文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the biggest catch of the honey trap that China is setting across the globe

2021年10月20日 21時49分50秒 | 全般

What the female employee who was accusing Facebook in the US hearing said is a clear fact.
Facebook, etc., had absolutely nothing to do with my life.
On July 16, 2010, I had no choice but to appear on the Internet as this column.
To reach as many people as possible, I decided to publish it on three sites: goo, Ameba, and FC2.
All of these sites were linked to Twitter and Facebook.
On June 1, 2011, I announced in this column that "The Turntable of Civilization" would be published on December 1, 2011.
In May 2011, I sent out a message from my hospital room, where I had been hospitalized after being diagnosed with a severe illness that my doctor had given me a 25% chance of living.
Immediately, the criminal you know so well started his criminal activities on the Internet, this time with unbelievable persistence, an outpouring of "unfathomable evil" and "bogus lies."
This man's relentless criminal activities on Facebook prove that the accusations made by the female employee at the beginning of this article are accurate.
He created countless stateless and haphazard IDs on Facebook and sent me friend requests.
Every time I clicked on one, I was greeted with pornographic videos and photos.
Each time, I reported it to Facebook, but there was no improvement whatsoever.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, Facebook had nothing to do with my life whatsoever, so I completely shut down my account and blocked it.
Before I shut down my account, I was constantly bombarded with invitations to join what Facebook called "circles.
I clicked on a few of them, thinking that since it was Facebook, they must be decent.
I found not as much as expected, but more pornographic pictures.
It was the kind of thing that I could immediately guess was a man pretending to be a woman.
Yesterday, while I was working and watching TV, I heard the news that the Kyoto Prefectural Police had arrested a man illegally selling pornographic videos with the blur removed.
For a moment, I thought, "What the hell? Because of the four kanji characters, the surname is the same as the criminal mentioned above.
The name is also the same, with two kanji characters. The only difference was the end of the kanji when read aloud.
The news said that he was 43 years old. I wondered if he was that old now, but our managing director said he was probably a little older.
I also guessed that if he were the criminal in question, he would have changed his name or used a false name.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the founder of Facebook, who became one of the world's wealthiest people with such a thing, is the biggest catch of the honey trap that China is setting across the globe.
This article continues.


