文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Doesn't the face of Xi Jinping come to mind, replacing the Hitler of old?

2021年04月28日 14時27分22秒 | 全般

The monthly magazines' WiLL and Hanada, which are now on sale, are filled with genuine articles and editorials. And yet, the price is only 950 yen (including consumption tax).
A friend of mine who is an avid reader is fond of saying that "nothing is as cheap as a book," and both magazines demonstrate that this is true.
Every Japanese citizen should go to the nearest bookstore right now to subscribe.
The genuine editorials and articles in both journals are a must-read for the Japanese and people worldwide.
I have tried to make them known as much as possible to the people of the world.
Japan is a country where the turntable of civilization is turning and where, along with the United States, it must lead the world for another 170 years.
It is only natural that the world's best papers are being published day and night in Japan. 
Until July 2010, when this column appeared, it had not disseminated these papers to the world at all.
It is what has made today's world unstable and extremely dangerous.
I have already mentioned several times the reasons why Samsung has surpassed Japan.
In this chapter, I would like to introduce a chapter on semiconductors from the 178th issue of "Konnyaku Mondou," a dialogue between Gyo Tsutsumi and Hiroyuki Kubo that has been serialized in Hanada.
As I have already mentioned, Gyo Tsutsumi is a senior student at my alma mater.
The Tokyo Olympics as I Saw Them with Yukio Mishima
Why don't we have a double team? Ike and Matsuyama would take charge of one torch and run to the torch stand to light it. Isn't it chilling to imagine? 
Speaking of the final runner of the torch, I have an unforgettable memory.
I watched the opening ceremony of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics with Yukio Mishima.
On the morning of that day, I took a hired car to pick him up at Mishima's residence in Magome. I was surprised to see Mishima come out of the front door and say, "Hello. He was wearing a bright red blazer and white pants. 
"It's the uniform of the Japanese team, isn't it?" Oh, you get it," he said, "I had it made at Taylor's in Ginza just for this occasion. 
What do you think of this blue sky with no clouds? God must have wished for this day. If we don't have the Olympics at least once, all the Japanese people will get sick. 
In the car on the way home, he couldn't contain his excitement and said, "Did you see it? Did you see the Japanese flag on Yoshinori Sakai's chest when he held the torch high in the air? It was so vivid. It was beautiful. I don't care how much money I have to pay; I want to be the final runner of the torch at least once." 
There was not the slightest sign that he was going to commit suicide six years later.
Sports have a brightening effect on the world, don't they? When you think about it, I think the Tokyo Olympics should be held.
But I sense a disturbing trend.
After the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-19, there was a major global recession, which World War II resolved.
The Berlin Olympics in 1936 was known as Hitler's Olympics.
The 1940 Tokyo Olympics, scheduled for four years later, were canceled due to the war.
After the war, the U.S. enjoyed an unprecedented economic boom. 
Now, what about this time?
The Wuhan virus has caused economic stagnation everywhere, and it is said that the total debt of all the countries in the world is equivalent to one year's GDP of the world as a whole.
Even if the Tokyo Olympics are held, there will probably be a global recession in the future.
And what will happen after that?
Doesn't the face of Xi Jinping come to mind, replacing the Hitler of old?
There's something ominous about that.
North Korea has announced its non-participation in the Tokyo Olympics because it will protect the athletes from Corona.
Depending on the outcome of the Japan-U.S. summit meeting, China and Russia may also try to sway Japan.
As for Japan, it doesn't matter if the Tokyo Olympics is canceled; why don't you make the first move and force them to cancel the Beijing Winter Olympics because of the human rights oppression in Uyghur and Hong Kong? 
If we do so, we can get rid of the stigma of "Japan's reluctance in human rights diplomacy," and it will be a big blow to Xi Jinping, who values his reputation above all.
No, after we hold the Tokyo Olympics, let's express our opposition to the Beijing Olympics and stop them. That would have a much more significant effect (laughs).
This article continues.

