文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

but his reporting was on North Korea's blind followers

2021年10月09日 11時19分18秒 | 全般

The GHQ even forced him to say that they would destroy the Asahi Shimbun if he didn't do it. It is said that the person he tried hardest to protect was Shintaro Kasa (editorial director). 
I sent out the chapter on July 14, 2019, titled.
It was attacked to prevent it from being affected by google search results, so I am re-disseminating it, correcting paragraphs, etc.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
I just found the following article on the Internet.
Many parts confirm that Masayuki Takayama's latest book, which I am now introducing to Japan and the world, is actual. 
Some parts testify that I have been saying that employees of the Asahi Shimbun are mere honor students who take entrance exams and are not Japan's best players at all.
It is from a conversation between two former employees of the Asahi Shimbun, who were born in 1934 and held important positions in the newspaper, so they are familiar with the postwar period.
The emphasis in the text is mine, except for the headline.

"In-depth Discussion: Why Asahi's Biased Reporting Won't Stop
(Monthly Sound Argument, November 2008 issue)
Takeshi Inagaki (former deputy editor of "Asahi Weekly") / Yoshinori Hongo (former director of the Asahi Shimbun training center) / Interviewer Mizuho Ishikawa (former editorial board member of the Sankei Shimbun)

Asahi was a Mirror of Postwar Leftist Society

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The Murayama Disturbance, a Turning Point
Rather, it was the era of "Shinobu and Nagai."
So, right after the war, the left-wing took over, but it was overturned.
They went back to the field.
However, one of the common problems of postwar companies is that the more capable people they have, the more they lose in the war.
Therefore, even if the left-wing is returned to the site, it will continue to climb the stairs of success with the strength to grasp the site.
That is why Mr. Hirooka, Mr. Mori, and Mr. Seiki Watanabe are the ones.
Both Mr. Mori and Mr. Watanabe rose from the front line.
In addition, the editorial office at the head office had very few people at the time.
Then, at the end of 1959, there was a 96-hour strike called the "Ninety-six Strike.
"This was the year before the 1960 Security Treaty.
Around this time, the left-wing started to dominate the company again.
In fact, from the beginning of the 30s, the paper became severely left-leaning.
The Morioka bureau, which was particularly bad, produced a left-leaning prefectural edition that was called "the prefectural edition of Asahi Shimbun's Red Flag" even within the company.
It was around the time of reporter Iwadare Hiroshi, who would later become famous for his coverage of North Korea.
Is he the younger brother of former Socialist Party member of the House of Representatives, Hisao Iwadare?
He was known as "Nagano's brilliant brother," but his reporting was on North Korea's blind followers.
However, right after the "Ninety-six Strikes," Mr. Shinobu, the managing director, quit in a flash.
Although he had decided on the mandatory retirement age for executives, it was as if he took responsibility for not holding back the left.
Then, President Murayama Nagakoshi, who was motivated by the idea of "doing things on my own," started his administration and first tried to conquer the leftists.
At that time, Mr. Teruhiko Kimura, the deputy editorial director, was appointed as the editorial director of Tokyo.
At the time of the 1996 strike and the "60 Years Security Treaty" shortly after that, Mr. Hirooka was the Tokyo editorial director.
President Murayama was not pleased with Mr. Hirooka and flew him to Kyushu to question the leftward tilt of the paper.
In his memoirs titled "My History of the Asahi Shimbun," Mr. Mori wrote about this appointment, "A dark age came to the company when Mr. Hirooka was forced to leave for the West.
The dark age refers to the Murayama administration, and he also wrote bad words about Mr. Kimura, who followed him.
Mr. Kimura had long been associated with the right-wing political party, the Kokuryukai, and was ideologically more of a Centre-right.
However, a fatal misstep occurred in the Murayama administration.
The Murayama family's failure to make a distinction between public and private life was compounded.
It led to the start of a family disturbance in 1963.
After much wrangling, Mr. Hirooka, exiled to Kyushu, made a motion to dismiss President Murayama at a meeting of the Board of Directors on January 20, 1964, and the motion was approved.
The next day, Mr. Mori, a friend of Mr. Hirooka's from his days in the Osaka Economic Department, was appointed editorial director. 
From this point on, it solidified the leftist line.
This "Murayama Riot" was a turning point for us.
Indeed, the Asahi Shimbun had turned left, but it was also a reflection of the fact that society as a whole was left-handed.
At that time, the speech was relatively free within Asahi.
There were all kinds of people in the company.
Because left-wing people like Mr. Mori did not yet hold the personnel authority, they recruited people from all walks of life.
So, naturally, opinions differed, and there were times when they argued with each other.
However, this all changed when the so-called Hirooka regime took over after the Murayama riots.
It was because Mr. Hirooka's power base was fragile.
He controlled less than 50% of the shares.
So he had to scramble to collect stock certificates held by union members.
The stock trustee committee.
It didn't have any legal status.
It had no legal status and was just an organization to collect shares.
They often used their authority to collect shares for the Hirooka administration to create a "supporting system."
However, a superior who wishes to succeed in the future tell the middle management, "There is a person in your subordinate who has not yet trusted the stock. Let him trust it soon."
I, for example, would say, "You've got to be kidding. How can you infringe on private rights? When I told them, "You can't use your position to collect stocks," they said, "You won't have a future if you talk like that.
That was the way it was for a long time.
Before Mr. Hirooka took office, there was an unlisted trading market for Asahi shares within the company. A notice was posted saying, "A certain person is leaving the company, so 300 shares are available."
Everyone bought the shares through bidding.
However, Mr. Hirooka and others crushed all of them and collected them ex officio.
One of the worst cases was when the person in charge went to the night of the wake and said, "Your late husband had 1,000 shares, but I'm sorry, but they need to be collected by the company.
It also collected them through the union boss.
That's how it formed a tenuous relationship with the union.
That's right.
That's how it happened. After the Hirooka administration came in, they completely took over the personnel affairs, so they only let in left-leaning people.
In other words, they put in people who are clearly members of the Communist Party, such as his father, the children of people who are part of the Communist Party family, and reporters like Mr. Honda, who was the topic of discussion for the NHK program alteration issue.
Mr. Masakazu Honda.
They are letting reporters like him in without any hesitation. 
That's why there are so many incidents.
This article continues.



