文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

China's intention to take the lead in decarbonization

2021年05月20日 12時31分56秒 | 全般

The following is from today's Nikkei Shimbun.
This article makes me wonder what the hell is going on with the Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc., that continue to report against nuclear power plants.
What the hell are these anti-nuclear activists?
It is no exaggeration to say that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a pariah organization.
Naoto Kan, who created this organization, is the worst person in the history of Japan and continues to inflict the most significant damage on the nation.
People like Masayoshi Son, Mizuho Fukushima, and other leaders who supported him also commit the same terrible crime.
This article also proves that I was right when I said that they might be under Chinese manipulation.
The Government of Japan must once investigate the source of funds for the activities of anti-nuclear activists.
China to build four more Russian-made nuclear reactors in Jiangsu and Liaoning provinces in coordination against the U.S.
(Beijing: Hata, Moscow: Yohei Ishikawa)
The construction of new Russian-made nuclear power plants will begin in China.
The leaders of China and China will expand cooperation in nuclear power plants, which do not emit carbon dioxide (CO₂) during power generation and will be ready to take the lead in climate change.
The two leaders also aim to appeal for cooperation and restrain the U.S.-Mexico foreign ministers' meeting on March 19.
China's intention to take the lead in decarbonization
On April 19, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a ceremony at a teleconference.
The event coincided with the expansion of pressurized water reactors made by Russian nuclear company Rosatom, which was agreed upon in 2018. 
They will build two more units each at the Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant in Jiangsu Province and the Xu Daya Nuclear Power Plant in Liaoning City.
Construction will begin in 2021-22, and operations will start in 2026-28.
According to the Japan Atomic Energy Industries Association, 49 nuclear power plants are in operation in China.
It is the third-largest in the world after the United States and France.
Sixteen new units are under construction, and there are plans for 39 more.
China has traditionally led the technology of the United States and France but will deepen its ties with Russia.
The emphasis by the leaders of China and Russia on promoting nuclear power is intended to show that the two countries are working together to contribute to decarbonization.
China and Russia desire to take the lead in the climate change issue, which the U.S. administration of President Biden is focusing on.
At the ceremony on March 19, the two sides also confirmed the extension of the Sino-Korean Treaty of Good Neighborly Cooperation, which marks the 20th anniversary of its conclusion.
Mr. Xi said, "Mr. Putin and I agreed to enhance further, broaden and deepen our bilateral relations.
Mr. Putin also stressed that "many more ambitious and successful projects will follow.
The treaty clearly states that "Taiwan is part of China that cannot be divided.
The Taiwan issue is expected to be a focal point of the G7 summit in June, and China hopes to curb the G7's moves by reaffirming its cooperation with Russia.
China will also deepen relations in military technology cooperation and space development.
Russia will support China in building an early warning system to detect nuclear and other missile attacks.
China has introduced the Sukhoi 35, Russia's latest fourth-generation fighter jet, and other aircraft.
In March this year, the two sides agreed on a plan to build a lunar base jointly.
In April, they issued a joint statement saying that they would open the base to all countries and international organizations interested in a lunar base.
On May 19, the U.S. and Russia are scheduled to hold a meeting of foreign ministers.
A summit meeting between the two countries is also being sought in June.
Both China and Russia are trying to gain as much advantage as possible through cooperation in preparation for future negotiations with the United States.
