文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

First, many of the studies and papers from China could be untrustworthy. 

2024年05月27日 19時27分43秒 | 全般

It is no longer a secret that WHO and China have a deep relationship,  as do the research institutes associated with WHO. 
It is the chapter that I sent out on 2020-08-28 titled "The World Health Organization and China.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
President Trump announced two significant points at a press conference at the Republican Party's convention. 
The most crucial news program was aired on every news program I watched except watch9.
"We will ensure that China is accountable for spreading the virus."
It made me feel good. 
I am sure that people worldwide who saw this report felt the same.
I publish this column on Goo.
Recently, the most searched chapter on Goo was "What did she cross with the coronavirus to create the new virus? She must have seen how it mutated. Shi Zhengli, it's your duty as a human being." I was proud of myself.
I wrote this chapter with 100% conviction because it was a conviction backed up by my strong intuition from the genuine articles and other sources of Keiko Kawazoe, a spirited journalist.
In the monthly magazine Hanada, which went on sale yesterday, it was one of the top contributors to the all-out unique feature, "Fight Back Against Xi Jinping! The article "Wuhan Coronavirus Too Good for Xi Jinping," by Dr. Lin Jianliang, a doctor, critic, and political activist, is the lead article in yesterday's Hanada magazine.
It further strengthened my conviction.
This paper is a must-read not only for the Japanese but also for people worldwide.
NHK and other media (probably led by the Asahi Shimbun) are now saying "with corona" in Japan.
A professor from Kagoshima University,and now in Kyoto University, declared that the Wuhan virus was naturally occurring in a special report by NHK with Professor Yamanaka as the main presenter.
If you read the following genuine article by Mr. Lin Jianliang, you will shudder to realize that they are reporting for and in favor of China.
It will also make you shudder to realize that China is a terrible country.
In the chapter on untrustworthy Chinese papers, you will shudder to realize that President Trump was not wrong about the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine. 
The mass media and NHK, etc., reported on President Trump as if he were a total idiot and were just as bad.

The Institute is Jiang Mianheng's stronghold. 
In terms of timing, there are other noteworthy events. 
On September 18 of last year, a "mock exercise" was held in Wuhan, precisely on the assumption of a coronavirus outbreak. 
The exercise was based on the assumption that the virus would be brought in and included various measures that countries worldwide were forced to take after the explosion of the new coronavirus infection, such as disinfecting all Wuhan airports and separating cleaning and contaminated zones.
If you connect this to what I am saying now, it was correct when the vaccine development for Cansino began. 
One month later, on October 18, the World Military Athletic Meet was held in Wuhan, where 9,308 military personnel from 109 countries worldwide participated.
As the name implies, this is a sporting event where military personnel worldwide gather in one place and is held once every four years.
Of course, the event was held in Wuhan, but the Chinese authorities took advantage of this. 
In other words, while the U.S. and China are currently in a fierce debate over the source of the virus, Zhao Lijian, Deputy Press Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, claimed on Twitter that "the U.S. military may have brought the virus to Wuhan City." He wanted to say that the U.S. military brought it in at this athletic meet.
Furthermore, in November, there was information that the Naval War College in Wuhan had set up an emergency quarantine system.
Outsiders are banned from the university, and all people entering the university are subject to quarantine.
Since it is a military school, it is not strange for this to happen, but looking at the events of August, September, and October, it seems the Chinese government "knew what would happen next. 
In addition to the timeline, another point that should be considered is the power struggle within the Chinese government. 
In China, Jiang Zemin's faction is in charge of medical affairs and medical care, and the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research is said to be a stronghold of Jiang Mianheng, Jiang Zemin's son.
The Wuhan Institute for Virus Research is a P4 laboratory capable of handling the most dangerous viruses, and there are only a few laboratories of this level worldwide.
Such a high-level laboratory director is a 39-year-old woman named Wang Yanyi, but she has no experience or achievements in research.
She was chosen because her husband, Shu Hongbing, is closely related to Jiang Mianheng. 
This time, the Wuhan coronavirus infection explosion is believed to have brought the military into the stronghold of the Jiang Zemin faction, which Xi Jinping had been unable to penetrate and finally get under control. 
The person in charge of vaccine development is Chen Wei.
A member of the Xi Jinping faction can also be said to attempt to get into the medical field, which is in the hands of the Jiang Zemin faction.
In other words, we should not forget that China's recent developments involve medicine and biology as well as power struggles.

Untrustworthy Chinese Papers  
First, many of the studies and papers from China could be untrustworthy. 
Dr. Elizabeth Bik, who studied microorganisms at Stanford University and now works as a scientific consultant, and others have published a list of over 400 papers with "unnatural points" on the Internet.
Most authors are doctors affiliated with Chinese civilian hospitals and university hospitals, and the papers are published in prominent journals. 
Of these, 121 papers were found to have used the same images.
This one point alone shows just how sloppy Chinese papers can be.
This kind of retraction also happened with the Wuhan coronavirus paper. 
On May 22, a Chinese researcher published a paper in the "The Lancet."
Whether or not hydroxychloroquine, a drug for malaria, effectively fights the Wuhan coronavirus is currently attracting attention globally. Still, it is inadequate for the new coronavirus, saying it "increases the risk of patient arrhythmia and death." It was a paper on the research result that it causes harm.
Medical institutions worldwide responded immediately to the findings, stopping clinical trials, recommending that they not be used for treatment, and stopping prescribing hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus treatment.
However, the study was later challenged by the credibility of the data used, and The Lancet issued a statement of doubt on June 2 and retracted the paper two days later. 
How could such a paper be published in prestigious medical journals like The Lancet and Nature? 
Simply put, many of these research institutions and journals are now tainted with Chinese money.
They receive research funds from China and bribes for lecture fees.
It is no longer a secret that WHO and China are in bed together, but so are the research institutions.

Inside information flows one after another 
Under these circumstances, information has flowed from inside the institute to outside. 
For example, the identity card of Chen Quanjiao, a researcher at the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research, who was said to have accused Shi Zhengli by name, has been circulated on the Internet. 
A female researcher at the Wuhan Institute for Virus Research, Huang Yanling, died of an accidental virus leak while working in a laboratory.
With her identification, the Chinese have been making accusations online. 
Regardless of the authenticity of this information, the I.D. card itself is genuine.
From that, we can see that an insider did it.
In other words, as I pointed out earlier, there is a power struggle-like conflict even within the institute. 
Recently, Li-MengYan, a virus expert from the School of Public Health at the University of Hong Kong, defected from Hong Kong to the U.S. and appeared on FOX News.

2024/5/25 in Kyoto


