文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is unlikely that China will ever tell the truth or apologize to the world for the "Wuhan virus."

2020年06月04日 00時14分23秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation from the dialogue book with Mr. Seki-Hei and Mr. Masahiro Miyazaki, who is one of the world's leading Chinese connoisseurs, and not an exaggeration to say that he is Tadao Umesao living today.
The course of the Wuhan virus is similar to that of the SARS.
Since the Wuhan virus may not be an animal infection, I would like to mention a little about SARS (according to WHO, the death toll in mainland China was 349).
The course of events is very similar to this time's Wuhan virus. 
In the first place, the SARS infection started with a single doctor.
This doctor was living in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province in China, when he entered Hong Kong in February 2003 to attend a relative's wedding and stayed at the "Metropole Hotel" in the Kowloon area.
During this stay, his condition deteriorated, and he was admitted to the "Prince of Wales Hospital."
The doctor died on March 4 with the words, "This is no ordinary cold. I want you to quarantine me." (South China Morning Post, March 27, 2003).
It is a similar case to the Wuhan City doctor, Li Wen-liang, who sounded the alarm with the Wuhan virus this time. 
At the hospital where the doctor was admitted, 50 patients, nurses, and doctors in the same room, as well as six hotel employees and guests, were infected with SARS.
is believed to have spread throughout Hong Kong.
The delay in the Hong Kong government's response has sent the city into a state of panic.
It is because although the Guangdong government announced the SARS epidemic on February 11, the incidence of SARS was reported to administrative agencies about three months before that.
And with the announcement, the Guangdong government explained that the situation had soon calmed down, but the SARS contamination had grown.
Though then-health minister Zhang Wenkang of the Chinese government declares impressively, 'SARS is not a big deal. China claims itself safe.' It is because the spread of the SARS infection is expected to have a significant impact on the Chinese economy as the full dissemination of SARS can disrupt companies' production activities.
It is also similar to the current situation with the "Wuhan virus." 
On May 7 of that year, the U.S. House of Representatives held a high-profile hearing amid the worldwide threat of the SARS epidemic.
At this hearing, Democratic Congressman Doggett expressed concern about the possibility that SARS could be used for biological and chemical weapons.
That concern has rattled the U.S. government. 
ABC News reported that Russian biochemist Nikolai Filatov, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases, said, "Judging from the speed of infection and the evolution of the infection process, human hands manufacture the SARS virus." (ABC News, April 11, 2003), and Professor Sergei Kolesnikov of the Russian Academy of Pharmacy said, "This virus is a synthesis of the mumps and measles viruses and does not exist in nature.
It was then revealed that "This virus leaked out of the laboratory from the laboratory somehow" (Gazeta Daily).
On April 17, Jerry Gerberding, then director of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention of USA, said at a press conference, 'The SARS virus is not like any other animal virus that we have.'
What's more, the Jamestown Foundation, a Washington-based think tank in the United States, announced that "China has been researching and developing biological and chemical weapons even before it joined the Biological and Chemical Weapons Convention. 
And at that time, the question arose as to why the infected were housed in the People's Liberation Army Hospital in the early stages.
The People's Liberation Army hospital is not the kind of hospital where anyone can be easily treated.
Most of them are military personnel, Communist Party leaders, and their relatives, and they rarely admit ordinary people to the hospital.
Wasn't it because there were facts to hide that kept him from being admitted to a general hospital? 
What is there to hide?
I guess the People's Liberation Army developed the SARS as a biological and chemical weapon.
They didn't want the world to know that. 
I'm sure many readers think that's silly. 
However, think about it.
Why did Xi Jinping initially try to cover up this "Wuhan virus" as well?
I think they didn't want it to be known because it was a biological and chemical weapon that China had been secretly developing.
That may be overthinking it. 
But I think it's worth looking at it that way, as a mental exercise.
Although this is not well known, there have been cases where biological and chemical weapons viruses have leaked outside, and accidents have occurred.
In 1979, Ken Alibek, the scientist in charge of the development, whistle-lowered that a bio-weapon caused personal injury in Speludrovsk, Russia.
Part of it is as described in "Resident Evil" (Nimi Shobo. Later, "Why Did We Build Biological Weapons? (renamed as "Futami Bunko")
In the Soviet Union, they were making such formidable biological weapons as anthrax, plague, great-pox virus, and Ebola hemorrhagic fever virus.
Then-President Yeltsin acknowledged this.
That's why there are such horrible weapons: biological and chemical weapons. 
Besides, the Beijing government disinformation that the U.S. military distributed the "Wuhan virus" this time, but the Chinese media at that time also reported the "American conspiracy theory" of SARS.
The purpose of the SARS virus was to hit the heart of China's economy and halt economic expansion.
But that's a flat-out accusation. 
In any case, the SARS problem is developing and expanding similarly to the Wuhan virus this time.
The WHO at the time proposed the view that the SARS virus was a natural outbreak, but it must be said that this is entirely incorrect.
So it's said, "Two times what is, is three times what is," but I think it's likely that we'll see similar viral uproar from China in the future.
It is why Japanese companies need to urgently review their supply chains, which have been biased towards China.
''Whether the Wuhan virus is a biological weapon or not, the exact thing will have to be studied by experts again in the future, but as the Mr.Montagnier above says, it may not be a naturally occurring virus.
Yuan Zhi Ming of the Wuhan Institute of Virus Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences denied that there was any such thing, but this is also suspicious.              
In other words, I think there is a strong probability that it is a synthetic virus created by the Wuhan Institute for Disease and Poison Research for some purpose.
Alternatively, we cannot deny the possibility that the virus has been artificially processed after being collected from bats and other organisms by the Institute for Disease Control and Prevention. 
What's more, the Beijing government has said something outrageous about the "Wuhan virus" problem.
As Mr. Miyazaki touched on a bit earlier, he said that the Wuhan virus, like the SARS, was caused by a conspiracy by the United States.
Zhao Lijian, deputy press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on Twitter on March 12, 'The U.S. military may have brought a new virus to Wuhan City.'
Besides, Press Secretary Geng Shuang also said at a press conference on March 16 that President Trump 'wish we had heard from [China] sooner,'
In response to the statement that 'the virus is 100 percent from China,' he said domineeringly that 'we strongly resent and adamantly oppose linking China to the new virus and stigmatizing it,' and that 'the U.S. should stop making unwarranted accusations against China.'
That statement made the U.S. even angrier.
That's the modus operandi that China does all the time.
Looking at the way things have gone so far, as Mr. Ishi points out, it's like a thief running away while shouting "thief."
It pretends to be chasing a thief, and the thief runs away.
And it's precisely the same pattern.
China has been repeating that pattern for a long time. There is a proverb called 'zoku kansoku zoku,' which means 'a bandit is a thief.'
Kan means to shout, and Soku means to catch.
When the thief runs away, he shouts, 'That's the thief!'
When a companion runs away, he points in the opposite direction from where he ran away and said, 'He ran over there.'
It is unlikely that China will ever tell the truth or apologize to the world for the "Wuhan virus." 
Also, what I can't forgive the Beijing government for doing is deceiving all Chinese people by creating the illusion that the "Wuhan virus" has passed over the past and is beginning to subside in China.
At the same time, they are propagandizing to people all over the world that "China is contained.
Xi Jinping toured Wuhan City on March 10 and said, "The momentum of the spread of the virus has basically been suppressed. He expressed confidence in the situation being under control, saying, "Things are slowly turning good.
It is clearly a prop, an image manipulation for the "end declaration," as mentioned above. 
As if to give its endorsement, the WHO declared the new coronavirus (COVID-19) a "pandemic" on the following day, March 11.
The heart of the matter is...China is somehow getting under control, but other countries are going to be in trouble.
The WHO is doing precisely what Xi Jinping wants it to do.
That's a pack of puppets.
This article continues.




