文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

why I am asking people all over the world to support me through crowdfunding

2021年05月19日 10時53分06秒 | 全般

The following is one of the reasons why I am asking people all over the world to support me through crowdfunding.
I decided to cancel my subscription to the Asahi Shimbun seven years ago in August.
It was because I was disgusted by the reality of the Asahi Shimbun.
For a while, I subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun in the sense of examining the paper's pages, but I hardly felt like reading it.
I am not a person who makes a living from speech.
It is the duty of every person who makes a living from speech to verify the Asahi Shimbun's pages.
I am not usually the one that handles it.
So I stopped my subscription completely.
Masayuki Takayama was the representative of those who had been publishing articles that perfectly fulfilled their duties.
To correct the world's misunderstanding of the Asahi Shimbun as Japanese common sense, I have published almost all of his articles in various languages.
Since February 19, the very criminals of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies," as readers well know, have erased from the search not only all of them, but almost all of the chapters that I published in July 2010, appearing as "Turntable of Civilization" to the world.
We have been sending out genuine papers that tell the truth about things to Japan and the world almost every day since July 2010 to this day.
These criminals took away our massive amount of work and the vast amount of time in an instant.
In the real world, this is a crime as serious as murder.
We cannot allow this criminal to continue polluting the Internet space and continue his criminal activities any longer.

In late August 2010, while out on bail after being arrested for defrauding Ehime Bank of 150 million yen, this criminal showed up at our building with three men and a woman, asking to rent about 20 square meters an office.
Since then, not only were they not paid a single penny of deposit or rent for six months, but they also defrauded us of 3.5 million yen in air conditioner fraud and a large sum of money, almost as much as Ehime Bank.
This man persuaded us by tears that he was going to the Otsu District Court to file a divorce suit against my wife, but he said he had no money for transportation.
He said he had a lovely daughter.
He brought her to our office several times and took advantage of the fact that we were child lovers and deceived us.
In other words, he had used even his children for his crimes.
At the end of my business life, I unexpectedly encountered such criminals. 
The anger and disappointment of having our retirement funds stolen from us, so to speak, became killer stress. 
I was diagnosed with a severe illness with a 25% chance of living.
It was the same serious illness as that of Ms. Ike, who surprised and moved people in Japan and worldwide with her victory on April 4.
Last night, TV Tokyo's WBS showed a video of a cosmetics company making a video of her story.
They showed a video of a cosmetics company making a video of her story.
A catheter is necessary to treat this severe disease, which cannot treat with intravenous fluids. 
The drug that kills the harmful bacteria is so-called deleterious, and if it leaks even a little, it will damage the skin.
The only places where catheters can be inserted are in the neck and upper chest.
In the chest, a mistake is sometimes made that can damage the lungs, resulting in air bubbles in the lungs and other aftereffects.
So I chose the neck.
Of course, only those who have suffered from this disease can understand the daily struggle against it.
I was hospitalized for eight long months, but I made a full recovery thanks to the excellent doctors and nurses at a large hospital that is practically the equivalent of Kyoto University Hospital.

I have already mentioned that I filed a criminal complaint against him for his illegal activities on the Internet.
At that time, famous actresses such as Masami Nagasawa and Keiko Kitagawa had their passwords stolen by a 28-year-old man in Osaka. Still, he was convicted after only a year and a half.
They should have chosen a famous law firm and paid a hefty fee to ensure that they would win the case quickly.

Not only am I a complete unknown, but I had to go it alone in all three criminal cases involving this man.
I lacked the money to pay the appropriate law firm.
It took about three years for all three cases to come to the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office.
The person in charge of the Internet case was an old lady prosecutor.
This prosecutor, like us, had fallen for this man's deception techniques.
The severity of the criminal activities that this man had started on the Internet after June 1, 2011, was unbelievable.
The lawyer I had consulted with through a close acquaintance was a former prosecutor who not only abhorred the careerist nature of the prosecutors and the way they only filed cases that they could convict 100% of the time.
He was also a person who had the tendencies that many people my age have. 
My best friend from high school, the top student at one of the best schools in Japan, retired saying in his Sendai dialect, "I've never touched a computer."
He hates computers, hates to look at the Internet, and doesn't understand why anyone would be on the Internet.
Even such a lawyer, at first glance, said, "This is terrible... obstruction of business, defamation, false accusation..." It was such a criminal act.
It was so bad that I wrote down the whole story from my hospital room and tried to stop this man's act.
In true fraudulent fashion, he used my impetuous and reluctant warning letter as a persuade by tears against the old lady prosecutor.
To my dismay, he said it was because I had written the warning letter.
It was the same kind of behavior that Korea used to evade Japan's objections.
But what was disgusting was that the old lady prosecutor thought that this criminal's evasion was the truth.
I guess pseudo-moralism and political correctness also invade the prosecution.
The aunt prosecutor has been talking to me as if I, the victim, was the perpetrator.
One of the things she said was about his daughter.
It is common sense that you would not commit a crime if you love your daughter that much.
As I had filed the criminal complaint alone without a lawyer, I was so angry that I slammed the table and left the prosecutor's office.
I was in despair of the prosecutors.

As for the criminal activities that this man had frequently committed from a while ago until around February 19, I was able to infer the following from a search on the Internet.
Attacks by cloud servers to guess search keywords
A paper presented at a conference by two professors from Hiroshima University
"In conventional searchable cryptography, there is an attack to guess the search keyword by cloud servers. In this paper, we propose a searchable public-key cryptosystem secure against keyword-guessing attacks by servers. 
In the proposed scheme, the secret key is shared between the encryptor and the searcher using broadcast cryptography to prevent the server from encrypting the private key. 
We then evaluate its performance based on the implementation."
Author(s): Takanori Saito (Hiroshima Univ.), 
Toru Nakanishi (Hiroshima Univ.)
Title: IPSJ Symposium Series (CD-ROM) (IPSJ Symposium Series (CD-ROM))
Volume: 2016 
No.: 2 Page: ROMBUNNO.2C3-1 Publication Date: October 04, 2016
JST reference number: L6741A ISSN: 1882-0840 
This article continues.


