文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

he is one of the biggest targets of Chinese media manipulation in Japan.

2021年07月10日 17時11分09秒 | 全般

People who make a living from speech should check the behavior of Yamakawa, an employee of Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the host of WBS.
There is something strange and suspicious about this man's recent behavior.
He is exerting his influence on Japanese politics and policymaking with the air of a compassionate person.
In the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly elections, the Liberal Democratic Party fell far short of expectations.
Some are even calling it a significant defeat.
In contrast, the Komei Party, which maintained the status quo, has increased its presence within the ruling party.
Under these circumstances, Yamakawa's actions are highly suspicious.
The decision on the audience for the Tokyo Olympics was to be made at a recent five-party meeting.
Before the meeting, Yamakawa aired a lengthy interview with Yamaguchi, the head of the Komei Party, in an exclusive appearance.
In this interview, Yamakawa made Yamaguchi clearly say that it would be better to hold the Tokyo Olympics without spectators.
On the program, Yamakawa unabashedly said, "I have been saying from the beginning that the Tokyo Olympics should be held without spectators.
Who the hell is this guy?
Is he someone under Chinese manipulation, or is he someone who has been completely caught in a honey trap?
Or is he a member of the Soka Gakkai?
It is a man who gives off the vibe that both of these are correct answers.
My point below about this man being extremely vicious is that none of the 125 million people are aware.
There is a good chance that he is one of my readers.
It is when I sent out my article that we should boycott the Beijing Olympics. 
After I sent out my article, he threw away his usual calm demeanor of a likable human being and became a pariah (actually, to defend China) and started to refute the boycott argument.
He said, "Considering how much time and energy the athletes have put into the Olympics, the boycott of the Beijing Olympics is impossible...

Unlike many comedians who see the world as the Asahi Shimbun editorializes, Mr. Hong Kong, a comedian from Yoshimoto, constantly reads the genuine articles in the monthly magazines I mention.
Not long ago, a monthly magazine published his article, "We must boycott the Beijing Olympics.
After describing the details of Yamakawa's statement above, he severely criticized Yamakawa's idea.
It is a perfectly valid argument.
It is something that none of the 125 million Japanese people are aware of.
Yamakawa is an outrageous hypocrite. In other words, he is a liar.
If he cared about the athletes as much as he did that day, he would not have said, "I have been saying from the beginning that the Olympics should be held without spectators."
I am convinced that this man is under the control of the Chinese.
I am sure that people from the Chinese embassy are in frequent contact with him.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is one of the biggest targets of Chinese media manipulation in Japan.
In the first place, such a man should not be allowed to play such a strange role in Japan's major political and policy decisions.
This article continues.



