文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

LDP Members Who Deceived the People…As a Japanese citizen, I will never forgive them.

2023年07月12日 14時26分06秒 | 全般

The following is from the June 26 issue of the monthly magazine Hanada.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.

Naoki Hyakuta and Kaori Arimoto, "Declaration of the Establishment of a New Conservative Party"

Once in a hundred years, a bad law

A social experiment that should not be conducted.
There are many other concerns as well.
For example, there is room for a "public money choo-choo scheme.
NPOs and general incorporated associations that dispatch lecturers to conduct education and training at workplaces, schools, and various organizations can turn up similar things by stating that "we must promote understanding" in the law. 
Most of them will be run by liberal activists.
Our tax money goes to those activists. 
What is more problematic is education. 
Children of tender years will be given a distorted sex education.
The concept of LGBT is thoroughly taught to them, an idea that is not backed up by any scientific evidence but is concocted in the minds of modern people.
It will not be known until 10, 15, or 20 years later what kind of harm this will cause and what kind of negative effects it will have.
How will these children reach adolescence and adulthood? 
We do not know how these children will reach adolescence and become adults or how they will affect their egos and personality development.
It is a very frightening thing. 
Japan will become a country that will be watched by researchers and organizations worldwide interested in LGBT issues.
It will become a grand testing ground, so to speak.
We are about to conduct a social experiment that we should not do. 
Moreover, it will change the very foundation of the country of Japan.
Above all, there is a concern that it could also lead to a breakdown of the imperial lineage.
Japan is the oldest nation in the world, having had a patrilineal (male lineage) system for more than 1,000 years since Emperor Jinmu.
Under the new law, what would happen if His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince declared himself a transgender man, saying, "I am a man?
Could we dismiss it with a resounding, "That's not acceptable.
What would be his response if it were to be refuted, "Why, isn't it strange that you don't recognize me as a man?"
There is a risk that it will become a trend to recognize him as the successor to the imperial throne without fail.
Who can say that this will not happen?
Some criticize, "Since the Constitution of Japan and the Imperial Household Law stipulate that the successor to the throne shall be a male member of the imperial lineage, there is no way such a thing would happen."
But then, why is the "Female-line Empero" debate so frequent?
Like the earlier story about "the current law prevents women from entering women's baths," when it comes to this LGBT bill, for some reason, only easy assertions that "such a thing will not happen" are rampant, and all concerns are dismissed as "falsehoods."
Some people criticize this as a "hoax," but there is even a theory that the LGBT bill may be intended to end the imperial lineage that has existed for more than 1,000 years.
In other words, we don't know what will happen.
After the bill is enacted, things will happen that we cannot even imagine.

Liberal Democratic Party Members Who Deceived the People
When the LDP subcommittee meeting held in the party had forced the bill, which was fraught with such dangers, to be introduced into the Diet after squashing objections and counter-arguments, I said on my YouTube channel and elsewhere that "it is quite probable that it will be hung up (not allowed to be discussed)." However, I prefaced this statement with wishful thinking.
I still want to state clearly that I heard directly from LDP officials and several people around Prime Minister Kishida that there is a good chance they will be hanged.
However, there was one person around Prime Minister Kishida who said that it might go through quickly.
Including this, I frankly told everyone what I had heard from the parties concerned, not speculation.
I received a lot of criticism for that.
In other words, I was asked whether I was soft on those people because I had received information from them. 
I was somewhat mistaken in my outlook and am ashamed of my inattention. 
However, in retrospect, there was a transparent lie in the words of those involved.
They deceived me, but they deceived the people by borrowing my mouth. 
Moreover, many LDP members said they would thoroughly discuss the issue in the Diet and dispel any doubts.
However, there was almost no discussion. 
The LDP is no longer a "liberal" or "democratic" party but a party that deceives the public in two or three ways and does things without hesitation that will greatly upset the values of the Japanese people.
As a Japanese citizen, I will never forgive them.
They used conservatives and others to spread lies this time because they forced their way through the subcommittee and aroused tremendous criticism on the Internet.
They felt a sense of crisis that the flames of criticism would spread if left unchecked.
So they put out the fire and reassured us, saying, "Don't panic. It won't pass anyway."
After that, they decided to force a vote, which was very cunning.
Then I don't understand why this bill has been rushed to such an extent, even by deceiving the people by lying twice or thrice.
The mastermind behind pushing for the forced vote on this bill must be Prime Minister Kishida.
So what was Kishida's motive? 
Perhaps he was told by Biden, "If you want the G7 summit to succeed, get this passed quickly."
But this is only one theory.
Then, we do not know what kind of deal was made in that case or what benefit Biden would gain by getting the LGBT bill passed in Japan.
Another theory often mentioned is the "consideration for Komeito" theory, which strongly desires early passage of the bill since an election is coming up.
The theory is that they want to avoid further deterioration of relations with Komeito over the election cooperation.
In other words, they put their seats in the Diet before the Japanese nation.
Assuming this theory is correct, I still need to understand why Komeito is so abnormally positive about the bill's passage.
Is it an instruction from China aiming to weaken Japan by enacting this bill?
If I say this, it will be called a conspiracy theory, but the bill is so unclear that I can't help but imagine such things.

I want to protect my beloved Japan.
I have also heard directly from LGBT people who are opposed to this bill, and I have no idea who in the world wants this bill.
Lawyer Kitamura pointed out that "laws are made because they are necessary.
However, Japan has long been a country that is tolerant of sexual diversity, and compared to other countries with strict religious precepts, there has been no severe discrimination.
I have no idea who wants this bill. 
In any case, the LDP, which lied to the public and forced through such a bad law full of problems, can no longer be trusted at all. 
And, looking at the current executive committee and senior leaders, it is no longer possible to change the LDP from within.
I have repeatedly criticized the LDP, but I am convinced that this will not change anything.
That is why you decided to launch a conservative party.
That is right.
However, we have yet to decide on any specifics.
The name of the party and its platform have yet to be decided. 
Anyway, I have an unavoidable feeling that I have to do something. 
Of course, I don't have much power. 
It's a mantis axe.
But even so, I cannot stand idly by.
Even if our power is small, perhaps some comrades support us and think we should fight together and do our best. 
A powerful comrade named Ms.Arimoto immediately raised her hand. That is very encouraging.
I feel a sense of crisis at the overwhelming lack of "understanding of Japan" among today's politicians.
How did our predecessors protect this country for over 1,000 years? 
I wondered if everyone knew what to protect to pass the country on to the next generation.
They don't know history, and they don't have a sense of nation.
They are all like that.
To put it bluntly, they have no core.
If we were to use a biological metaphor, they are like mollusks without a skeleton.
That is why I decided to participate in establishing the New Conservative Party.
Thank you very much.
I am sixty-seven years old this year.
I do not know how many more years I have left to live.
I have been saying whatever I want on YouTube and other media.
However, nothing will change in Japan if I say whatever I want anymore.
Of course, I would only have a minor influence even if I were to start a political party and engage in activities.
But again, I have to do something.
Even if I create a new party, electing one Diet member will take much work.
Even if we successfully get them elected, it will take 10 or 20 years for them to become a threat to the LDP. 
It is a race against time to see whether I will be alive or not and whether Japan will survive until then.
My desire is simple.
I want to protect my beloved Japan.
To do so, I want to create a genuinely conservative party in Japan.
Please help me, everyone.
Let's protect this wonderful country of Japan together.

