文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The revival of the Ministry of Home Affairs means the sunset of the Ministry of Finance.

2023年11月17日 11時31分01秒 | 全般

The following is from the book by Masayuki Takayama published on 9/1/2022 titled "Japanese! Wake Up, See Through the Lies of Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and the Asahi Shimbun" from Masayuki Takayama's book.
This paper also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people around the world.
The emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.

Make an "Emergency Law" based on the lessons from the Wuhan Corona!
The Asahi Shimbun worships whites and fawns over the Chinese, even in its coverage of the Corona.

Vertical divisions in the quarantine system that continue to this day
The Spanish flu of 100 years ago left behind many insights and lessons for future generations. 
So let's leave something about the current Corona crisis for humanity 100 years from now," wrote Wataru Sawamura, an editorial writer for the Asahi Shimbun, in his "Sunday Thoughts" article the other day. 
As I recall, his predecessor was a Washington correspondent who wrote articles in the style of "I love Americans" and "But I hate Trump." 
So in this column, too, he writes movingly of the "wonderful Americans" who are putting the Smithsonian Institution's efforts in Corona lore to shame. 
For example, he praises "New Jersey Governor Murphy for taking each person in his state who died in the Corona at every press conference and talking about their character" and for conveying "the tension of the fight against the Corona.
It may appear simply a pre-election campaign for the governor, but we will leave that aside. 
While the U.S. earnestly tries to pass on lessons to future generations, "Japan, on the other hand," he continues, "is also blocking the passing on memories.
In contrast," he continues, "Japan, on the other hand, is trying to block memory transmission. 
It is a smile to see the honest expression of white worship but to say that Japan is erasing the memory of the Corona would be an overstatement. 
Last January, when the Wuhan corona arrived in Japan, there was an outpouring concern among intellectuals about the quarantine system to stop coronas at the water's edge. 
The focus was on whether or not the quarantine operations would function in coordination with multiple ministries, including the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) and the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice. 
As expected, it was all well and good until a government plane flew in to rescue a Japanese national who was in Wuhan. Still, two positive passengers who returned home refused to be quarantined for quarantine and went home on their own.
We could not stop that.
That continues this year, a year later.
The Wuhan corona has mutated into the more infectious Indian variant. Still, Japanese immigration control remains divided between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the Ministry of Justice, and the National Tax Agency. 
Direct flights from India, where the Indian variant was raging, entered Narita and other airports daily without any restrictions. 

MacArthur Constitution Prevents Enforcement 
The Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare, Mr. Tamura, coolly stated, "We cannot legally regulate the spread of the Indian variant," even though the quarantine of the Indian variant after its arrival in Japan had been neglected and it was spreading throughout the country in no time at all. 
The LDP's Foreign Affairs Subcommittee has been loudly calling for the mandatory quarantine of Indian flight arrivals, and this has been achieved, albeit with some delay. 
But why can't we enforce quarantine and entry bans?
In fact, the reason is that Article 22 of the MacArthur Constitution, which prohibits segregation by public authority, can be read as freedom of residence. 
If that is the case, then we can amend the Constitution.
If that cannot be done in time, pass the Emergency Law that the DPJ once put forth. 
At the same time, there was an urgent need to reorganize the stove-piped administration of quarantine-related ministries and agencies. 
However, this one is relatively easy.
The reason is that the Ministry of Home Affairs administered the prewar quarantine system.
The quarantine system was administered by the National Police Agency (now the National Police Agency), the Medical Bureau (now the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare), the Regional Bureaus (now the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications), and the Immigration Bureau (now the Ministry of Justice).
When a contagious disease such as the plague broke out, police officers were first dispatched to transport patients, isolate them, and block traffic. The Immigration Bureau conducted quarantine at airports and ports. 
In Taiwan and Korea, this Ministry of the Interior system from the period of the Governor-General's Office remained in place, and the initial response to the coronas was very successful. 
The Ministry of Home Affairs was divided by GHQ, and the current quarantine stove-piped administration was born. 
The Ministry of Home Affairs was divided by GHQ because they thought that the quickest way to weaken Japan's national power was to dismantle the Ministry of Home Affairs, which was the key to government administration and where the best and brightest were gathered. 
If so, the old Ministry should be restored immediately.
It sounds like a no-brainer, but, in fact, the Ministry of Finance is resistant to the idea.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is also reluctant. 
The reason is that the Ministry of Home Affairs, aside from Masaharu Goto, was home to some of the biggest names in postwar Japan, including Matsutaro Shoriki, Shunji Suzuki, and Yasuhiro Nakasone. 
It was a genuinely first-rate government agency, but it has been dismantled, and the third-rate Ministry of Finance is now posing as a first-rate agency and is pushing Japan into a crisis. 
The revival of the Ministry of Home Affairs means the sunset of the Ministry of Finance.
So they oppose it, and the stove-piped administration continues. 

The first domestic Corona is "Shinajin(Chinese). 
The lessons learned from the coronavirus disaster that the Japanese want to pass on to future generations are the need to revive the Ministry of Home Affairs on par with Western countries and the need for an emergency law.
It is the MacArthur Constitution that makes such correction difficult.
It is the job of the Diet to change it but look back over the past year.
The Diet spent most of its time in "cherry blossom viewing parties" without a single word about constitutional reform.
The Diet spent its mid-year break making a fuss over the suicide note of a bureaucrat who committed suicide in the Moritomo Incident.
It was unmistakably the Asahi Shimbun that led the charge.
The Asahi Shimbun, which has been so careless about the Corona disaster, was bizarre from the very beginning of the disaster, or more precisely, from its report on January 16 of last year that "a man in his 30s in Kanagawa Prefecture who returned from Wuhan City was the first Corona case in Japan.
What is bizarre is that two weeks later, when the seventh patient appeared, they reported that it was the "first Japanese patient.
In other words, the first six patients were all Chinese.
The first patient did not "return from Wuhan" but "entered Japan.
Why did Asahi continue to pose as if they were Japanese even though they were Chinese?
Or did they try to create such an illusion?
If they had reported the facts from the beginning that "Chinese are dangerous" and "Coronas are flooding in," public opinion would have become aware of the danger of the bombing inbound. They would have been able to stop the Chinese entry on January 31, the same time as in the U.S.
It is in the corporate culture of "flirting with the Shina" since Shoichi Bidoji and Tomoo Hirooka that they misled the public with a bogus article. In addition, Xi Jinping was scheduled to visit Japan in April.
As a China sympathizer, they probably wanted to make that happen at any cost.
The fact that they did not allow the opposition parties to deal with the coronavirus disaster properly must have been a ploy to make it look like Abe and Suga were at fault so as not to provoke anti-Chinese sentiment among the Japanese people.  
One hundred years from now, Japan will honestly want to tell the truth about this palliative response by the Asahi Shimbun.                                                (August 2021 issue)
