文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japan continues to protect the constitution illegally created and enacted by those

2022年01月07日 09時30分40秒 | 全般

The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, who brings the weekly Shincho released on January 6 to a successful conclusion. 
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
August Revolution
When GHQ began to rule Japan, it followed the system of governance that the U.S. had used in Cuba and the Philippines.
The first thing it did was to create a constitution for the country.
The first thing to do was write a constitution for the country to know who the country's absolute ruler was.
MacArthur handed his draft of a new constitution to Prime Minister Shidehara, who accepted it at a cabinet meeting on February 22, 1946. 
In Mark Gain's Nippon Diary, he writes, "That day fell on George Washington's birthday."
Washington chopped down a cherry tree with an ax when he was a child. He was a rough kid.
MacArthur must have felt sadistic joy at having the new constitution approved on that day to chop down Japan, the land of cherry trees.
However, the draft would be discussed in the Imperial Diet.
But the draft was to be debated in the Imperial Diet, and if it did not pass, the new constitution would not be promulgated.
Japan is very different from countries like Cuba, and until yesterday was one of the five major powers.
Education is also expensive. It doesn't look like it will give in to threats or money.
He decided to replace all the members of the Imperial Diet.
Those who seemed to have a strong will and energy were dismissed from their posts based on the vague criteria of being war collaborators. 
It was known as banishment from public office.
It led to the firing of Prince Higashikuni, Taketora Ogata, and Tanzan Ishibashi.
Uemura Kogoro, Tokyu's Gotoh Keita, and Seibu's Tsutsumi Kojiro were expelled in the business world, and 210,000 famous people, including Radar's father Yagi Shuji, and Kikuchi Kan, were put on house arrest.
As a result, 80% of the House of Representatives was expelled, and GHQ began filling in the gaps with flattering American groups.
According to her autobiography, Shizue Kato was asked to run for office by "a general from GHQ.
Shizue became a disciple of Margaret Sanger, who claimed that "women also have the right to enjoy sex," After returning to Japan, she continued to promote abortion and "sterilization that cuts off bad heredity."
After being elected, the female Hitler cooperated with GHQ to spearhead a family planning program to reduce Japan's population.
GHQ found Kyuichi Tokuda and others of the Communist Party in prison and had them released.
They also brought in Sanzo Nosaka, who was in Yan'an, to run for office.
Many of the candidates were the first women to run for office, and many of them were members of the Communist Party, including Toshiko Karasawa.
However, Kenji Miyamoto was not a candidate because he had been imprisoned for torturing Tatsuo Obata with concentrated sulfuric acid and then killing him.
When GHQ gathered such a group of people, they adopted a gerrymandered system of electoral districts, including a maximum of 14 voters, so that such people could be elected.
Thus, in April 1946, an election was held for the House of Representatives, and all the GHQ-recommended candidates were elected.
Rather than a democratic election, it was unprecedentedly rigged in Japan's electoral history.
The House of Lords was the same.
In addition to the expulsion of most public officials, for example, the pro-American faction, including Shigeru Nanbara, who was later called a "wretch of the prostitution of learning" by Shigeru Yoshida, was newly compiled for the Emperor.
Among them was the constitutional scholar Toshiyoshi Miyazawa.
When MacArthur's draft, disguised as the Emperor's initiative, was released, he immediately expressed his approval of the draft without pursuing its deception.
In addition, he brought up the theory of the August Revolution.
Although no one noticed it, he said that the sovereignty had been transferred from the Emperor to the people when they accepted the Potsdam Declaration.

The GHQ welcomed Miyazawa's change and made him a member of the House of Peers as a reward.
These lawmakers deliberated on the new constitution and passed it.
MacArthur promulgated the new constitution on holiday to honor the legacy of Emperor Meiji and to commemorate the Meiji era.
On the birthday of Emperor Meiji, who laid the foundation for the new Japan, he promulgated a US-made constitution that would destroy Japan.
It was a decision full of sadistic taste, just like him.
It has been 76 years since then.
In the meantime, Cuba, which was forced to have a US-made constitution, has already had a new form three times, with Castro abrogating it.
The Philippines abandoned the constitution imposed by Roosevelt in 1973.
The Philippines threw out in 1973 the constitution imposed by Roosevelt, and Panama threw out in 1972 the form that gave land for the canal to the United States.
Japan continues to protect the constitution illegally created and enacted by those elected unlawfully as "a good constitution."



