文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They are putting such vulgarity in print. I question human nature.

2020年11月20日 13時51分56秒 | 全般
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
They are treating the Prime Minister of a country like a monkey.
Maybe Obama was behind that pleasure.
When he became president, the New York Post included a caricature of a shot dead chimpanzee with the line, "Someone else needs to write the stimulus bill.
It concentrated on the accusations of treating the head of state as a racist monkey. 
In Japan, when EMOBILE had a chimpanzee say the word "change," CNN and Robert Campbell accused the chimpanzee of "monkeys have long been used to portray people of color as non-human," and it canceled the commercial.
Human Rights Asahi also took advantage of and abused the Japanese for their impunity. 
But Obama, CNN, and Campbell didn't say a word about "Planet of the Apes," a film made by Pierre Boulle that portrayed the Japanese as chimpanzees.
No one cares how much they degrade the Japanese.
Then, the starting point was whether to make Abe a monkey and mock him.
They are putting such vulgarity in print.
I question human nature. 
It did not confine this kind of criticism of the Abe administration to the Asahi Shimbun and appeared in the Mainichi and the Tokyo Shimbun.
It continued endlessly from the next day onward.
They all claimed the same thing: that the Abe administration was "conceited," "lax," and "lacking in explanation." 
For example, there is a "lack of explanation."
In Asahi's "Longest Administration," the suspicion of Morikake forged by Asahi is reprinted under the heading "Moritomo Kake Not fulfilling accountability."
What's laughable is that "The issue has been politicized and the people are either anti-Abe or pro-Abe, and the facts are no longer relevant." says a senior administration official. 
There are only two facts about the Moritomo Gakuen: that Akie Abe went there and that 800 million yen discounted the school's land.
The Asahi linked these two facts with a petty-minded suspicion.
The commotion started after Abe said he would resign if he were found guilty. 
The Social Democratic Party and Communist Party take in Kagoike and Mrs. Kagoike and raise suspicion, turning it into an anti-Abe campaign to topple the cabinet.
It was definitely a "facts don't matter" development from beginning to end.
It is claimed that "Abe has not fulfilled his accountability" for the allegations made in this way, but one can only say that there is nothing that does not exist. 
The viciousness of the Asahi, which has been a "witness to the allegations" for two years, was instantly wiped out when Kagoike told Monthly WiLL that the Social Democratic and Communist Party was using him.
From then on, the Kagoike's did not appear in any of the newspapers when they reprinted the Moritomo scandal.
In the case of the civil lawsuit involving the suicide of a certain Mr. Akagi of the Kinki Finance Bureau, the Asahi Shimbun devoted pages to the allegations of Moritomo. Still, Kagoike's name, which should have been the starting point of the allegations, was nowhere to be found in the article. 
The same is true for the Kake Gakuen scandal.
The Japan Veterinary Medical Association has been seducing Shigeru Ishiba and giving Yuichiro Tamaki money to protect its interests. For 50 years, it has been implementing bedrock regulations that do not allow new veterinary schools.
Ehime Governor Moriyuki Kado moved to poke holes in it. When the Abe administration finally took action, the fact that "Kake is Abe's best friend" was enough to make the Asahi Shimbun crowing about the allegations.
During the furor, it completely ignored Kado's claim.
As long as it can defeat Abe, that's all that matters.
It ignored the facts here as well. 
I wonder if the reporter who wrote this series has a journalistic conscience.
Asahi is out of touch with the world. 
To be continued.
2020/11/18 at Jojakko-ji


