文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is an incredibly vicious and criminal act that has been going on for a long time on google

2021年10月24日 10時04分09秒 | 全般

They don't even realize that they are being told how bullshit their logic was. It is the chapter that I sent out on 03/18/2017 titled.
Renting a server under a false name is a criminal act from the start.
An evil person uses a rental server to attack the search robots with foolish search terms to make them analogous.
It is to prevent the chapter in the title from appearing in the search results.
It is an incredibly vicious and criminal act that has been going on for a long time on google.
They are using a site that is probably spoofing my blog for the Microsoft search to ensure that none of my "Turntable of Civilization" chapters show up in the search results.
Google and Microsoft, supposedly the world's largest companies, continue to let criminal activities that could be named any number of criminal offenses go unchecked.
They are indeed big deal companies.
The fact that it is one of the world's most hypocritical companies must be at the root of its world-leading profits.

When I first searched the Internet, I found a law firm's website that said, "Dealing with negative search keyword attacks...".
When I checked the specifics, it said it would cost tens of thousands of yen to erase a single line of such despicable and foolish criminal acts.
Strangely enough, some commit such criminal acts, and some erase such acts and make a living out of it.
At the head of all this is Google, as if it were the mastermind of all evil.
For example, Google is the mastermind behind the gambling business.
One of the largest companies in the world, which is part of GAFA, has become a hotbed of such evil.
In my own experience alone, from June 2011 until today, there has been no correction at all.
It is no exaggeration to say Google itself is cultivating the worst criminal activities in human history.
The same is true for Microsoft's search.
On Edge, the criminal mentioned above is probably creating a website pretending to be me. Still, since a specific time, all the chapters of "Turntable of Civilization" do not appear in the search results.


