furuta, professor emeritus at Tsukuba University, and Itsuki Fujii, a scholar of international politics, that appeared in yesterday's issue of WiLL, a monthly magazine titled "
What Japanese Media Don't Tell You: Trump's Overwhelming Victory in the U.S. Presidential Election.
Hiroshi Furuta is one of the world's leading experts on Korea and China, and Genki Fujii is one of the world's leading scholars on U.S. affairs in particular.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
The Japanese people must go to their nearest bookstore now because what they say is true.
It is a monthly magazine full of truths that cannot be found simply by subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun or other newspapers and watching NHK or other news programs and talk shows.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

Without "China
Is there any chance that Biden will win?
I'm afraid the possibility is not zero.
Biden stayed at home for three months because of Corona.
He appeared for the first time in a long time and responded to the interview, but I got a pretty dull impression when I saw the answers.
The U.S. media is also very Democrat-leaning, and he faltered even though he only asked the obvious, gentle questions.
In a speech in Texas, "All men are created equal, the self-evident ... we all know that you know, that thing, the example," he forgot the content of the Independent's speech, and the allegations of dementia have been addressed.
It is highly doubtful that he can do the hard work of being president.  
Liberal Americans are lamenting the fact that Biden is the only candidate who can do it.
That's a serious question (laughs).
And it's sometimes said that "Biden is anti-China," but that's a downright lie.
His son, Hunter Biden, is now an executive at a Chinese investment company, and he has as much as $1 billion in his pocket.
China has completely taken in the Biden family.
Biden himself has been involved in a scandal with China. Biden founded the Biden Center, a self-funded foreign public policy research organization under the University of Pennsylvania's umbrella.
However, over the past three years, about $70 million in donations from China have flowed to the center.
That's when the Center for National Legal Policy, a non-profit organization, demanded that the U.S. Department of Education conduct a full investigation and release it.
Universities in the U.S. are required to report to the government whenever they receive donations of more than $250,000 from foreign countries.
The Biden Center has not released any statement at the moment.
Some Japanese critics say that Biden is anti-China and that China will not like it no matter who is elected.
Well, that's just nonsense. The aftereffects of the former "progressive cultural people" make China look like an upperclassman.
There are a lot of high school teachers and university professors who teach that sort of thing.
They say what the Chinese authorities want them to say.
Biden, who also has health concerns, has little chance of winning.
There's no doubt that the fall presidential election will end in a landslide victory for Trump.
But the Japanese media doesn't report this fact.
It is a crisis of the press. 

2024/6/26 in Osaka


