文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japanese army did not participate in the plundering

2019年06月18日 09時27分34秒 | 全般

Especially to Alexis Dudden, who is an unbelievable ignorant and vicious, mean fellow who teaches at a US university all of the chapters introduced so far from the book below and all the sections presented below deliver.
Japanese army did not participate in the plundering
The war established only when there was a stage face of protection of national interests and a private look of plunder and rape.
Plunder and rape were the incentives for soldiers to risk their lives, a natural reward.
If it isn't there, a soldier doesn't move, Thomas Lawrence alias Lawrence of Arabia is writing in an autobiography.
He led Bedouin soldiers to head to Ottoman-dominated Damascus capture, but they strike at a village in the going places.
It doesn't move enjoyment plundering and rape there to their heart's content.
His words of sighing 'also, for two weeks, does it stay' when striking at a big town appears repeatedly.
The Islamic teachings that Bedouin believes prescribe that plundering during the war is a matter of course, and plundering goods are to share fairly.
It is the same for Christians.
In the 13th century, the Crusade attacked and dropped the capital of Eastern Orthodox Church Constantinople, and said in a history book that 'By an established custom soldier recognized plundering for three days.'
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Boxer Rebellion happened.
In addition to Japan, troops from eight countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Germany, and Russia, have released Beijing's diplomatic embassies surrounded by Militia United in Righteousness and Qing's troops.
Japan's Shiba Gorō Lieutenant colonel's struggle against holding a castle inspires Queen Victoria, who has transmitted a written evaluation and praise to Minister Hayashi Tadasu of the time.
After the battle is over, General Wardelsee of Germany, who was the commander of the Allied Forces of the Eight Nations, enters Beijing.
In the report for Wilhelm II, German Emperor, 'I allowed each armed forces for three days of plundering. After that, I allowed plundering to make it a private property (this time a general). The exact quantities of China's losses from this destruction and plundering will not be available forever. 'there is.
In addition to the loss of cultural assets such as the disappearance of the Yongle Encyclopedia (the Encyclopedia of the Ming Dynasty) about the severity of its plundering in China's history textbooks, 'the Ministry of Finance's vault, silver storage, gold storage are all stolen and set fired' it said that
It happened at the entrance of the 20th century.
Both German and British were happy to join plundering.
Above all, the Russian troops did plundering Nikolai Linevich general, personally and turned.
What's most surprising is that the three-day plundering is for the nation, followed by another soldier's looting.
A white state did it as natural.
With the Iraq war in the 21st century, the fallen Baghdad museum was in plundering, and valuable cultural assets of the Sumerian culture deprived.
Many of the stolen items eventually found at airports and ports in the United States.
Stolen by American soldiers and journalists and brought home.
The plundering DNA tightly integrated into their blood.
Speaking for the honor of Japan, the Japanese army defended the Forbidden City and suppressed the vault without joining the plundering in Beijing, which was intended to preserve the Qing dynasty finances.
The areas managed by the Japanese army were at peace, and many Chinese were evacuated to avoid the white atrocities.
Incorporated with such plundering, approximately becoming becomes rape.
The Nanjing massacre, which Chinese and Americans collaborated, was slaughtered and plundering only, and it was strange that there was no rape, so they decided forcibly that 'every night in the Nanjing safety zone, 2000 people raped.'
It is because of the form of war they draw.
However, rape should not be drawn as such a new act, but it was regarded as the most effective means of conquest in history.
Mayan's tragedy
For example, it is Maya.
This draft continues.


