文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This man is single-handedly causing the market price of Kyoto University to plummet.

2024年06月05日 14時03分04秒 | 全般

Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder Dominates the University, where Honors Students Who Have Read the Asahi Shimbun Carefully Will Produce Such Low Performers!
June 04, 2022
The following is from a tweet by Keiichiro Hirano, which I just discovered.
"Whether it's measures to reduce the birthrate, correct inequality, or combat climate change, the amount of money spent is clearly demanded to be responsible for the amount of money spent. It's a story that shows up in the numbers. But increasing defense spending can appeal to a "sense of doing" to "relieve anxiety." It is why former Prime Minister Abe, who stalled Japan for a decade, is still clinging to the public's gaze."

*I can't believe that this man graduated from Kyoto University.
I suppose it is Kyoto University as a university famous for its leftists, which Kumiko Takeuchi wrote about, and that Kyoto University is surrounded by leftists.
This is an example of the low level of incompetence that can be expected from a student who has been carefully reading the Asahi Shimbun ever since he can remember, when he enrolls in a university where "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder rules the campus.
This man is single-handedly causing the market price of Kyoto University to plummet.
He is an example of a fool, although he probably thinks exactly the opposite.

Nara Women's University, etc., and Tsuda College should be dominated by the professors of "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder!
November 09, 2021
On June 20, NHK's Sunday Sports featured Sasao Shinta, an associate professor at Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education, who was unknown to most of the Japanese public as a commentator.
Of all things, MHK had him talk about the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics.
"The Olympic and Paralympic Games differ from the World Cup and the WBC in that the Olympic Charter clearly states that sports should create a peaceful society emphasizing human dignity. And yet, under the current circumstances, with neither human dignity nor peace fully protected, why do it..."
The people who produce NHK's Sunday Sports and those involved must have him appear again and discuss the pros and cons of hosting the Beijing Olympics.
I have a hunch that many professors at women's colleges are more "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder than those at coeducational colleges.
While young people naturally support the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), an equal or slightly larger number of women must support opposition parties such as the Constitutional Party.
Since Shinta Sasao is an associate professor at Tokyo Women's College of Physical Education, Nara Women's University and Tsuda College must be dominated by professors of "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder... I am sure that my hunch also hits the nail on the head. 

2024/6/4 in Kanazawa


