文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But the Asahi plays on sophism, saying, "The U.S. has approved it."

2021年05月31日 21時35分09秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serial column "Reproof to Japan" in the monthly subscription magazine Themis, which arrived at my house today.
I have been subscribing to this magazine for the sake of reading his columns.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
I am sure that many people will be as surprised and shocked as I am to learn from this article about the current state of his resume.
The fact is that totalitarianism is a means of destroying democracy, pseudo-moralism, and political correctness.
There is no society in which discrimination is more prevalent than in totalitarian societies and communist one-party dictatorships. Yet, they use the word "discrimination" as a means to destroy democratic institutions.
Masayuki Takayama teaches us this through the reality of resumes.
The Asahi Shimbun, which calls for surname separation and same-sex marriage, plans to "destroy Japan.
The spirit of Asahi and the Japanese Communist Party remains the same, aiming at the collapse of the social order.
Journalist Masayuki Takayama
An Assassination of the Japanese Communist Party to Destroy Japan Airlines 
A long time ago, I taught at a university.
The classes were not so difficult, but the most challenging part was counseling seminar students on finding jobs. 
It was then that I learned about the existence of entry sheets.
It used to be called a resume. 
I remember writing down my academic background, awards, and punishments, as well as my father's job and my siblings' places of employment.
From the company's point of view, they must have known a lot about the background and family environment of the students who wanted to join the company. 
When I became an airline reporter and traveled around Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways, I learned that such background checks were quite thorough. 
At that time, there was a run on terrorism.
People influenced by strange ideas were on the watch list, and Japan Airlines was particularly nervous. 
It was because Japan Airlines was "allergic to Kotaro Ogura."
He was the model for Onchi Hajime, portrayed as a reasonable person in Toyoko Yamazaki's "The Sun That Never Sets. 
Ogura was a good-looking man who graduated from the University of Tokyo. Still, he was also an assassin sent by the Japanese Communist Party to destroy "Shizuma Matsuo's Japan Airlines." 
Matsuo, a former official of the Ministry of Communications, put his life on the line to rebuild Air Japan. GHQ had destroyed and secured a pre-war pilot as an Air Navigation Agency employee.
He also directly dealt with the National Security Council (NSC) of the United States to establish Japan Airlines. 
With Japan Airlines as its axis, he had his sights set on reclaiming Japan's skies and eventually reviving the world's leading aircraft industry. 
However, the Japanese Communist Party, which fed on the misfortunes of others, was not willing to allow Matsuo's dream of restoring Japan to its pre-war vigor.
So they chose Kantaro Ogura. 
He made a name for himself by staging a school dispute at the Komaba campus of the University of Tokyo. In 1951, he rode in a school uniform during the Mitsukoshi dispute and hustled a Mitsukoshi woman clerk into a violent picket line. 
He hid his history of such activities from the public and joined JAL, where he soon became the president of the union committee.
Like Mitsukoshi, he first cajoled the stewardesses into going on strike and stopping the planes with low-level demands such as "Give me your stockings. 
The management of Japan Airlines was in jeopardy because of the influence of a single man. 
As Ogura was putting the finishing touches on the project, Matsuo's beloved daughter fell ill with leukemia.
Ogura hurriedly demanded that Matsuo bargain collectively, and the collective bargaining continued through the night.
Matsuo did not budge an inch. 
When the collective bargaining broke down, Matsuo received news of the death of his beloved daughter.
When the stewardess learned of the situation, she cried.
The stewardesses cried when they found out what had happened, but when they learned that it was a trick of the cruel Ogura, they all left.
Abandoned, Ogura demanded that he be transferred out of the country.
In Nairobi, he shot elephants as he pleased and made money by selling ivory to the Chinese. He was a man with dirty guts to any extent. 
Even a single convicted criminal can jeopardize a company.
Japan Airlines learned its lesson, and many other companies began to place more importance on prospective students' backgrounds and personal history to protect their companies. 
The Leftists Hated Tradition and Family 
It turned out to be a thin entry sheet about the person himself, with no indication of family background.
I was stunned.
*I was also surprised when I read this part.* 
I heard that the Japanese Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party pushed for the abolition of the resume with their moral arguments such as "connections are no good," "abolish the bias toward the academic background," and "put the person first." 
From a company's point of view, it has become difficult to see the true face of the student taking the exam.
There was even a time when it clearly said that good family background and connections gave a person a sense of security. 
Why was the policy to eliminate the corporate enemy, Kotaro Ogura, turned around 180 degrees?
To find out, a leftist commentator proudly implied that "the era of harmony is over. 
There is no progress in a society that clings to Japanese traditions and values and praises good family discipline. Wake up to modern individualism that eschews tradition and family ties.
They also said that it had realized the destruction of such traditions in many fields. 
It may seem a bit late, but when World War I broke out, Lenin saw it as an opportunity for class struggle. 
But instead of shooting the rich, the poor joined them in fighting for their country. 
That's how he learned that to realize a communist society; they had to destroy his country and his sense of brotherhood.
That's what globalism is today. 
The smallest unit of belonging that gives people comfort is the family, which must destroy. 
The other day, the Asahi Shimbun called for the spread of birth control pills that can take without a prescription in an editorial.
Take it after an affair, and you'll be fine. 
It means that marital love and children are obsolete. 
But the Asahi plays on sophism, saying, "The U.S. has approved it." 
The Asahi also argues for the legalization of married couples' surnames.
A couple returning from the U.S. sued to have their marriage recognized in Japan because "in the U.S., they could obtain proof of marriage even with a different surname," but the court threw it out. 
But the court threw it out. 
The idiot Asahi said, "Even though the U.S. recognized it.
Japan is not the 51st state of the U.S., and if you bring a gun back to Japan because it is legal in the U.S., you will be immediately arrested. 
What will happen to the children born between them if they change their surnames?
It is the couple who insist on their surname and do not compromise. 
It's hard to believe that they would honestly decide on their child's family name. 
Until the decision is made, the child will not have a last name to use at school. 
They don't care if they wrinkle the child. 
It is a beautiful picture of the breakdown of the family created by the use of separate surnames for married couples. 
Incidentally, personal identification is a social security number, which does not have a "relationship" section for wives and other relatives.
Married couples have to obtain a separate marriage certificate and report it to banks and insurance companies.
The Japanese family register is far more convenient and rational. 
The Japanese Communist Party and Asahi are now calling for legalizing same-sex marriage and guaranteeing the legal rights of spouses.
Folklorist Nobuo Orikuchi has solved this problem in the form of adoption with his mistress, Harumi Fujii. 
Both Asahi and Kazuo Shii are too stupid to know such wisdom of the Japanese people. 
Asahi and Shii also demand the recognition of LGBT people.
Helping the weak is a pretext, but this is aimed at destroying the social order.
An excellent example of this is Connecticut, where three boys who claimed to be women ran in a state high school girls' track meet and won 15 medals. 
The boys were allowed to go to the girls' locker room to change their clothes.
Shii believes that such a society would be better. 
Come to think of it; promiscuity was the selling point for both the Democratic Youth League of Japan and the Revolutionary Marxist Faction.
They had the qualities.



