文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

in 2015 detailed how to convert the SARS virus into a biological weapon, how to use it, and

2021年05月10日 12時38分35秒 | 全般

The following is another tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I discovered earlier, quoting Tetsuhide Yamaoka.
As already mentioned, both Ryusho Kadota and Tetsuhide Yamaoka are "national treasures" as defined by Saicho.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people worldwide.
The British news channel Sky News has exposed a paper written in 2015 by a scientist in the People's Liberation Army that heralds the arrival of a new era of genetic weapons.
It says that the SARS coronavirus will be "artificially manipulated into a new infectious disease virus that can weaponize.
"It shows what senior scientists in the People's Liberation Army thought of biological research. It's chilling."
Quoted tweet
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
It is an exposed report submitted by People's Liberation Army scientists and senior officials to the Party in 2015 detailed how to convert the SARS virus into a biological weapon, how to use it, and the optimal conditions for its use.
It also pointed out the secondary effects of destroying the enemy's medical system and causing long-term psychological damage to enemy citizens.
*The Japanese media is just a fool for falling for China's schemes.
The opposition parties, such as the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Communist Party, are many scoundrels who should be called traitors.



