文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Asahi Shimbun's Presidents Sprinkle Mock Lies

2022年10月06日 17時00分58秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's latest book, published on 9/1/2022 under the title "Japanese! Wake Up!" printed on 9/1/2022.
This book also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
Asahi Shimbun's Presidents Sprinkle Mock Lies
After "the Japanese military is bad," they now try to hit Japan with "aging nuclear power plants.
Lying about smoke pictures as a poison gas operation 
The president of the Asahi Shimbun is usually replaced in June when the general shareholders meeting is held, but Seiki Watanabe resigned in December 1984.
In fact, he had a reporter write a lie, and when it was discovered, he resigned.
The lie was "This is the poison gas operation" on the front page of the Asahi Shimbun dated October 31 of the same year, politely accompanied by a picture of a cloud of smoke.
The Japanese Army was so cruel that Japan did its utmost evil in China.
The Asahi Shimbun finally brought to light the "truth that has been hidden," which directly illustrates the newspaper's daily assertion that Japan should repent to China and the world.   
It also comes with incontrovertible photographic evidence, as if we can see Seiki Watanabe sitting on his haunches, saying, "The people of Japan have been abashed."
In fact, there was a reason why Watanabe was so determined.
Following in the footsteps of his predecessor, Tomoo Hirooka, he has been publishing many articles based on a completely false masochistic view of history, such as that 7,000 Koreans involved in the construction of the underground headquarters in Matsushiro were killed.
On September 22, just before the poison gas story, the "Nanking Massacre was the truth" was reported, along with a photo of raw heads, and that the 6th Division's Miyakonojo Regiment, which led the advance of the Nanking Castle, "brutally killed Nanking citizens daily."
The report was so damaging to the highly respected Miyakonojo Regiment, which had fought in both the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars, that those involved were outraged and protested both to the Miyazaki bureau and the Asahi Shimbun headquarters.
The photo was found to be taken when Chiang Kai-shek's troops executed the mounted bandits at Lingyuan, Manchuria.
The "Private First Class Diary," which served as the basis for the report, was also found to have been fabricated after the war. 
Still, Nakamura Daibetsu, the Miyazaki bureau chief, reportedly shouted back, "What are you talking about to the Asahi of the world," and "Get out of here."
However, the situation was not good.
Akira Fujiwara, a Hitotsubashi University professor who graduated from the Army and commanded troops in the China Penetration Operation, testified in the style of comedian Ken Shimura, "That's right. It is poison gas."
"Look at that. The Japanese Army was brutal, after all," Watanabe said proudly.
It was an article in which Asahi confidently condemned the atrocities committed by the Japanese military.

Asahi swears that it is the "Asahi of the world." 
However, the Sankei Shimbun complained that the article was a complete lie: "Poison gas is colorless and odorless and drifts on the surface of the earth," and "You can't even kill a crow if it is black and rises in the air."
Newspapers did not even report each other's scandals.
In those days, criticism of other newspapers' articles was taboo among taboos. 
Akiyoshi Satake, the general manager in charge of the article, stormed into the Sankei Shimbun and swore at Masayuki Takayama, the desk clerk in charge, saying, "You have the nerve to challenge Asahi of the world," and "I will crush the Sankei Shimbun."
Asahi of the world," he said. That's the same line as Miyazaki Bureau Chief Nakamura used. It's a little funny. 
Although Satake yelled at the Sankei Shimbun, the smoke-filled photo published by the Asahi was, as reported by the Sankei, a smokescreen that was lit during the crossing operation of Xinqiang He, south of Dongting Lake.
Fujiwara tells lies about the Japanese people, forsaking the honor of his military service for the sake of a masochistic view of history.
I could see how Akira Fujiwara wanted to join the Communist Party-run Academic Council, a laughable lynchpin of the situation, but it was no laughing matter for Asahi's Watanabe.
It was a big blunder that two of Asahi's flagship articles, "The Japanese Army is Bad," were exposed as fabrications one after the other.
Watanabe was thus forced to resign on the charge of publishing "lies that would expose." 
His successor, Toichiro Ichiyanagi, ordered the Social Affairs Department to write a lie that would never expose, but he did not make sure that the Photography Department would follow suit.
So, a photographer, in his usual mood, scribbled "KY" on a coral on Iriomote Island, and the article "Japanese of today who know no shame" appeared in the paper. 
It exposed the lie and lost Ichiyanagi's job. 
After that, Asahi put "lies that will not be exposed" at the top of its editorial policy to warn reporters and photographers, but by nature, Asahi reporters do not cover the news.
They have been writing from their imaginations because they do not cover the story.
No matter what the president said, they could only write lies. 
That is why they had Yasuo Tanaka, and Shizuka Kamei had a fictitious meeting. Shinzo Abe put pressure on NHK programs, and they plagiarized articles from Yomiuri. 
The only change from the past is that if the president had resigned because of a false article, he would have been replaced by a new president daily, so "the president will not resign at any time in the future because of a false article."

Waving the "40-year principle" for nuclear power plants 
Another thing is that if you write that this is true, it becomes a lie.
That's why they wrote, "these allegations" in all of their articles.
Asahi became defiant that no matter what they wrote, it won't be a lie because they made both Moritomo and Kake Gakuen solely this "allegation" reporting. 
The other is to write only half-true articles that fool foolish readers. 
For example, plutonium (PU), which can extract from spent fuel from light water reactors, does not cause nuclear explosions. 
That is why the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) forced North Korea to scrap its graphite reactor, which produces PU for nuclear weapons, and present North Korea with two light water reactors. 
But "stupid readers don't know this," so they continued to lie in their editorials and articles, saying, "Japan has enough PUs for 6,000 nuclear weapons." 
We pointed this out in this column.
That's a significant influence.
The "6,000 nuclear weapons" lie has recently disappeared from the pages of Asahi.
I heard that Seiki Nemoto, the paper's chief editorial writer, has informed the writer not to use a lie that has already been exposed. 
So now he has switched to a new lie.
That is the "Principle of '40 years' for aging nuclear power plants" (editorial of November 26, 2020).
"40-year retirement" was indeed the international rule for light water reactors.
However, the local community of the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant has agreed to "operate for over 40 years.
However, the world is not only extending the 40-year retirement period but also extending it to 60 or 80 years.
The Asahi newspaper does not mention this but instead pretends that the "40-year principle" is extremely dangerous.
It is a transparent lie.  
Another point that Asahi fails to mention is that Japanese nuclear reactors have been in operation for less than five years, even though they have been in operation for 40 years.
It is because, in addition to periodic inspections, Asahi makes a big deal to shut them down for even the slightest malfunction and even for earthquakes.
It is as good as a shiny new car.  
But Asahi calls it a "decrepit nuclear power plant.
It's really quite deceptive.                                     
(January 2021 issue)



