文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The motto of the UN SDGs is Leave No One Behind, and the UN is ignoring the Uyghurs

2022年01月05日 14時00分22秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Mr. Ryusho Kadota that I just found.

The motto of the UN SDGs is Leave No One Behind, and the UN is ignoring the Uyghurs and telling them not to defy the strong.
Ms. Akari Iiyama said, "Are you an idiot who abandoned more than one million Uyghurs by yourself? You are kidding me!
She is right.
Quoted Tweet
Dr. Akari Iiyama's first essay, "Under the Egyptian Sky," goes into 3rd printing!
What pisses me off more than anything else about SDGs is that the motto of SDGs is Leave No One Behind, but the UN has no hesitation in abandoning Uyghurs and ignoring them.
Are you an idiot?
Stop bullshitting me, and I'll get furious.



