文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down

2021年03月04日 20時28分57秒 | 全般

What is the Chinese public?
Since the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese people have been raised with Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education.
A people under the watchful eye of Xi Jinping, the worst criminal in the history of humankind, realized in the 21st century the surveillance society envisioned by Orwell.
Those who call themselves Han Chinese may only be a part of the surveillance society. Still, Tibetans, Uighurs, Inner Mongolians, or Falun Gong followers are under more genocide and ethnic oppression than the Nazis.
Lu Xun said that Chinese people are slaves forever.
We should not show a soft face to the Chinese people because they are the ones who are under the control of Xi Jinping.
We must not show a soft face to the Chinese people because when Xi Jinping gives the order, they will instantly turn violent as his servants.
What intellect and freedom must do now is confront and crush China, which is ruled by the worst dictator in history, Xi Jinping.
China has yet to issue a single apology for spreading the Wuhan virus to the world.
On the contrary, it has even claimed that it came from another country.

In this article, I will also tell you what we should do, the first in the world.
The other day, an intelligent person contributed a real article to a newspaper.
Germany, the treacherous friend of the Western nations that had to confront China (even Germany), went to the United Nations to denounce China's horrible oppression, including genocide.
Thirty-nine countries, including Japan, voted in favor of this.
Apparently, the number of countries that voted against it was so large that it was rejected, but the countries that voted against it are, in the words of Mr. Shi Ping, a group of thug nations that it would not even call a nation.  
I sincerely hope that it will hear this column loudly around the world.
I hope it will be heard by everyone in at least the 39 countries mentioned above.
It is no exaggeration to say that there is nothing else for us to do but what we must do now.
It is the only way we can hold Xi Jinping accountable.
We, the intelligent and free people of 39 countries, are boycotting the Beijing Olympics.
The countries that will participate are those that opposed Germany's resolution at the UN.
Opposition politicians such as the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, employees of newspapers such as Asahi and Nikkei, employees of NHK, so-called cultural figures, so-called human rights lawyers, so-called academics, so-called citizens' groups, Nakanishi of Keidanren, and others will participate as observers.
This alone will end the dictatorship of Xi Jinping.
The treacherous friend of Western countries says that they can't hold the nation accountable.
Not one of them has ever accused Xi Jinping of anything.
They are too stupid to imagine that this article will echo around the world.
We can hold China accountable; we can hold Xi Jinping accountable; we can bring him down.
We, 39 countries, will boycott the Beijing Olympics.
And it will save humanity.  
Intelligence and freedom can bring down the worst dictators in history.


