文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Xi Jinping has concentrated all power in his hands and has become a 'second Mao' reflects his fear

2021年08月09日 17時50分43秒 | 全般

Mr. Shi Ping's article in the Sankei Shimbun on August 5, titled "The Depths of the Taliban Meeting with Foreign Minister Wang," can only be understood if the following article is kept in mind.
The article was published in the subscription-only monthly magazine 'Themis' under the title "Human rights siege, nuclear accident, overthrowing president for life, Xi Jinping, intensifying domestic and international offensive against "tyranny and president for life," Xi Jinping Plots World Cup Bid to Break Narrowing Siege.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people all over the world.
Showing off the modernization of the military with the latest weapons 
"We will never allow outside forces to bully or oppress the Chinese people and treat them as slaves. If anyone fantasizes about doing so, blood will be spilled in front of the 'Great Wall of Steel' built with flesh and blood of 1.4 billion Chinese people." 
On July 1, at a ceremony held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, President Xi Jinping made clear his confrontational stance with the United States and Europe.
At the ceremony, 15 of the Chinese military's most advanced stealth fighter jets, the Eradication (J) 20, flew overhead to show off the modernization of the army, and the approximately 70,000 party members who filled the square participated without masks to impress upon the international community that China had quickly recovered from the Corona disaster. 
A China watcher said.
"In China, only the supreme leader is allowed to wear the Mao suit, and this time, Xi Jinping's Mao suit was gray. As President Mao Zedong in the portrait displayed in the square, he superimposed himself on Mao Zedong. In the name of 'banishing corruption,' Xi Jinping has purged political opponents such as the Communist Youth League and the Shanghai clique one after another. It is believed to have almost taken control of the Chinese military, where corruption was widespread.
Like Mao Zedong, who never relinquished power in his life, he is likely to be elevated to the presidency of the Communist Party at the 20th Party Congress next fall and establish a permanent dictatorship." 
China has been employing the tactic of "TokoYokai" (hide your claws, cover your talents, wait for the right moment) since the days of Deng Xiaoping. Still, Xi Jinping aims for hegemony without any pretense and deploys "war wolf diplomacy" to intimidate and transmit one-sided claims.
A previous China watcher commented, "Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongkun, served as vice premier, but was expelled from the party during the Cultural Revolution and placed under house arrest for 16 years. Xi Jinping was also exiled to the mountains of Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, for seven years from 1969. This experience has taught him firsthand how harsh the consequences of falling from power in a communist regime can be. The fact that Xi Jinping has concentrated all power in his hands and has become a 'second Mao' reflects his fear. 
It is said that China will overtake the U.S. as the world's largest economy by 2030. 
However, Xi Jinping did not smile at the commemorative ceremony, and his gloomy expression was noticeable.
He is impatient with the narrowing siege on China and the domestic political challenges that stand in the way of his rise to permanent power.
This article continues.


