文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a campaign of lies…because safe and cheap nuclear power plants are in the way

2021年10月26日 10時35分45秒 | 全般

The following is from a book published on 12/31/2020 by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
It is a must-read not only for all Japanese citizens but also for people all over the world.
In particular, the people who not only feel good about disgracing their country to the world, the Asahi Shimbun, but for that reason, they will do any fabrication. These people make a living and subscribe to this foolish newspaper that has no place in the developed world.
It is primarily the so-called scholars who have been telling us to learn from Germany.
Those who make a living from the Süddeutsche Zeitung, which has been writing anti-Japanese articles using the anti-Japanese articles of the Asahi Shimbun.
It is Germans who subscribe to this and other newspapers.
Germans who make a living from the T.V. station that airs the John Rabe fabricated the Nanking Massacre story as an annual event at the end of each year.
As a result, about half of the German people have an anti-Japanese ideology.
It is a must-read for those in the U.S. who call themselves scholars, such as Alexis Dudden, a Korean agent.
It is without exaggeration to say that it is the best book in the world.
Asahi's campaign to destroy the "Juki Net" even resulted in deaths.
In the past, banks and post offices accepted accounts with fake names.
Bad guys used them to evade taxes and make bank transfer scams popular. 
In the 1980s, the government introduced a "green card" modeled after the U.S. social security number.
It is how they manage their bank accounts and social insurance.
The family register system, which had been in place since the Nara period (710-794), was also supposed to end. 
The Socialist Party (now the Social Democratic Party), which has many Koreans in Japan, protested against this.
They said that such a move would expose the tax evasion of Koreans in Japan and expose illegal immigrants from China and Korea.
As fellow citizens, they must have wanted to destroy it.
The Asahi Shimbun, which is close to China, also sympathized with the Socialist Party. 
As a result, the bill was repealed, and illegal immigrants from China and Korea had nothing to fear.
It was around that time that the Chinese took over Kabukichō.
*It is known that Kabukicho is the leading cause of the increase in corona cases in Tokyo.* 
The government tried to persuade the tax evaders with the concession of the Juki Net.
But it also violated the dying wish of Kim Ten-hae, the first leader of the Korean Residents' Federation in Japan, to "make Japan a better place for us to live." 
Toru Hayano, a member of Asahi's editorial board, tried to crush the idea by spreading falsehoods such as "Juki Net will manage the people by numbers" and "The people will become prisoners of the state" (Politica Nippon). 
Immediately, the dancers came out.
The town of Yamatsuri in Fukushima, which had rejected the great combination of the Heisei era for the sake of subsidies, took advantage of Asahi's ulterior motive and publicly announced that it would not participate in the Juki Net.
Asahi glorified it.
Seeing this, Hiroshi Yamada of Suginami Ward, Kimiko Uehara of Kunitachi City, and others came forward one after another to say, "Praise us too. 
A group of foolish citizens also took action.
When they sued Minoh City, saying, "Withdraw from the Juki Net," the judge in charge, Shogo Takenaka, could not resist Asahi.
"Shogo Takenaka, the judge in charge of the case, could not resist Asahi and ruled, "The city must withdraw from the Juki Net.
However, it seems that Takenaka had a conscience, and he committed suicide immediately after the ruling. 
Many people died because of Asahi's manipulation.
In addition, the Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the connection to the Juki Net was constitutional. 
In 2009, a lower court ruled that it was illegal for National City not to connect to the network. 
The mayor was liable for compensation for forcing citizens to suffer the inconvenience.
Asahi was forcing everyone to act illegally.
The cities, towns, and villages that were duped have finally woken up. 
The March 30, 2015 edition of the Asahi Shimbun carried an article with only six lines.
"On March 30, the town of Yamatsuri, the only town in Japan not connected to the Juki Net, was connected. For the first time, all cities, towns, and villages have been connected." 
It's as if it's someone else's problem.
He made them dance, not even accepting the Supreme Court's decision. Still, He continued to argue against it, saying in his editorial, "Is privacy protection safe when it is left to public officials? 
The town of Yamatsuri, which had played the good girl for Asahi at first, could not get off the bus and wandered around until now.
Asahi hid this situation and mocked the town for being foolish on its own. 
Come to think of it, the Asahi ran a campaign in the 1950s calling North Korea a paradise on earth, and it killed 100,000 Koreans and many Japanese wives because of it. 
They did not apologize at that time either. 
In the 1980s, he insisted that the murderer Etsuo Ono was innocent and had Judge Shinichi Kashiyama write a not guilty verdict.
As soon as he returned to the real world, he raped a five-year-old girl, killed a 40-year-old woman, and cut off her head.
The Asahi did not apologize for releasing a murderer into the world. 
In the Heisei era (from1989), Asahi launched a campaign to have patients and their families file lawsuits against the government, claiming that Iressa, a lung cancer drug with special effects for the Japanese, was dangerous.
The Supreme Court dismissed Asahi's claims as baseless lies. 
Asahi did not apologize at that time either.
All irresponsible.
Such a newspaper is now teaming up with the Korean in Japan Masayoshi Son to promote solar panels.
To do so, it is running a campaign of lies about "fear of earthquakes" because safe and cheap nuclear power plants are in the way.
Judge Hideaki Higuchi of the Fukui District Court took advantage of this and had a provisional injunction issued to prohibit the restart of the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant. 
They think that if the campaign fails, the judge will commit suicide.
Asahi always pretends not to know and gets away with it.



